
作者&投稿:粱食 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

dispose,deal with,cope with,manage、address在表示处理的意思的时候有...
dispose更多是指把问题解决“掉”。Your idea at least disposes of the immediate problem.handle和deal with强调着手开始处理问题。对于你的问题应该是适合的。cope with : 指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing ...

英语词组 : 四个表示“处理、解决”的常用动词短语
”(We will deal with your order as quickly as possible.) 接着,cope with 更多地指向成功应对困难的情况,比如母亲照顾多个孩子和工作:“要同时 cope with 这样的多重任务确实不易。”(It must be really hard to cope with three young children and a job.) 它强调的是在压力下保持效率和...

I meet some problems that I cann't possibly cope with ? 后面的'wi...
您好,不能去掉,这是因为 cope 本身是个不及物动词,前面已经有 problems 作为宾语,因此只写 cope some problems 显然是错误的。正确地应该为 cope with some problems.补充:您好,看到您的补充了。这里的 cope 意思是(词典的另一个意思):To contend with difficulties and act to overcome them...

急求一首以m开头的诗,要压韵,英文版的, 三个以上的句子,最少要有四句...
Many people, lie.Many people, cry.Others care about their money,And others, think it's funny.Many people are happy,Many people sets up a conspiracy.Others failed to cope,And others, think it's not worth a hope.Marigold lands,And the greif stands.What if, people changes?It'...

many scientists disagree about what the differences are between the alcohol addict and social drinker.这句的 what 引导的是宾语从句作 about的宾语 what是从句中的表语 the differences是从句中的 主语 many hospitals and centers help patients cope这里cope 是不定式作宾补 与宾语是主动关系 不是...

我觉得你想表达的是一种情况,用条件从句比较好,when 通常表示时间 当……的时候,发生了一件什么事。而你后面说的是一种普遍现象。They do business and cope with daily routine according to the sane legal system.我觉得according to 做状语 放在句子最后比较好,这样可以突出你想说的主要内容。

deal with是什么意思(with一词多义)
Wemusttackletheproblemwithsympathyandunderstanding.dealwith中文意思是处理;涉及;做生意 He' with,cope with,handle有什么区别 handle有掌握、掌控的意思 copewith有处理、面对的意思 dealwith一般用于处理(事物)如果以后再遇到意思相近的词,可以翻看牛津高阶词典,英英...

How do I cope with the unexpected英语作文?
eroes are not braver than others, but they are prepared. In the face of accidents, most people are in a hurry and panic, and those who have imagined such situations in their brains must have pondered how to deal with them, and practiced in their brains again and again until...

第二句的歌词 好像是 we punch in and out
Caught a love wave,Rode it then I wiped out.Two ships just passing in the night now,Offshore, looking for a light house.Reveal you said that it was painless,Down and out drowning in a sea of my anguish Funny, you always said hope floats.Comprehended but I cant cope So I...

请求高手帮忙写一篇关于Chinese cope with compliments的英语小...
2.even though most Chinese are very modest,but still,when Chinese listen to too much compliments, they start to be proud and feel that they are on top of everybody else.3.Chinese has their ways to cope with compliments:they can take compliments as a kind of encouragement,and ...

宣怨15515005828问: 文章的topic和scope有什么不同 -
蓬江区红金回答: topic是文章的主题,内容都是围绕这个来写的,如:topic of the essay;; topic sentence .scope着重范围,常常看到大纲中提到的scope and sequence意思为话题以及顺序,是有一个范围内的话题点.希望我的回答对楼主有用.

宣怨15515005828问: 如何使用MATLAB/SIMULINK中的Scope模块 -
蓬江区红金回答: 1、在MATLAB/SIMULINK元件库中选取Sine Wave和Scope模块,进行连接2、接着运行模型,结果数据会写入到Scope中,只需鼠标左键双击Scope模块,就会看到其操作界面及仿真波形3、如果想要放大对波形进行X、Y轴放大则可以选择X、Y轴放大按钮4、如果感觉放大效果不好,可以选择自动缩放按钮返回原来波形5、还有最重要的就是进行Scope参数的设置,选择参数设置按钮,会出现参数设置操作界面6、在这个界面可以输入识破器界面的数目,以及是否将数据写入MATLAB工作空间等操作

宣怨15515005828问: 关于项目管理的Objectives和scope -
蓬江区红金回答: 简单的说就是 Scope是范围、规模的意思 Objectiove是 目的、目标 比如说在北海建立一个面积为XX平方米年产量XX桶的原油XX立方米的天然气的油井,用来缓解英格兰持续上涨的油价.前面就是scope后面就是Objective了.你学的也是business administration吧 project management不算难

宣怨15515005828问: 为什么设置matlab中scope全部显示 -
蓬江区红金回答: (1)在论文里插入图片在Matlab的Figure窗口,点击菜单栏的Edit,选择Copy Figure,然后转到你的文档界面,把光标放到需要插入图片的位置,然后Ctrl+V,你就可以得到比较清晰的图片了.需要注意的是,这时候的图片有相当一部分空白区...

宣怨15515005828问: serious的比较级最高级 -
蓬江区红金回答: 比较级--more serious 最高级--the most serious因为serious是多音节,所以它不能直接+er 和est~!^-^

宣怨15515005828问: scale and scope是什么意思 -
蓬江区红金回答: scale and scope 规模和范围 双语例句1. Scale and Scope of Designated Project. 指定工程项目的规模和范围.2. The rescue was unprecedented in scale and scope. 此次救助行动的规模和覆盖面都是空前的.3. The breakthrough in level, scale and ...

宣怨15515005828问: 求解CSS中表格的scope="col"是什么意思.... -
蓬江区红金回答: Scope属性定义了行的表头和列的表头: col: 列表头 row: 行表头 在第一行的加上值为col的scope属性,声明他们是下面(列)数据单元格的表头.同样的,给每行的开头加上值为row的scope属性声明他们是右边(行)数据单元格的表头.Scope属性还有两个值: colgroup: 定义列组(column group)的表头信息 rowgroup: 定义行组(row group)的表头信息

宣怨15515005828问: scope and sequence是什么意思 -
蓬江区红金回答: scope and sequence范围与顺序;内容目次;内容安排 例句筛选 1. The distribution of defects is influenced greatly by the sequence, scope, anddefinition of activities that are being executed. 缺陷的分配很大程度上受到顺序、范围和执行活动的...

宣怨15515005828问: Eclipse中如何搜索整个工程 -
蓬江区红金回答: 方法如下:1、eclipse-点击选择需要的工程按ctrl+H2、打开对话框后在最上面的菜单找到file search.3、在scope选择working set4、再选择右边的choose后,在弹出的新窗口中选择selected working set---new--java5、然后就是选择需要搜索的工程,填写自定义的别名,会显示在working set中,点击finish后,选择刚刚添加的别名,ok,就可以点击search完成搜索了.

宣怨15515005828问: 怎样将simulink 中scope数据读出 -
蓬江区红金回答: 你在输出端加一个to workspace模块, 或者加示波器scope在示波器的参数设置中,将save data to workspace选中,下面设置成array格式 运行后,workspace中就会有数据,你可以在matlab中操作了.

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