
作者&投稿:祢冯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


考题中经常会出现一连串数据连报的现象,让很多考生颇为头疼,特别是当数据较多或对数据的解释较难时。因引起注意的词有:minimum, maximum, least, most, up to等。例如在旅游场景中会说一个旅游团的人数通常在30人左右,但是在淡季时也会有20人的小团,而旺季最高会达到40人,考题中问最大的...

19. 当句中突然出现语音,语调,语速的变化,暗示了答案的出现。20. 当句中出现了明显的转折词,那么意味着有考点的出现。21. 趁余音缭绕快速答题,否则会记忆缺失,混淆正确答案。22. 雅思听力的出题频率一般是30秒钟间隔,如果过长没有出现下一个题的答案,多半就是已经漏听了,注意舍得原则,有...

for example, behavioral immunologist (免疫学家) Mark Laudenslager, at the University of Denver, gave mild electric shocks to 24 rats. Half the animals could switch off the current by turning a wheel in their enclosure,

2023年6月12日雅思听力考试真题答案 Section 1 主题:一名男子打电话预订野营设备 参考答案:1. order reference: 5174XCM 2. sleeping bags designed for summer 3. air mattress: need a pump to blow it up 4. need a big bottle to put water in 5. should bring cooking plates 6. the...

2023年11月6日雅思听力考试真题及答案SECTION 1主题:酒店周年庆典参考答案:1. how many years have this anniversary been held: 252. how many people joined: 1803. date on 13 June4. 聚餐在conference room5. type of table: mixed table6. there are two kinds of food: for vegetarian...

小钟老师为大家准备了2023年12月14日雅思听力考试真题答案。section 1主题:Planning a Party题型:填空题难度:一般参考答案:1. total number of guests invited:802. of room preferred:king room3. type of music: jazz4. date of the party: 26 September5. meal form: table6. on the ...

D. Grasses did not exist at the same time as dinosaurs.解析:正确答案选C。最大干扰项D属于答非所问,虽然意思完全正确,但并非属于题干中“the grass fossil deposits”所显示的信息。Vocabulary Card intact = whole 完整的;annual = yearly 一年期的;subsequent=later后来;observation = ...

2023年英语专八考试真题完整版答案包括如下:一、2023专八mini演讲答案 1、thought。2、ideas,emotions,concepts。3、mathematics of metaphor。4、names。5、more vivid understanding。6、pattern recognition。7、organ。8、colored hearing。9、the literal meaning。10、false metaphors。11、expectations。

翻译题 以下给出的是错误答案,请选择正确答案。1、All of the infrorun that you need to a apply for your visa is available free of charge.A\\你申请签证时所需要的一切证明材料全由我的贸易网站woriz bridge向你提供。2,if you...B\\如果无法预付租金,你可以从两类社会基金中获得贷款 ...

缪试14776743483问: SAT 2005年10月真题答案求一下SAT 2005 十月份的真题答案主要是三篇阅读1开头这样的I know what your e - mail in - box looks like2“Lucy Honeychurch has ... -
利津县川芎回答:[答案] 你去google搜索2012~2013sat practice test就会有了,我们刚刚考完

缪试14776743483问: SAT09年5月真题section 4 /25、27Determined to make a name for herself as a writer of short stories,Helen never submits anything to an editor until revising ... -
利津县川芎回答:[答案] 25 doing 指代不清,应该是until she revising,这种doing单独出现的情况要注意! 27 介词错误,你不感觉of 很怪么,应该改成 as 或者 for 吧 PS 作为已经从SAT的魔爪中已经逃离出来的学长,我想告诉你,问这种题不要再baidu里问,很不专业的....

缪试14776743483问: SAT真题下答案 -
利津县川芎回答: 据说答案都在Octobor 2007前一页,可能是291页上,不知道这两套具体是那一年月的,注明一下可以帮你找 第一套大概是06年5月的,很难找到,第二套是06年10月的,只找到第二套答案 SAT oct06 SECTION 2 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. ...

缪试14776743483问: 2道2011年1月SAT语法真题 1.At least one course in statics is recommended (them)【A】 who plan (to become)【B】 journalists,because they will often need ... -
利津县川芎回答:[答案] 1.应该是缺少介词...course不能 recommended 人.如果用by them(被他们推荐) 或者for(推荐给那些人)2.其实从字面意思讲very little就是几乎没有.但是你的高中老师可能会说very little就是没有的意思 可实际上美国...

缪试14776743483问: SAT真题2010年5月 2010年5月的题目 section5 student produced response question No 9.答案算出来是$7.8(当然$是不用涂的我知道) 但是问题是答案上... -
利津县川芎回答:[答案] 设计到钱的话,最后0是不能省略 美元币种,最小流通单位是美分

缪试14776743483问: SAT09年10月真题 The scatterplot above shows the diameter x,in inches,and the age y,in years,of more than 40 trees in a certain park.Which of the following ... -
利津县川芎回答:[选项] A. y= 2x+20 B. y= 5x+20 C. y= 10x+20 D. y=4x E.y=12x

缪试14776743483问: 2011年1月的SAT语法题!TT1.At least one course in statistics is recommended for them who plan to become journalists,because they will often need to ... -
利津县川芎回答:[答案] 供参考(1) 用for those (或类似的词)会较为适合(2) interest in reviving 会较为适合(3) 用they 来代表 no one 不好所以接著的一句便用了被动式如此一来就可省略'不方便的主语'they believe that it was placed th...

缪试14776743483问: SAT历年真题At a track meet,2/5 of thefirst - place finishers attended Southport High School,and 1/2 of them weregirls.If 2/9 of the first - place finishers who did ... -
利津县川芎回答:[答案] 选E.首先,0.4 乘以0.5 就是参加学校的男生.然后7over9乘以3over5 就是没有参加学校的男生.一共就是2over3

缪试14776743483问: SAT语法真题求解!1.(A significant factor)A to include in the budget when (buying)B a car are the (costs of)c fuel and maintenance and the (insurance ... -
利津县川芎回答:[答案] 给你一点提示:有没有注意到主句的谓语动词(be动词)的形式:are(复数形式) 改为:Significant factors to be concluded in...

缪试14776743483问: SAT真题求解答To encourage young people to read, a number of AUTHORS, WHO SELL their books with companion video games that require players to use ... -
利津县川芎回答:[答案] 选E原句A缺了谓语,CD也是却谓语.B错是因为a number of authors 变多余了,用B的话我给你分析一下Toencourage young people to read(不定式是目的壮语),a number of authors,they(主语)sell (谓语)their books(...

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