
作者&投稿:招哄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

恽凭19168444893问: 俄罗斯介绍 演讲 英文rt政治经济文化 -
广阳区英达回答:[答案] 基本上应有尽有 自己筛选一下吧 概述: Russia or the Russian Federation, is a country extending over much of northern Eurasia (Europe and Asia together). It is a semi-presidential republic comprising 83 federal subjects. Russia shares land borders ...

恽凭19168444893问: 谁帮我写一篇关于俄罗斯经济状况的英语文章
广阳区英达回答: Russia is the strongest economic strength, the former Soviet Union countries. Part of the former Soviet Union placed the backbone of the economy in Russia, the industrial ...

恽凭19168444893问: plekhanov russian university of economics是俄罗斯经济大学吗 -
广阳区英达回答: 是的.在俄罗斯也是经济类名校.全球排名700到800的样子.俄罗斯经济最好还是莫大圣大,俄罗斯国立高等经济研究大学.众雁留学.

恽凭19168444893问: 谁能帮我写一小段关于俄罗斯的英文简介, -
广阳区英达回答:[答案] Russia is the country of vast landscope,vibrant life,beautiful contrasts,and interesting people.Taking an immense space of ... had made their way through Russia,and this mix of many different nations and their traditions has defined the unique russian ...

恽凭19168444893问: 俄罗斯经济因此受重创用英语怎么说 -
广阳区英达回答: Russia's economy has been hit hard重点词汇释义俄罗斯Russia经济economic; economy; financial condition因此therefore; thus; accordingly; hence; consequently重创inflict heavy losses [casualties] on; maul heavily; plaster

恽凭19168444893问: 关于德国的英文介绍 -
广阳区英达回答:[答案] As Europe's largest economy and second most populous nation,Germany is a key member of the continent's economic,political,and defense organizations.European power struggles immersed Germany in two devastating World Wars in the first half of ...

恽凭19168444893问: 俄罗斯的英语叫?什么 -
广阳区英达回答: 按照俄语发音“Россия”,其名称应翻译为“拉西亚”.元朝时根据蒙古语译为「斡罗思」,到清朝初年许多文献中曾称为「罗刹」,但在以国家相称时则多译为「鄂罗斯」或「俄罗斯」.清乾隆年间官修《四库全书》时将其正式统一为“俄罗...

恽凭19168444893问: 中国经济英文介绍 -
广阳区英达回答: China,(People'sRepublicofChina),issituatedineasternAsia,boundedbythePacificintheeast.Thethirdlargestcountryintheworld,nexttoCanadaandRussia,ithasanareaof9.6millionsquarekilometers,orone-fifteenthoftheworld'slandmass....

恽凭19168444893问: 有谁有关于俄勒冈州的英文介绍? -
广阳区英达回答: 帮你找了点,希望对你有帮助:OregonA state of the northwest United States in the Pacific Northwest. It was admitted as the 33rd state in 1859. Claimed by the United States a...

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