
作者&投稿:寇寒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你必须许下一个愿望并吹灭蜡烛。You must make a wish and blow out the candle。愿望 desire;wish;aspiration

Lily, make a wish and blow out the candle,动词不加s?

10. The car struck him a glancing blow on the forehead.那辆汽车蹭伤了他的前额。11. His loss would be a crushing blow to Liverpool's title hopes.他的缺阵将是对利物浦队夺冠希望的致命打击。12. The price of a cut and blow-dry varies widely.剪发并吹干的价格高低不等。13. Can'...

Blow [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 布洛 1. VERB吹气;呼气 If you blow, you send out a stream of air from your mouth. Danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them...丹尼搓着胳膊并向手指上哈气取暖。Take a deep breath and blow.深呼吸,吐气。2. VERB(用嘴)吹,...

玛丽莲·曼森的 The Drop show 中文歌词是什么?
And blow your mind 好多好多可爱的家伙都想让你爽 但这些小东西总会离开你,摧毁你 We're all stars now in the dope show We're all stars now in the dope show 在毒品秀里,我们都是大明星 They love you when you're on all the covers When you're not then they love another They...

甜而低 甜而低,甜而低。西部之风。低,低,呼吸和打击。西部之风!越过滚滚的水去。来自死亡的中午,和打击。再把他吹向我。虽然我的小家伙。虽然我漂亮的,睡觉。

suck and blow apparatus的意思
suck and blow apparatus 英 [sʌk ənd bləʊ ˌæpəˈreɪtəs] 美 [sʌk ənd bloʊ ˌæpəˈrætəs]网络  吸吹式人工呼吸器 ...

过生日的人必须许愿并吹灭蜡烛的英语是The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candle。“吹灭”为固定短语,意为:blow out,该短语与“make a wish:许愿”均放在情态动词must(must后需加动词原形)后,共同作谓语,故此处需用动词原形,candles蜡烛:blow out the candles吹灭蜡烛...

Clap your hands and say yeah Take it take it 拍拍手,然后说,来吧,来吧 Shake time and you go on need you some whistle and blow 摇一摇,然后继续,尽管吹起口哨来 Shake time ring and blow Any kind whistle let's blow 摇起来,吹起来,什么口哨我们都吹起来 Sub to you because I...

帮忙翻译一下 不要软件翻译的哦
Make a wish and blow out the candles on your birthday cake. If you blow them all out with one big breath, your wish will come true. But remember, the older you are, the more candles you have to blow out!先许个愿,然后吹灭生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。假如你一口气把所有的蜡烛都吹灭...

欧爬18088093261问: blow的中文意思是什么 -
定远县脉络回答: blow [bləu] 1. 名词 [c] (punch) 拳打 2. 名词 [fig] (setback) 打击 3. 不及物动词 [wind, sand, dust etc+] 吹 4. 不及物动词 [person+] 吹气 5. 不及物动词 [whistle, horn+] 响 6. 及物动词 [wind+] 吹 7. 及物动词 [+whistle, horn] 吹 8. 及物动词 (destroy) (by ...

欧爬18088093261问: blow是及物动词还是不及物动词 -
定远县脉络回答: 【blow】可以做及物动词.意思是【吹,吹气 使爆炸 奏出,演奏 使气喘】. It is bad manners to blow your nose at table. 吃饭时擤鼻子是不礼貌的行为. The wind blew her hair back from her forehead... 风把她前额上的头发吹到了后面. He blew a ring of blue smoke. 他吐出了蓝色的烟圈.

欧爬18088093261问: 沙子sand有复数形式吗?如果有的话,是加S 还是es 还是不规则变化?详细说一下 -
定远县脉络回答: sand意为沙子/沙粒时为不可数名词.当译为沙滩,沙地是做可数名词或不可数名词(后者通常用复数形式sands)例句:children playing on the sand(s):在沙滩上玩耍的儿童

欧爬18088093261问: “风吹走沙子.”这句话用英语怎么说? -
定远县脉络回答: 风吹走沙子.The sand is blown away by the wind.或 Sand is blown away.

欧爬18088093261问: sand什么意思
定远县脉络回答:简明英汉词典 sand [sænd] n. 沙, 沙子 Mix the sand and cement. 将沙和水泥和在一起. 沙滩; 沙洲 Sands are a large area of sand. 沙漠就是大面积的沙地. vt. 用砂纸磨光 The surface of the table must be sanded down. 这张桌子的表面得用...

欧爬18088093261问: The Great Wall will stop the()from ()the earth away -
定远县脉络回答: 根据意思的话,如果选A那就是长城会阻止沙把土带走,意思不对,应该选D. 因为里面有一个词组stop... from doing 排除BC,根据意思选D,长城会阻止风把土吹走.

欧爬18088093261问: sand怎么读 -
定远县脉络回答: sand 英[sænd] 美[sænd] 过去式:sanded 过去分词:sanded 现在分词:sanding 复数:sands n. 1.沙, 沙子;瞬间,片刻 2.沙滩; 沙洲 vt. 1.用砂纸磨光 2.在某物上撒沙, 用沙覆盖 名词 n.1.沙, 沙子;瞬间,片刻 Mix the sand and cement....

欧爬18088093261问: 阳极,喷沙,钻切英文怎么说? -
定远县脉络回答: anode sand blow drill cutting

欧爬18088093261问: I don't like winter为题写一篇英语作文,不少于八句话
定远县脉络回答:Winter style is gray, the air is often shrouded in layer after layer of white mist, so things did not look good life, so let's all hearts are gray Cold winter admirers. So when winter comes, it's hardcore fans suddenly gushed, really hard to detect. The wind ...

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