
作者&投稿:哀怪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Morbid Savouring Mordecai Mordicus Morg (Fin) Morgudul Morgue (Fin) Morian Morningstar (Fin) Morpheus (Fin) Morphosis (Fin) Morrow Mors Principium Est Mors Subita (Fin) Mortal Agony (Fin) Mortal God Mortare Mortified Saint Mortualia Mortuary (Fin) Mortyfear Mosh Angel Mother Depth Motorhell ...

求有关美国首都华盛顿的一些特色介绍 最好英文
Modern New York is an exciting city.The architecture of Manhattan, with its soaring skyscrapers, is not soulless, as many foreigners imagine.The materials used-copper, stainless steel, con crete and glass--give the buildings a striking beauty.The long av enues, broad and straight, lined with ...

A:acquaaintanceship n. 相识,认识;交往关系 共16个字母 B:biotransformation n.[生物] 生物转化 共17个字母 C:chemiluminescence n.[化学] 化合光;化学反光,在化学反应中,低温反光 共17个字母 D:dihydrostreptomycin n.[药学] 二氢链霉素(结核病特效药)共19个字母 E:electroencephalography n....

c'mon 是什么意思啊
C'mon, 这个词源自"come on",在口语中常用来表示鼓励或者催促,相当于中文的"来吧"或者"加油"。它在歌曲中尤其常见于说唱乐,比如经典的"We Will Rock You"(皇后乐队)。另外,还有一些缩写词与它相关,如wanna = want to(想要做)、gonna = be going to(打算做)、ing = 'n = in(...

Mailmon.exe KAVPFW.EXE IPARMOR.EXE Ravmond.exe 9、同时病毒尝试利用以下命令终止相关杀病毒软件:net stop "Kingsoft AntiVirus Service"10、发送ICMP探测数据"Hello,World",判断网络状态,网络可用时,枚举内网所有共享主机,并尝试用弱口令连接\\\\IPC$、\\admin$等共享目录,连接成功后进行网络感染。11...

B:biotransformation n.[生物] 生物转化 共17个字母 C:chemiluminescence n.[化学] 化合光;化学反光,在化学反应中,低温反光 共17个字母 D:dihydrostreptomycin n.[药学] 二氢链霉素(结核病特效药)共19个字母 E:electroencephalography n.[医学] 脑波纪录仪 共22个字母 F:flibbertigibbet n. 轻浮...


搜集英语缩写词 越多越好 (我追加)
BFD Big F***ing Deal BFN Bye For Now BHOF Bald Headed Old Fart BIF Basis In Fact BITD Back In The Day BM Byte Me BMOTA Byte Me On The Ass BNF Big Name Fan BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again BR Bathroom BRB Be Right Back BRT Be Right There BS Big Smile BT ...

Glaving\/格拉温格 Grinhilt\/格林希尔特 Gust\/古斯特 Gharden\/扎尔登 Hakil\/哈基尔 Hark\/哈尔克 Haska\/哈斯卡 Heldan\/海尔丹 Herb\/赫尔布 Homar\/霍马尔 Horbek\/霍尔贝克 Hhorum\/霍鲁姆 Inkuj\/因奎 Interes\/因特雷斯 Irlan\/伊尔兰 Ivens\/伊文斯 Jablich\/亚布利奇 Jagu\/亚古 Jarum\/亚鲁姆 Junul\/尤努尔 Jhurnal\/...

夔胀13355489625问: saving money80词作文 -
蛟河市阿壳回答: Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can ...

夔胀13355489625问: saving money是什么意思
蛟河市阿壳回答: 节约钱!

夔胀13355489625问: She loves saving money 中的“saving money”在句子中做什么成分? -
蛟河市阿壳回答:[答案] 宾语

夔胀13355489625问: savings account 和saving account有什么区别 -
蛟河市阿壳回答: 一般“个人”在国外银行开设账户,依性质不同主要分为下列几种: 1)普通支票账户(Checking Account);一般无息 2)活期储蓄账户(Savings Account);一般固定利率 3)定期储蓄账户(Certificate of Deposit 简称 CD);固定利率 4)浮动利率账户(Money Market Account);也算活期储蓄账户的一种,但利率随行就市每日调整saving account 正规没有这种用词,因此无法区别、比较.

夔胀13355489625问: money - saving是什么成分组成的 -
蛟河市阿壳回答: 形容词+动词的-ing形式.再如:good-looking 样子好看的(系表结构),hardworking 努力工作的(动词+副词状语) money-saving是动宾结构

夔胀13355489625问: 帮忙分析下英语语法
蛟河市阿壳回答:1.这句话,从句式上来是一个简单的单句;2.For my company, 这是一个由for 引导的介词介词短语,在这句话里面是做状语;3. saving material 是句子的主语, mean 是谓语,但是是第三人称单数所以是means;saving money 是宾语,因...

夔胀13355489625问: saving money for college on my own summary怎么写 -
蛟河市阿壳回答:[答案] Finally,I entered the institution.Because of my careful savings,I did not have to work during the school year.Then,summer ... the campus admissions office answering phones.This provided a little spending money and kept me from draining my savings.The...

夔胀13355489625问: 攒钱的英文是什么 -
蛟河市阿壳回答: money-saving,希望能帮到你,谢谢,欢迎追问.

夔胀13355489625问: Saving money 0r spending tomorrow's money的英语作文 -
蛟河市阿壳回答:[答案] .Money is to our life what blood is to ourbody.In the world today,nobody could live without money.Accordingto arecent survey conducted by one authoritative information corporation,anestimated 67% of college studentsin Beijing,Shanghai,Chengdu,...

夔胀13355489625问: 关于节省用钱的英语作文!1.省钱的重要性;2.省钱的建议;3.提出倡议.开头已给出:We have just had a class meeting on the topic - saving money. -
蛟河市阿壳回答:[答案] 看看行不行,行就给个采纳,不知道你多大,折中写了篇.We have just had a class meeting on the topic-saving money.Through this meeting,we know that to save money is very important.Because we can learn how to...

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