
作者&投稿:兆亮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


coastal waters、offshore waters、inshore waters各是什么意思,有何分...
老美常用offshore(离岸)表示国外、出国等,就是这个意思的引申。再补充一句:coastal current是指平行海岸水流(“沿岸流”)所以这三个放在一起就应该很明白了。你可以参考这个地方:http:\/\/\/c?m=9d78d513d9d431ac4f9993690c66c0176f43f7632bd6a0020ea4843be4732d405012e3af6062...

shoreline的意思n. 海(或湖)滨线;海(或湖)岸线。读音英[ˈʃɔːlaɪn];美[ˈʃɔːrlaɪn]。复数:shorelines。用法例句:The waves battered against the shoreline.浪头拍击着海岸线。The road follows the shoreline for a few m...

fig e beside become behind ey : money honey y: Nancy happy Lucy lily [i:]ee : meet feed need see bee tree sweet beef Ea: eat tea meat teach teacher peach ey: Key [e]e: let bed lesson pet wet ferry strawberry blueberry ea: ready dead head sweater [&...

但是也有例外,比如meadow,看着有三个音节但是ea发音在一起,就只有两个音节。4 浏览4932016-10-08英语诗歌怎么写啊?《The dirge of heart》 How are you I want to ask you Looking through the window Can I find something new So many hours and so many days I hope to be with you The more I ...

英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑到所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。下面是一些常用的俚语。a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林 a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始) a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头...

eat英音:[i:t]美音:[it]及物动词 vt.1.吃;喝 He ate his breakfast quickly.他匆匆地吃了早餐。2.腐蚀(金属等);蛀;耗完;毁坏[O]The sea had eaten away much of the shore.海水浸蚀了大片海岸。3.【口】使烦恼;使不安 Could you tell me what is eating her?你能告诉我她为什么烦恼...

呼莺13098483696问: sea - shore翻译 -
刚察县健儿回答:[答案] 海滨,海滩,就等于beach

呼莺13098483696问: 关于sea 和sea shore的英语绕口令 -
刚察县健儿回答: She sells sea shells by the sea shore.The shells she sell are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

呼莺13098483696问: 滨海的英文拼写 -
刚察县健儿回答: sea shore

呼莺13098483696问: sea - shore['si:'60:]n.音标标注什么意思 -
刚察县健儿回答: 标注有错误.前面对的.60可能是因为有的音标打不出来,正确是['si:' ʃɔ:] sh 发ʃ,把ɔ 打成了0.

呼莺13098483696问: 英语绕口令,稍长 -
刚察县健儿回答: 海边卖贝壳这个挺经典的:She sells sea shells by the sea shore.She sells sea shells at the sea shore; At the sea shore she sells sea shells.She sells sea shells on the sea shell shore.The sea shells she sells are sea shore shells,Of that I'm sure.If ...

呼莺13098483696问: shore 和bank 的区别……
刚察县健儿回答: shore一般是湖边或者海边等面积较大的水域的边缘地带 比如谁lake shore,sea shore bank是河堤或者人工搭建的堤岸 个人理解,希望对你有帮助

呼莺13098483696问: 海协,望达人给俺英译下吧,一个或两个单词都可以,类似.海信 - ---hisense的,也行 -
刚察县健儿回答: Seashore,海对应翻译为sea,协音译为shore.Seashore的英文意思很明确啊,海岸,海浪、

呼莺13098483696问: 海岸的词语概念 -
刚察县健儿回答: 词目:海岸 拼音:haǐàn 英文:sea coast 释义:邻接海洋边缘的陆地. [seacoast;coast;beach;shore;seashore]海滨或滨海的陆地边界. 海岸炮台 指紧接海洋边缘的陆地. 《三国志·魏志·倭人传》:“从郡至倭,循海岸水行.”唐姚合《赠王尊师》诗:“海岸夜中常见日,仙宫深处却无山.”清王士禛《池北偶谈·谈异七·琅琊秦碑》:“石壁俯临海岸,高数十丈.”杨沫《青春之歌》第一部第五章:“当她和余永泽沿着海岸踏着月光一同慢慢地走回村庄的时候,余永泽 又轻声对她说:'林,你就留在这村子里不要走了吧.'”

呼莺13098483696问: Strolling along the sea shore 什么意思 -
刚察县健儿回答: 沿着海岸漫步或散步

呼莺13098483696问: 在海边 翻译 -
刚察县健儿回答: by the sea 对的.其他的翻译方法:at the seashore. along shore on the shore near the sea at the seaside by the seaside

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