
作者&投稿:笃菊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 graduated 2 gets 3 can be 4 finds 5 was blowing 6 doesn't keep 7 took 8 won't go 9 thinks 10 was 11 was 12 wasn't 13 enters 14 didn't feel 15 wasn't 16 arrives 17 made 18 takes 19 was 20 flew 21 takes 22 were sleeping 23 were 24 didn't do 25 will come...

A. her singing B.her sing C.she was singing D. All the answers are right42.Mr .Smith always has ___ to tell us.A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news C. some good piece of newes D.s ome piece of good newes43.Chinese is the language spoken by the ___ ...

徒俘15945801276问: "罗马不是一天建成的"这句话有什么历史含义? -
通城县迪尔回答:[答案] 真正的“罗马不是一天建成”的由来 这是个英语典故——Rome was not built in a day.起源于一个古代传说:传说特洛亚王子的后裔公主来茜西尔维娅被战神马尔斯所幸,生下了孪生兄弟罗马路斯和莱谟斯.当时的国王知道后杀死了他们的母亲,并把...

徒俘15945801276问: 罗马是不是一日建成的 -
通城县迪尔回答: “罗马不是一天建成”的由来 这是个英语典故——Rome was not built in a day. 起源于一个古代传说: 传说特洛亚王子的后裔公主来茜西尔维娅被战神马尔斯所幸,生下了孪生兄弟罗马路斯和莱谟斯.当时的国王知道后杀死了他们的母亲,并把兄弟俩装进篮筐,扔进波涛翻滚的台伯尔河.是一只母狼救了他们,并用自己的乳汁哺育了兄弟两人.后来兄弟俩长大成人,为了替母亲报仇,他们想法杀死了国王,这两个天赋异禀的狼养大的孩子一夜之间建造了罗马城. 实际上,原文的意思是“罗马不是在一个白天建成的”,not “in a day”,应该是在晚上“in a night”

徒俘15945801276问: 罗马不是一天建成的什么意思(罗马不是一天建成的)
通城县迪尔回答: 1、真正的“罗马不是一天建成”的由来这是个英语典故——Rome was not built in a day.起源于一个古代传说:传说特洛亚王子的后裔公主来茜西尔维娅被战神马尔斯所幸...

徒俘15945801276问: rome was not built in a day是主系表结构吗 -
通城县迪尔回答: 【问题答案】Rome was not built in a day.这不是系表结构.【问题分析】这是一般过去时被动语态否定句.built是过去分词,不做表语用.【句子意思】 英语谚语,汉语意思是:罗马非朝夕建成.(或:伟业非一日之功.)

徒俘15945801276问: 冰冻三尺非一日之寒用英语写出其寓意,在线等~! -
通城县迪尔回答: Rome was not built in a day. Great achievements are always built on strenuous efforts. Sometimes we may only see the gorgeous outcome one has landed in, but what we could not perceive are the perspiration and sufferings the achiever has gone through before he finally achieves his goal.

徒俘15945801276问: “冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”英文怎么说?? -
通城县迪尔回答: 英文里有一句对应的谚语:Rome was not built in a day. (罗马不是一天建成的),中译通常把这句话翻译成“冰冻三尺非一日之寒.”

徒俘15945801276问: Rome was not built in a day 英译英 -
通城县迪尔回答: 罗马不是一日建成 This English saying means we should not impatient to do one thing, we should be perseverent. 这句英文谚语是说我们作事情不要急于求成,要有耐心和毅力祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢

徒俘15945801276问: 怎么用英语翻译"Rome was not built in a day." -
通城县迪尔回答: Rome was not built in a day 翻译:网络罗马不是一天造成的;伟业非一日之功;罗马不是一天建成的 例句: 1. Rome was not built in a day, they say. 罗马不是一天建成的,他们说.2. Rome was not built in a day, nor in a year. 罗马非一日建成,也不是一年建成.

徒俘15945801276问: 写一篇英语演讲稿 关于 罗马不是一天建成的 Rome was not built in a day 跪谢! -
通城县迪尔回答:[答案] The good old proverb,"Rome was not hulh in a clay," reminds us that great things are never done without much time and labour.It takes us back to Rome,the capital of the greatest empire of the ancient world and the most brilliant city of ancient times....

徒俘15945801276问: 求西方谚语“罗马不是一天建成的”英语... -
通城县迪尔回答: Rome was not built in a day

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