
作者&投稿:壤军 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翻译: 英语: The cat likes to usually lick own hair, usually the people will miss that the cat true love of my house is clean, meeting the oneself combs hair for oneself.In fact the cat lick own hair is alleviate the motion of of a kind of method.But need what we notice is, have ...

电影大鱼 经典台词(中英对照)
1、The more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end.事情愈艰难,最后愈能得到丰厚的果实。2、Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding rin 要套住一个无法捉摸的女人,最好的办法就是帮她套上一只婚戒。3、Kept in a small ...

It takes quite a while for cars of all descriptions and trolleybuses to move along slowly like beetles of various sizes until they are out of sight. Nearer in sight are dull grey rooftops, and farther on stand row upon row of buildings. 要点: “近处是深灰色的屋顶,远处是层层叠叠的楼群。


Looking out of the window,I saw groups of children passing by the house.我从视窗望出去,看见成群的孩子们从房子前面走过。 Heated,the metal expands.这种金属加热后即膨胀。Opening the drawer he took out a dictionary.他打开抽屉,拿出一本词典。[注]如果要强调分词短语与谓语动词所表示的...

The announcement, read out by the 81-year-old Samaranch, was answered with wild jubilation from the Chinese delegation in Moscow, and with fireworks in Beijing. IOC senior member Kim Un-Yong said after the voting that Beijing deserved the Olympic Games. Beijing is capable of staging a great ...

Sex might still sell but sexism is out of fashion. 在这种环境下,阳狮倒戈罗伯茨也是意料之中的:广告公司应该一眼看出对自身业务不利的广告。伦敦市长萨迪克•汗(Sadiq Khan)禁止在首都的交通系统内张贴“体形歧视”海报;联合利华(Unilever)将该公司63亿英镑的年度营销预算用于打破女性刻板印象的广告。性可能还有...

求和 不劳无获 差不多意思的 英文名言
Nothing comes from (or of) nothing. 无风不起浪。 Nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it. 无风不起浪。 Nothing comes wrong to a hungry man. 饥不择食。 Nothing crave, nothing have. 有求才有应。 Nothing for nothing and very little for a half penny. 一分钱,一分货。

用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[黑人用语]时髦迷人的、性感的女郎,漂亮的青少年 fox用法二 用作动词的意思: (施诡计)欺骗,哄骗,使上当,使着迷 用法及例句:Some of the boys are going to fox the professors.其中有些孩子打算哄骗老师。29 (as) sly as a fox(像狐狸一样的狡猾;狐... allowed out of the school during the day, un...
D 考查情态动词特殊用法。Shall用于所有人称,表示命令,允诺,强制,(法律法规)要做某事;本题就是规定中要做的事情。句意:根据学校规则,没有学生可以在白天外出,除非有成年人陪同,故D正确。

缪尝13612347416问: run out of是否能用被动语态 -
东山区金格回答: of 是介词,后面必须跟宾语,表示用光或耗尽某物,如果用某物作主语,就可以用被动语态表示.如: 主动:They have run out of all their money. 他们把所有的钱都花光了.被动:All their money have been run out of. 所有的钱都被花光了.主动:A few of the jeeps had run out of gas. 几辆吉普车已经耗尽了汽油. 被动:Gas had had been run out of by a few of the jeeps. 汽油已经被几辆吉普车用光了.

缪尝13612347416问: 被动语态run out of 有被动形式吗 -
东山区金格回答:[答案] 没有.run out of表示“用完”,“耗尽”,主语需为施动者,比如Our car was run out of oil,不太好转成被动

缪尝13612347416问: run out of 有被动语态吗? -
东山区金格回答: run out of 用完,耗尽,从...跑出当用被动语态时有“被赶出的意思”如:He had been run out of the city.

缪尝13612347416问: run out of有被动语态吗? -
东山区金格回答: 我来告诉你, 人作主语,用 run out of 物作主语,用 run out 按这个角度来说,run out of无被动语态

缪尝13612347416问: run out of 有被动语态吗?
东山区金格回答: run out of 没有被动语态.我给你举个例子 eg:I run out of my money.(我花光了我的钱) 如果想要表达(我的钱被花光了)应该这样表达: Money run out .

缪尝13612347416问: run out of 这个短语怎么用? -
东山区金格回答: B sb run out of sth 某人用完某物 sth run out 某物被用完 这个结构用主动的形式表示被动的意思

缪尝13612347416问: run out of 与 use up 与 run out 是否有被动? -
东山区金格回答:[答案] use up 是及物动词,可以有被动.如our paper has been used up . run out 是不及物动词,无被动语态.our paper has run out.= be used up run out of 是及物,但是被动很少见.

缪尝13612347416问: run out of 主语只能是人,那可不可以用这样的被动,以物做主语.food is run out of.或用于独立主格中.food run out of ,he had to go out from his hiding place . -
东山区金格回答:[答案] 不能用 run out of 并不代表不能用 food 做主语来搭配 run out ,见下例: He had to go out from his hiding place because the food has run out. The food ran out so he had to go out from his hiding place. 用主动,不能以被动语态体现.

缪尝13612347416问: run out of 的用法 -
东山区金格回答: run out of ... 这个动词短语只有主动语态,此题兼考了时态:现在进行时态 所以正确答案应是:C 翻译如下: 他们的钱很快就要花光了.辨析: run out 这个动词短语也只有主动语态,例句如下:Their money is running out . 他们的钱即将花光.

缪尝13612347416问: run out 有筋疲力尽的意思吗 run out of 有被动吗 -
东山区金格回答: 有的,不过一般翻译为:用尽 run out of 是及物动词短语,有被动的.例如:I ran out of my oil. My oil was run out of.筋疲力尽 be tired out 很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

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