
作者&投稿:笪曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the relation between domestication and foreignization
This is why in the framework of Vermeer’s theory, one of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is the addressee, who is the intended receiver or audience of the TT with their culture-specific world-knowledge, their expectations and their communicative needs. Every ...

经济学人精读 [37] The Economist | Home runs
The short videos are sent to parcel addressees and typically end, comically[滑稽的] in Mr Romanov’s view, with a jiggle[晃动]of the door handle from outside to show that the departing delivery person has locked up[这个短视频会发给收件人,通常以外边门把手的晃动结束,已显示要离开的送货员将门...

陈金华高考英语写作高级词汇必备13个是哪些 副词27个是哪些 提纲翻译...
老师在讲评书面表达时,经常告诉学生说,书面表达要得高分,就得有高级句型和高级词汇;但很多同学在写书面表达时,总认为高级句型和高级词汇很神秘,高不可及。其实,未必如 此!通过研读一些优秀的学生习作和历年高考书面表达的范文,我们发现,很多所谓的高级 句型和高级词汇正是我们老师反复讲解和训练的。

But the ld an nl glanced arund quietl with ees full f sadness and quilt. Then cntinued his wrds. “Then I settle dwn. It was the st wnderful tie that I had ever ened at beginning. I can appreciated the flwers in springs, slept in the shade in suers, picaed up the gd fruit...

as a habitat for nature conservation 保护区;the tendency to avoid showing one’s feelings and appear unsociable to other people; restraint 矜持,拘谨;寡言 词根•re(back)+serve( 保持) →保留 搭配•reserve…for 替……保留 without reserve 毫无保留地 in reserve 储存备用...

哪位高手能帮我翻译成英文 谢谢
his eyes shining like seriously said "Even if no matter how tough it can not give up the dream to become a singer," demonstrates the breadth of the strongest heroes.In 1989 (at that time are Han-jun) was 4-year-old foster care in the Chungnam Gongju home of an acquaintance...

高级英语作文 rushed off one’s feet 替换be busy in doing 42.a handful of替换a little \/ some 43.meanwhile替换at the same time 44.get to one’s feet替换stand up 45.beneath替换under 46.occasionally替换sometimes \/once in while 47.for instance替换for example 48.seldom替换not often 49.wealthy替换ri...

1、job为可数名词,指具体某项工作,多指雇佣的招聘的,有报酬的工作。2、work 为不可数名词,一般指脑力劳动和体力劳动,表示一种抽象概念;除此之外,work还可以作动词用。如:He works in a school. 他在一所学校工作。例句:1、Once I'm in America I can get a job 我一到美国就能找到...

2)It may be briefly summed up as follows.3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ...例: From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that examination is necessary,however, its method should be improved.注:例句1可...

求作文How to Succeed in a Job Interview?
wants to get a good and highly-paid job, however, that is not so easy, fur one thing, there are maybe many other candidates competing fur the job, fur another, one have to pass through stone tough phases hefure getting the job, among which interview is an important one....

掌届19278348382问: 昨天朋友给我几张one hundred rupees,这是什么钱呀,看不懂,折换人民币是什么比率呀?
济南市中诺回答: 尼泊尔的货币,卢比,英文名RUPEES,简称Rs,币值有5,10,20,50,100,500,1000.尼泊尔卢比正面有人像,背面是动物,而且似乎币值越大,动物越凶猛!

掌届19278348382问: 昨晚上班收了几张one hundred rupees,是什么币呢?折换人民币是什么比率? -
济南市中诺回答: 巴基斯坦卢比 一人民币折合大约8卢比

掌届19278348382问: rupeesonehundred你好请问这个英文什么意思,中文是什么字 -
济南市中诺回答: 卢比一百年

掌届19278348382问: one hundred rupees这个是哪国的钱币 -
济南市中诺回答: 你好,这个是100卢比的意思.请上图,我帮你看看.

掌届19278348382问: RUPEESONEHUNDRED.问问这是什么钱币
济南市中诺回答: 印度的100卢比

掌届19278348382问: ONEHUNDREDRUPEES是什么币种
济南市中诺回答: 印度钱币,不值钱的,留着玩玩.

掌届19278348382问: ONEHUNDREDRUPEES这是哪国的币1OO这样的币值得多少人民币 -
济南市中诺回答: rupees n. (印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡等国的货币单位) 卢比( rupee的名词复数 );

掌届19278348382问: RUPEES ONE HUNDRED能不能换人民币 -
济南市中诺回答: RUPEES ONE HUNDRED能换人民币.

掌届19278348382问: one hundred rupees如何翻译?
济南市中诺回答: 100卢比

掌届19278348382问: One hundred rupees能换多少人民币?
济南市中诺回答: 100人民币 = 674.664753 印度卢比

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