
作者&投稿:宗史 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



大爱、大爱、大爱 歌词和翻译: Ohhwooaah... Youknowyouloveme,Iknowyoucare 你知道你爱我我知道你关心我Youshoutwhenever,AndI'llbethere 随时召唤我我马上到来Youwantmylove,Youwantmyheart 你是我的爱你是我的心Andwewillneverevereverbeapart 我们永远永远不分离Areweanitem?Girlquitplaying 我们...

百灵达UMC22连接好后话筒没声音,话筒是ISK AR100的,店家说要什么机架...
你是正常录音还是主播?如果录音,就把录音软件的输入和输出设置好,不需要什么机架。如果用于主播,不一定绝对用机架,但是机架方便些,比如说Studio One、Samp;itude等机架很多,淘宝网上有卖的,并且给你远程设置。祝你好运


旧金山 音标
英英解释:名词san francisco:1. a port in western California near the Golden Gate that is one of the major industrial and transportation centers; it has one of the world's finest harbors; site of the Golden Gate Bridge 参考资料:http:\/\/dict.cn\/search\/?q=San+Francisco ...


Trust Company -- Downfall 试听http:\/\/www.tudou.com\/programs\/view\/PG0X9isKBXg\/ Fear in me so deep It gets the best of me In the fear I fall Here it comes Face to face with me Here I stand Hold back so no one can see I feel these wounds Step down, step down, step...

步光19867064834问: risk one's life 后面接doing 还是 to do -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答: 两个都可以可是有不同的意思.比如说:He risked his life playing tennis. 他正在冒着生命危险打网球. (可能因为他有心脏问题...)He risked his life to play tennis.因为他要打网球他所以冒着生命危险. (e.g. 为了不迟到Wimbledon他开车开地太快了.)Doing sth = by doing the thing he risked his lifeto do sth. = in order to do the thing he risked his life.

步光19867064834问: 冒着生命危险的介词短语英文 -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答: Risk one's life. At the danger of one's life.

步光19867064834问: all one's life与in one's life在句中怎么用,请给出尽量多的例句 -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答: in one's life 如:risk one's life to save persons in peril 舍命营救危难之中的人们 在一个人的生命中.一般性短语.all one's life 如:suffer many a setback during one's life 命途多舛 一生

步光19867064834问: risk one's life 后面接doing 还是 to do -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答:[答案] 两个都可以可是有不同的意思.比如说:He risked his life playing tennis.他正在冒着生命危险打网球.(可能因为他有心脏问题.)He risked his life to play tennis.因为他要打网球他所以冒着生命危险.(e.g.为了不迟...

步光19867064834问: 急急急!!!!!!要交作业了 1. in other to(两句)和in other that 2.risk(doing)one'slife/to do s.th 3.e... -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答: 展开全部1. in other to和in other that 为了做某事2.risk(doing)one'slife/to do s.th 冒着风险做某事3.equip……up 给……配备上/给……装备上4.turn up 打开、出现、升高5.take up in/v.ing 占用、从事

步光19867064834问: 1.in other to(两句)和in other that 2.risk(doing)one'slife/to do s.th 3.e...1.in other to(两句)和in other that2.risk(doing)one'slife/to do s.th3.equip……up4.turn ... -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答:[答案] 1. in other to和in other that 为了做某事 2.risk(doing)one'slife/to do s.th 冒着风险做某事 3.equip……up 给……配备上/给……装备上 4.turn up 打开、出现、升高 5.take up in/v.ing 占用、从事

步光19867064834问: "有丧失生命的危险"用英语怎么说 -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答: be in danger of losing one's life. ;例如: He is in danger of losing his life.他有失去生命的危险.

步光19867064834问: 英语翻译 冒着生命危险 -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答: risk one's life

步光19867064834问: risk one's to do sth,造句 -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答: He wanted to know why I would risk my life to do such a thing. 他想知道我为什么要冒着生命危险去干这个. . ----------------------------------- 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

步光19867064834问: The man - -----(冒着生命危险)in trying to save the girl(risk) -
龙马潭区嘉欣回答: risked his life

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