
作者&投稿:宥汪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Rubbish和litter都牵涉到了环境卫生和公共道德的问题,但litter特别着重随手乱扔的行为的错误和危害性。 例句: - You should always dispose of your rubbish properly.(你应该随时正确处理你的垃圾。) - It is rude and inconsiderate to litter in public places.(在公共场所随地乱扔垃圾是不礼貌、不顾他人的。) ...

litter是什么意思? Rubbish是什么意思啊?
3、I thought the play was rubbish!我觉得这部戏很差!4、Do we have to listen to this rubbish music?我们一定要听这样差劲的音乐吗?5、You're talking a load of rubbish.你说的是一大堆废话。6、You're talking a load of rubbish.一派胡言。7、It's not rubbish─it's true!这不是...

"rubbish"主要用于英式英语,较少在美式英语中使用。例子1:We need to take out the rubbish before it starts to smell.(我们需要把垃圾拿出去,以免开始发臭。)例子2:The beach was covered in rubbish left by the visitors.(海滩上满是游客留下的垃圾。)区别3:意义延伸"trash"可以用作...

1. I don't know why he bothers me with this kind of rubbish.我不明白他为何用这种烂事来烦我。2. They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.他们相信游客会自觉捡起垃圾。3. It's all rubbish and superstition, and there's nothing in it.这都是废话和迷信,不是...

"rubbish" 通常是名词,但也可以用作形容词。例子3:The beach was covered in rubbish after the party.(派对后海滩上到处都是垃圾。)例子4:This old TV is rubbish; it doesn't work anymore.(这台旧电视是垃圾了,已经不能用了。)区别3:地理和习惯用法"litter" 这个词在美式英语中更...

- rubbish:通常用于正式场合,或更中性的描述垃圾。例句:- The play was a complete trash, I didn't enjoy it at all. (这个戏太糟糕了,我毫不喜欢。)- Please dispose of your rubbish properly. (请合理处理垃圾。)4. 习惯用法和俚语区别:- trash:有时用作动词,表示破坏或损坏某物。...

根据牛津中阶英汉双解词典对litter和rubbish的英文释义来看,两个词的主要区别如下:1.所指范围的大小区别 litter的英文释义为:pieces of paper, rubbish, etc. that are left in a public place (公共场所乱扔的)废弃物,垃圾 例句:It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop ...


4. "Trash"有时也可以指非常劣质、没有价值或无用的东西,而"rubbish"则更多地暗示物品是否可回收。 例句: - That car is such trash, it's always breaking down. 那辆车太烂了,经常出故障。 - The company's plan to improve sales was complete rubbish and no one wanted to follow it. 公司提出...

rubbish一般当形容词用,指肮脏,散乱的性格。而trash一般情况下都可以使用。rubbish 垃圾;废话;无意义的东西;劣质的东西,音标:英 [ˈrʌbɪʃ] 美 [ˈrʌbɪʃ] 。双语例句:They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.他们把大...

蒲狮17779453160问: 为什么rubbish是不可数名词就要用it指代?求them和it的区别~ -
贵南县威麦回答:[答案] Them指代复数名词,it指代单数和不可数名词

蒲狮17779453160问: 不可数名词例如the rubbish.在下文提起的时候 用it还是them? -
贵南县威麦回答: 不可数名词一律用 it 代替,不能用 them .

蒲狮17779453160问: pick (it) up ,主语是some rubbish ,it用变成them吗 -
贵南县威麦回答:[答案] it在这里只是代词,指一些事物,所以可以

蒲狮17779453160问: rubbish后面的动词要三单吗? -
贵南县威麦回答: rubbish 不可数名词:垃圾 如果是一般现在时,而且rubbish做主语,则主语相当于it,动词是必须用单三形式的.

蒲狮17779453160问: There is some rubbish in the bag.Please_____.() -
贵南县威麦回答:[选项] A. take out it B. take out them C. take them out D. take it out

蒲狮17779453160问: There is some rubbish.. Please - ---------. A.take it out B.take out it C.take them out -
贵南县威麦回答: A 试题分析:句意:有一些垃圾.请把它带出去.Take out把…带出去,这是一个由动词加副词构成的短语,代词宾语要放在两词之间,rubbish垃圾,是不可数名词,可用it代替.所以选A. 护弗篙煌蕻号戈铜恭扩

蒲狮17779453160问: 英语语法请教 you are rubbish -
贵南县威麦回答: you are是固定搭配 I用am you用are it he she 用is

蒲狮17779453160问: 英语填空:There is some rubbish here,please (). -
贵南县威麦回答:[选项] A. take it out B. take out it C. take them out D. take out them

蒲狮17779453160问: Rubbish and black smoke做主语用第三人称单数还是复数? -
贵南县威麦回答: 用单数,都是不可数名词

蒲狮17779453160问: Don't throw rubbish everywhere. You should - -----. A. take them away B. take it off -
贵南县威麦回答: 选C. take sth. away 是把什么什么扔掉. rubbish 是不可数的吧 用it

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