
作者&投稿:罗步 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

deep,seep,sheep hill,fill,till,hit,fit,sit,bit,rate,soon,noon,moon,any,many,bet,pet,det,day,today,yesterday,arbitrary,bar,far,fish,dish,open,top,

Portia: You wife would give you little thanks for that. If she were here.Shylock: these be the christian husbands. I have a daughter, would any son of burgler had been her husband rather than a christian!Portia; A pound of that same merchant’s flesh is yours: the court awards it, ...


ay 字母组合 〔ei〕 bad a在闭音节中 〔〕五. 用直线将对应的中、英文联线 错例:library~电影院 cinema~图书馆 改正:library~图书馆 cinema~电影院 原因:单词掌握不扎实,中英文对号入座有见缺。六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文 错例:The girl is my sister 姐姐 改正:姐妹 原因词意掌握不够透...

We should remember it is harmful to the health if a person often gets irritated or in di *** ay. If we have got any unpleasant news, we should not keep it in our minds, but say it out to our friends. Thus we may get relieved from the unhappy event. Secondly, we need to pay ...

...ределитель)*拆列法~~~仙侠精灵进!】SINCERE THANKS...

2x+ay=16 (1)x-2y=0 (2)(1)-(2)*2 ay+4y=16 y=16\/(a+4)也是正整数 则a+4是16的正约数 a+4=1,2,4,8,16 a=-3,-2,0,4,12 x=2y=32\/(a+4)则当y是正整数时,x也是正整数 所以a=-3,-2,0,4,12

\/θ\/ thank thanks mouth birthday three thirteen thirty fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth nineteenth twentieth thin Thursday healthy third north south month think theme thinner thing something bathroom path 8.\/ei\/ ai rain rainbow wait rainy e-mail straight again...

当a为何值时, (1)直线x+2ay-1=0与直线(3a-1)x-ay-1=0平行?

因为(x-ay)(x+ay)=x的平方-a的平方x的平方 所以x的平方-a的平方y的平方)=x的平方-16y的平方 所以a的平方=16 所以a=4或-4。

宾彼19354036750问: say thanks to sb怎么造句 -
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答: Tom helped me yesterday,and I should say thanks to him.

宾彼19354036750问: say thanks to sb.的thanks是名词还是动词 -
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答: 名词哦,这句话里say是动词,后面不能再直接接动词了 希望对你有帮助

宾彼19354036750问: say thanks for还是to sb -
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答: 都有代我说谢谢 say thanks for me , say thanks to me 向我说谢谢 比:please say thanks to your sister for me 意思:请替我向妹妹说谢谢

宾彼19354036750问: say sth to sb,用这个句型sth还可以用哪些词,如:say thanks to sb -
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答: 可以用这些代词:it, that 有名词性的单词:hi, hello, goodbye, thanks, sorry, never, always, ... 名词短语:a few words, something nice, good morning 名词从句:see you tomorrow, I love you, I miss you替代 sth .

宾彼19354036750问: 向……道谢英语翻译 -
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答: 您好! 向...道谢:Thanks to ...请采纳,谢谢! ——I'mQQ 叮当

宾彼19354036750问: we should say thanks to ourparents,这里的thank为什么加s -
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答:[答案] 首先,Thank 为动词,意思是感谢,一般用法:1.Thank sb for sth/doing sth 因为某事感谢某人 2.Thank you 这是最常见的感谢用语. 其次,Thank加s 后词性改变为名词,所以对某人说感谢要用say thanks to sb. 最后,Thanks to 是一个固定搭配,在句...

宾彼19354036750问: 知识点英语七年级u5t3 -
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答: 我自己做的笔记,希望对你有用,不过时间很少,我先发一部分给你.我现在初二,所以初二下得只有到Unit 5. 给你提示下,其实课本后面那个附录很好,抄那个就好了,买那个教材讲解也好哈.很多的 U5T1 1.say thanks to sb.对某人道谢. 2....

宾彼19354036750问: 一道英语短语不会!谁能告诉我啊?急啊!!! -
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答: say thanks to sb 望采纳.不懂得继续问.祝你学习进步,天天向上.

宾彼19354036750问: say thanks for me和say thanks to me的区别 -
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答: 答案是: 代我说谢谢 say thanks for me ,say thanks to me 意思是:向我说谢谢 比如:please say thanks to your sister for me 意思是:请替我向你妹妹说谢谢~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

宾彼19354036750问: Thank sb(thank for)for表示介词to后接
威宁彝族回族苗族自治县喷昔回答:for后接表示感谢的原因;to后接要感谢的人.不过,一般用thank ab. for sth.或say thanks to sb. for sth..

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