
作者&投稿:武丁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

WILLIAM WALLACE:“Fight,and you may die.Run,and you’ll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance,just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that ...

种柿15745154416问: 英语短语句型大集锦?
元宝山区雷克回答: run into 1.碰撞上;2共计,达到..之多; 3.偶然遇见,撞见 run off 复印,打印 run away with 1.(感情等)战胜,不受..约束; 2 run out of 用光,耗尽 run over (车)碾过,撞倒 run through 1.浏览;2贯穿,普遍存在 in the long run 最终,从长远观...

种柿15745154416问: 勉强怎么造句 -
元宝山区雷克回答: 造句如下:1.他人不愿意做的事情,你不要勉强他们去做.2.小王经过努力,只是勉强地达到了老师的要求.3.经过大家的劝说,我勉强答应跟他们一起去逛街.4·他的作业,勉强的交给了老师.5·我费了九牛二虎之力,勉强达到了体育老师的最低要求6·经过一番折腾,我终于勉强地完成了作业7·学校的800米达标测验,很多同学都只能勉强完成. 8·上课时他只能勉强按照老师的要求做 请采纳,谢谢支持!

种柿15745154416问: 求初二英语语法 -
元宝山区雷克回答: not only..but also不仅..而且 used to do sht 过去做某事 used do sht 过去常常做某事 pay to sh . as not beteen..and .. like doing sth like to do sth go for /leave for/have been to / sb /in the way to /on one"s way to /give sb ...

种柿15745154416问: cross across through区别与用法 -
元宝山区雷克回答: cross 作动词用,“穿过,越过”的意思.主要表示在物体表面上横穿.如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与go across同义. 例如,Be careful when you cross the street.过马路时要小心.Cross (Go across )the bridge, and you will see a big buiding....

种柿15745154416问: 求180个英语短语 -
元宝山区雷克回答: recover from 恢复健康 refer to 参考,查阅,涉及,提到 refer to…as… 把…称作,把…当作 refresh one's memory 使人记起 rely on 依靠,信任 remember sb. to sb. 代某人向…问好 replace…with … 用…替换… requirement for/to 需要,需要的东...

种柿15745154416问: across和cross和through的区别 -
元宝山区雷克回答: across,cross是横过的意思 across是介词,通常在用go,run,swim.等搭配 cross是动词,通常可以直接放在句子中 through是穿过 跟across一样介词,通常在用go,run,swim.等搭配 through与cross的不同在于方向 through是直过cross是横过 例: I went across the road = I cross the road 我横过马路(经斑马线) The car went through the road 汽车经过马路(沿着马路)

种柿15745154416问: 能告诉我这篇英语课文翻译吗?急用!!!拜托了!
元宝山区雷克回答: 你可能看过这样的事发生在学校:一些学生可能学习几乎所有的时间,但他们只是勉强通过(勉强通过)他们的考试,而另一些可能会花更少的时间在他们的书,但是在考试中做得更好. 这一切是怎么发生的?有些人会指责是教育系统,但这恰...

种柿15745154416问: 请问这两个英语单词怎么读 (scrape) (scratch) -
元宝山区雷克回答: scrape:沿物体表面擦,意在擦光擦亮,scrape the shoes ; rub:稍微用力用尖锐或粗糙的东西把物体表面的东西刮掉擦掉,rub the mud on shoes

种柿15745154416问: 帮忙翻译一下,机械英语 -
元宝山区雷克回答: The machine for dual-roller open Lianjiao machine, the main organic Block, rack, drum, transmission gear, from the roll-conditioning, security, anti-vehicle braking and electrical devices and other components slowdown. Chilled by his drum made of ...

种柿15745154416问: 用英语怎么说刮蹭刮擦用英语怎么说 -
元宝山区雷克回答: 刮蹭,刮擦.用英文表示分别是: Scrape, scratch 例句: The car scratched on the tree, and peeled off a layer of paint. 车刮蹭在了树上,刮掉了一层漆.

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