
作者&投稿:贠水 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

跪求 惠特曼 给我辉煌宁静的太阳的英文原文 标明出处
The dense brigade, bound for the war, with high piled military wagons following;People, endless, streaming, with strong voices, passions, pageants;Manhattan streets, with their powerful throbs, with the beating drums, as now;The endless and noisy chorus, the rustle and clank of ...

The grant beneficiaries are mainly private or public organisations, and exceptionally individuals, chosen by the European Commission for their capacity to implement the projects concerned.联合国:The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was first ...

No satisfying environment, no fit place for beings. If we are eager to develop economy ...finally will feed back ,you forger the movie"the day after tomorrow"and"War of the Worlds "...[zypisme]:As the weather gradually unmoors from its normal patterns, we will have no choice ...


Every minute counts.分秒必争。Practice makes perfect熟能生巧。No cross, no crown.不经风雨,怎能见彩虹。学英语跟着外教学更好:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】课均不到20元,每天都能跟着外教学习英语技巧,试课是免费的,大家都可以试试。阿卡索主打在线外教一对一授课,外教能第一时间了解大家...

Why did USA enter the first world war?
On the first of February, 1917, submarine warfare will be reinstated unrestrictively. The US has to stay neutral. Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico on the following basis: If the US goes to war, Mexico must fight on the home front in an financially supported alliance with Germany; ...

Note that the Serbian Government that the EU decision this lack of support for the UN Security Council, are illegal acts. 科索沃塞族领袖米兰·伊万诺维奇也表示:“这个特派团在性质上具有占领军的特点,不论是塞尔维亚还是科索沃的塞族人都不会接受。” Kosovo Serb leaders Milanyiwan Norwich ...


罪恶: sin Relative explainations:<evil> <maleficence> <malefaction> <offense> <vice> <villainy> <crime> <follies> <wickedness> Examples:1. 牧师说,他们将因罪恶而下地狱。The priest said they would go to hell for their sins.2. 是贪婪这种诱惑物使他步入罪恶。It's the tempter ...

克林顿《My Life》英文原版
But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for undelayed action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure. I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. ...

衷饱15518358999问: 英语词组,哪种词后+to do,哪种词后+doing? -
珠海市太可回答: 同学,老师来告诉你简单的方法,大部分动词后面都是加to do 的,只有少数次也就是一些特殊词必须要加doing ,还有一些词是两种形式都可以的,但是含义有所不同,比如说run (奔跑)就要加to do ,mind(介意)就要加doing,还有一些比如like,stop,remember,forget,mean,regret这些词to do 和 doing都可以的,呵呵

衷饱15518358999问: looking forward to后面到底是加to do 还是加doing?? -
珠海市太可回答: 你好,为你解答,正确答案为:doingto 这里是介词,后面跟动名词.不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

衷饱15518358999问: run forward to 和 run down (up) to -
珠海市太可回答:[答案] run forward to 跑向某地、某处 run down to 追逐某人、某物至某地或某种程度 run up to 欠了..东西到何种程度

衷饱15518358999问: look forward to后面什么时候跟to do,什么时候用doing -
珠海市太可回答: look forward to后面只跟sth.或是ing短语,例如: I'm looking forward to the weekend. 我盼着过周末呢. We're really looking forward to seeing you again. 我们非常盼望能再见到你.

衷饱15518358999问: 老师跟我们讲look forward的用法时说有look forward + to do和look forward to + doing两种,问一下两者有什么区别? -
珠海市太可回答:[答案] 老师的意思是look forward如果当作look + forward表示向前看的话就接to do,意思是向前方看来做什么事情.不过说实在的我还真没见过谁这么用过,即使去google搜.一般常见的是第二种用法,look forward to sth./doing...

衷饱15518358999问: long for ; be long to 2.look forward 3.leave sb/sth+doingto do -
珠海市太可回答:[答案] be long for 我没记错的话应该用主动的.I long to see you 就是我很渴望见你的意思 也就是 很渴望(sth.)=look forward to +sth/doing sth. leave sb. to do sth. 就是让某人去做某事. I left him to wash the windows. 就是我留他一个人去擦窗户. I left him there ...

衷饱15518358999问: 为什么在练习题中 look forward to 后面又加了一个to do的结构? -
珠海市太可回答: look forward to 后面应该加sth的结构,或者doing sth,接 to do是错误的

衷饱15518358999问: looking forward to的用法
珠海市太可回答: Looking forward to 的意思是期待 后加doing 这里是被动语态 故为be taking

衷饱15518358999问: put forward 加doing 还是to do -
珠海市太可回答:[答案] put sth forward------把- - - - 提前 put forward doing sth -------把做某事提前.doing是动名词.

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