
作者&投稿:战闸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

PARTE SECONDA - La Gitana Scena I Un diruto abituro sulle falde di un monte della Biscaglia.Nel fondo, quasi tutto aperto, arde un gran fuoco. I primi albori. Azucena siede presso il fuoco. Manrico le sta disteso accanto sopra una coltrice ed avviluppato nel suo mantello;...

falli g in ove
fall in love 坠入爱河

make \/ let sb.(not) do sth. 分别造句 配中英文
The class is ove!Let us go home together! 放学了,我们一起回家!

钮彼15169893236问: run+out+of+time是什么意思 -
佛坪县美迪回答: run out of time 时间耗尽 例句:1.Now he has run out of time. 如今,他已没有时间.2.Until we run out of time? 直到我们时间耗尽?3.He's right. We can do this.unless we run out of time. 他说的对.我们可以办到,除非我们没有时间了

钮彼15169893236问: someone may -- run over by a car. A have B become C turn D get -
佛坪县美迪回答: D 固定词组 get run over by a car 被车撞过

钮彼15169893236问: 已知非负数a,b,c满足条件a+b=7,c - a=5,设S=a+b+c的最大值为m,最小值为n,则m - n的值为------ -
佛坪县美迪回答: ∵a,b,c为非负数;∴S=a+b+c≥0;又∵c-a=5;∴c=a+5;∴c≥5;∵a+b=7;∴S=a+b+c=7+c;又∵c≥5;∴c=5时S最小,即S最小=12;∴n=12;∵a+b=7;∴a≤7;∴S=a+b+c=7+c=7+a+5=12+a;∴a=7时S最大,即S最大=19;∴m=19;∴m-n=19-12=7.

钮彼15169893236问: “水仙花数”是指一个三位数,其各位数的立方和等于该数,如153=13+53+33.编写程序输出所有的“水仙花数 -
佛坪县美迪回答: #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b,c,sum;for(a=0;a<10;a++){ for(b=a+1;b<10;b++){ for(c=b+1;c<10;c++){ sum=a*a*a+b*b*b+c*c*c;if(sum>99){ if(sum<1000)printf("%d ",sum);}}}} }

钮彼15169893236问: The dog was - ___ - by a bus and over B:tripped up C:knocked out D:fallen down -
佛坪县美迪回答:[答案] 从题目来看The dog was _____ by a bus and killed. 是 dog 什么什么 by bus,可知空格处应是一被动结构,观察四个选项,A、D为主动(不用 by bus,dog 也会 run 和 fall)所以排除,B意思不对,故答案为C.意思是:那只狗被车撞死了.

钮彼15169893236问: A lorry___Jane's cat and sped away -
佛坪县美迪回答:[选项] A. ran over B. ran into C. ran out D. ran through 能把整一句翻译一下吗?

钮彼15169893236问: 下面程序的输出是 main() { char s[ ]="121"; int k=0, a=0, b=0;...
佛坪县美迪回答: it是形容词主语,动词不定式是真正的主语,故也可写成:动词不定式 +BE +形容词+for sb . 如It 's important for us to learn English well .= To learn English well is very important for us .

钮彼15169893236问: down runs the river through the gorges.这里的runs是什么,run+s,还是runs, -
佛坪县美迪回答: down runs the river through the gorges.= The river runs down through the gorges.一条河通过峡谷.是runs

钮彼15169893236问: make sb+形容词 make sb do sth 中,“do”用动词原形make sb+形容词 中,“形容词”也用形容词原级吗? -
佛坪县美迪回答:[答案] make sb+形容词 后面可以跟形容词原级或则比较级,这要看句子的情况了 make it +adj /n + (for sb) to do sth / that cl- / wh – 例如:He made it interesting for us to learn. 还有make me happy等 make后也可以跟形容词比较级 例如:make something ...

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