
作者&投稿:盛饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6)句“但我没放弃”衔接紧密,因此选C 33.C 此句they无指代,前文并未出现复数名词,所以应把they替换成具体的人 34.B 由(15)句“最终我没能进乐队,但我不为付出的努力遗憾”知(16)句应为“至少(at least)我比哥哥弹得好”而不是然而(hevertheless\/however)而A,C,D句不通顺 ...

and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.TASK 1真题解析题目要求(见“剑7”P101)审题此题为饼状图,是关于1980年和2000年澳大利亚和法国用来发电的燃料组成的变化和比较。审题时要注意,同一个国家的不同年份为变化,而不同国家的同一个年份为比较。写作思路饼状图的...

上周末完成的雅思考试,相信大家都对真题和答案很感兴趣,那么今天就来和小钟老师一起来看看2023年10月...At least, that's a parody (maybe not much of one) of how thedebate proceeds. Both

Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on invention. Your essay should include the importance of invention and measures to be taken to encourage invention. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more...

雅思考试阅读机经真题解析:Amateur Naturalists
Together with colleagues at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, environmental scientist Arnold van Vliet is developing statistical techniques to account for the uncertainty in amateur phenological data. With the enthusiasm of amateur phenologists evident from past records, professional researchers are ...

However, people who work hard usually face serious problems at the workplace and at home. To begin with, people doing long shifts are more likely to commit mistakes due to work pressure. As a result, they make a huge loss to the company which they work for and lose the ...

一、2019年12月英语四级作文真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to teach English in China. Please recommend a city to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.二、2019年12月英语...

The teacher-subject was told that whenever the pupil gave the wrong answer to a question, a shock was to be administered, beginning at the lowest level and increasing in severity with each successive wrong answer. The supposed ‘pupil’ was in reality an actor hired by Milgram to simulate ...

2023年剑桥雅思阅读真题解析:Thomas Young
In the paper, Young explained the process of accommodation in the human eye on how the eye focuses properly on objects at varying distances. Young hypothesized that this was achieved by changes in the shape of the lens. Young also theorized that light traveled in waves and he believed that,...

Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of translation apps. You can start your essay with the sentence "The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words ...

邗码19187283325问: SAT真题,出国的孩纸伤不起啊!伤不起!1.Grammar:No one knows why the carved stone head in a column in Istanbul's Basilica Cistern is upside down,but ... -
烟台市舒尔回答:[答案] 1, believed to have been deliberately done ...当然即使时态正确了也是B,因为要选出最好的choice,我也不知道如何解释,A的叙述很怪,很做作. 2,1997年的人数增加了当时的20-25%成为42m,那当时就是42 x 4/5到5/6=33.6到35,选D 3,这题...

邗码19187283325问: sat历年真题公开的到底有几套可以用? -
烟台市舒尔回答: 一般的,SAT真题是由CB每年放出三套.从2005年到今年每年的三套SAT真师都可以用.美盟有这些最全的SAT真题为参加我们培训的学生服务.

邗码19187283325问: SAT真题2010年5月 2010年5月的题目 section5 student produced response question No 9.答案算出来是$7.8(当然$是不用涂的我知道) 但是问题是答案上... -
烟台市舒尔回答:[答案] 设计到钱的话,最后0是不能省略 美元币种,最小流通单位是美分

邗码19187283325问: 求一道SAT真题 (In similarity with) some other great works,the enduring horror,tale Frankenstein was first published anonymously;its author,Mary Shelley,wrote ... -
烟台市舒尔回答:[答案] 没有In similarity with的说法,而且意思差不多的SAT偏向于简洁的答案.

邗码19187283325问: 一道SAT语法真题,The Amazon River carries more water than (the water carried in any of the world's other rivers).A.the water carried in any of the world's other... -
烟台市舒尔回答:[答案] 您可以这样想:主语应当跟主语相比较,而不是主语跟宾语相比较.比如说:您赚的钱比我多.You earn more money than I do.而不是说:您赚的钱比我的钱多.You earn more money than the money I earn.这就犯了主语跟宾语...

邗码19187283325问: sat一道真题iseIn 1991 B miitary officials arrested dissident politicial leader Aung SAn,thereby preventing her from leaving Burma for accepting the Nobel ... -
烟台市舒尔回答:[答案] 所谓的固定搭配是最不负责任的说法.SAT或GMAT的语法题本质上都应该根据句子的意思去做. 这句话应该表达的意思是“1991年military officials arrested了dissident political 昂山,以防止她离开burma去奥斯陆领nobel奖.” 这里用for accepting的话...

邗码19187283325问: sat真题一道语法问题!Even minor usage and spelling errors( make the reading task harder and can cause readers to suspect) that the content of the ... -
烟台市舒尔回答:[答案] 首先A的结构比B清晰,是个并列:make the reading harder and can cause... B中的which指代不明.which在这里指的是前一个名词,即reading.而实际意思是which指代errors. 而且B的时态不一致.原句最后是is also flawed,是一般现在时.而will have ...

邗码19187283325问: SAT真题求解答To encourage young people to read, a number of AUTHORS, WHO SELL their books with companion video games that require players to use ... -
烟台市舒尔回答:[答案] 选E原句A缺了谓语,CD也是却谓语.B错是因为a number of authors 变多余了,用B的话我给你分析一下Toencourage young people to read(不定式是目的壮语),a number of authors,they(主语)sell (谓语)their books(...

邗码19187283325问: sat语法真题求解,不懂的别进Alongside the trail on which we ride our bikes each morning run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees.这里应该用runs,As rare ... -
烟台市舒尔回答:[答案] 第一个句子.Alongside是倒装的标志.所以动词应该和后面的line保持主谓一致.第二个句子.原句的并列句前半句growing…没有谓语动词.如果有选项的grow的话可以是grow as deeply as.因为如果你去掉as……as,原句即为:gr...

邗码19187283325问: 请问SAT的历年真题有哪些?请把年份、月份列出来~谢谢! -
烟台市舒尔回答: 从2005年到2011年的1月,5月,10月,还有2012年的1月和5月

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