
作者&投稿:爰径 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

求丘吉尔的《The Joys of Writing 》的全文翻译。。。
The House ofCommons may do what it likes,and so may theHouse of Lords.The heathen may rage furiously inevery part of the globe.The bottom may beknocked clean out of the American market.Con-sols may fall and suffragettes may rise.Nevermind,for four hours,at any rate,we will with-draw ...

OOTB Out Of The Box -or- Out Of The Blue OT Off Topic OTOH On the Other Hand OWTTE Or Words To That Effect OZ stands for "Australia" PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard PIMP Peeing In My Pants PITA Pain In The Ass PLS Please PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In PO Piss Off...

求一篇包法利夫人的读后感 要英文的500单词 谢谢了
and the more material things they possess, the more their insatiable appetites go unfed... There is no price that can be placed for love. No one material item or one night of unbridled, erotic passion can ever replace the true love of a spouse or child.700字,http:\/\/www....

The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas. (Grorge Santayana, Spain-born American philosopher and poet)教育之艰苦在于从意念中获得经验。(西班牙裔美国哲学家、诗人 桑塔亚那.G.)The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. (Winston Churchill...

be aggressive; engage in violent, delinquent, and criminal behavior; have poor school performance; be expelled from school; and drop out of high school."This is not because single parents are generally unloving, incompetent or uninvolved in their children's lives. It's because rearin...

Its middle of the night, you almost scared me to death! Little girl, you should know that the sensor light of this floor's stairway is out of order. Why are you still standing up there and play your mobile phone? I thought that I saw a ghost!21.昨晚梦见我游泳溺水了,于是...

DOS命令大全 一)MD——建立子目录 1.功能:创建新的子目录 2.类型:内部命令 3.格式:MD[盘符:][路径名]〈子目录名〉4.使用说明:(1)“盘符”:指定要建立子目录的磁盘驱动器字母,若省略,则为当前驱动器;(2)“路径名”:要建立的子目录的上级目录名,若缺省则建在当前目录下。例...

out of business 歇业,破产 annual budget [ˈænjuəl] [ˈbʌdʒit]n.年度预算 mortgage [ˈmɔ:gidʒ]n.\/vt.抵押 commodity [kəˈmɔditi]n.商品 常见的8组高级词汇短语 第一组:coincide with 和 contribute to coincide with 同时发生 【释义】:If one event coincides with an...

2. 表示地点,位置,方向的介词:next, to, in, in front of, on , out of, at, above, over, into, near, between, under, up, across, by, down, from, around, behind, beside等3. 表示原因,理由的介词:for, as, at, from 等4. 表示方式的介词:on, in, by, with 等。常用介词辨析1. ...

marker 篮架 basket support 替补队员席 substitude bench 开表 game clock 技术设备 technical equipment 停表 stop the clock 球队席区域 team bench areas 哨 whistle 球场面积 dimension of the court 三分投篮区 three-point field goal areas ...

陀芳19370097951问: run out of 的用法 -
复兴区悦子回答: run out of ... 这个动词短语只有主动语态,此题兼考了时态:现在进行时态 所以正确答案应是:C 翻译如下: 他们的钱很快就要花光了.辨析: run out 这个动词短语也只有主动语态,例句如下:Their money is running out . 他们的钱即将花光.

陀芳19370097951问: run out和run out of 的用法及区别 -
复兴区悦子回答: run out与run out of run out是动副型短语动词,作不及物动词,表示“被用完了(become used up)”的被动含义,其主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词.例如: His money soon ran out. 他的钱很快就花完了. Food supplies had run out ...

陀芳19370097951问: run out 和 run out of的用法以及区别
复兴区悦子回答: run out是不及物的,后面不能加宾语,所以没有被动 run out of是及物的,后面必须加宾语 比如:We have run out of the ink. = The ink has been run out of = The ink has run out 希望能帮到你.如果没有解释清楚,你可以再补充问题呵呵

陀芳19370097951问: run out of和run out的区别 举两个例子谢谢 -
复兴区悦子回答: run out: 作不及物短语,表示“被用完;被耗尽;(人)把东西用完(或花光)”,其主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词,而run out of则是及物短语,表示主动. [例句] His strength ran out. 他的力气用完了. run out of: 意为“用完”...

陀芳19370097951问: 英文词辨析:run out , run out of,run down -
复兴区悦子回答: 你的关键疑问在于run down 和run out of ... 的区别,其他的我就不再解释.注意它们确实都有用完的意思,但是注意后面跟的宾语是不同的. 我们先来看看它们的真正的解释:(在牛津英文词典里) run down: 1 to lose power or stop working e.g. ...

陀芳19370097951问: run out of 这个短语怎么用? -
复兴区悦子回答: Bsb run out of sth 某人用完某物sth run out 某物被用完 这个结构用主动的形式表示被动的意思

陀芳19370097951问: run out with是什么意思? run out 和 run out of 和 run out with的区别 -
复兴区悦子回答: Run out run out of 都是用完耗 尽的意思,用法不同,sth+ run.out.举例铅笔快要 用完了.run.out.of+sth用完某 物耗尽某物举例我快 要用完铅笔了.注意这两个句 子都是进行时表将来快要的...

陀芳19370097951问: He has run out of his money.has后面的run要加s吗? -
复兴区悦子回答: has后面的run不要加s,这里的run不是动词原形,而是run的过去分词.

陀芳19370097951问: run out of 等于什么短语 -
复兴区悦子回答: run out of run out of 意为“用完”,主语只能是人.如: He has run out of red ink. 他的红墨水用完了. We run out of coal, and had to burn wood. 我们的煤用完了,所以不得不烧柴. If we run out of money, we can sell some of the products in ...

陀芳19370097951问: run out of the door是什么意思 -
复兴区悦子回答: run out of the door 从门跑出来 双语例句1 The second Marla opens the screen door, Tyler is gone, vanished, run out of the room, disappeared.就在马拉拉开纱门的那一秒,泰勒走了,突然不见了,从房间里跑了出去,消失了.

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