
作者&投稿:曹茗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

result in 和result to 以及result from的区别
调用函数时引发异常,无法将参数结果转换为要求的类型之一。2、result from 起因于 由……产生 是……的结果,更侧重于强调起因,即from后面接事情的起因 Success results from hard work. 努力通往成功。3、result in 结果的result in 表示意想不到的结果 Hard work results in success. 努力就会成功...

什么是result in, result to和result from?
"Result in"、"result to"和"result from"都是表示结果或影响的短语,但它们在用法和含义上有所不同:"Result in"表示某个行动或事件导致了某个结果或影响,常用于描述一个因果关系,例如:The heavy rain resulted in flooding in the city. (大雨导致城市洪水泛滥。)His constant hard work ...

成功有时也可以说result in, result from是什么意思
从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析result in 和result from的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- "Result in":表示导致、造成某种结果或后果。- "Result from":表示某种结果或后果来源于特定的原因或事件。例句:- The heavy rain resulted in flooding in the area. (大雨导致...

Result in和 lead to后面应该加名词性的吧?
in 与to 是介词,若接从句当然就是宾语从句了。Hard life results in what she looks like now.nervousness leads to what he don't to do when aksed by teacher.


关于result in 和 resulting in 怎么使用?
result in为vi.+adv.=vt.,也就是说整体做谓语动词,用在句子的谓语成分,如this results\/resulted in sth. terrible.resulting in中的result加入ing就成为了现在分词,也就是说整体可用来做非谓语动词使用,如he was ill, resulting in absence in class.也可以翻译成从而导致 如果对非谓语方面不熟悉...

前面一句话 有逗号 后面是result in 加从句行么
可用非限制性定语从句 which resulted (results) in...或:resulting in...作结果状语

result in和result from是什么意思
引起,导致,以…为结局;落得;致使 [例句]Not every arctic feedback will result in further warming.并非所能北极地区的变化都会导致变暖。产生于…, 由…引起 [例句]Should an injury result from nonstandard practice , a malpractice claim for damages could be made.如果伤害是因非标准治疗...

前面一句话 有逗号 后面是result in 加从句行么
可用非限制性定语从句 which resulted (results) in...或:resulting in... 作结果状语

result in result from lead to lead on 都是什么意思?
result in 是导致,它的前面加事件后面加后果 result from 是起因于,前面加事件后面加这个事件的诱因 lead to 也是导致的意思,和result in 差不多,不过有的时候因果关系不是太强烈的时候它也可以用,还有就是有“通到”的意思 lead on 我没见过,有这个词吗。。。

占贺13094269352问: result in的用法我知道原因result in sth(后果) 那么有result in doing 还是to do还是 result in that sb do还是 result in that sb to do吗result from 也是如此吗 -
离石区通便回答:[答案] in 为介词,因此后面可跟名词或动名词,即:result in sth./doing sth.e.g.Failure will result in frustration.失败会导致挫败心理.His laziness resulted in failing in the exam .result from 是由……造成,其用法也...

占贺13094269352问: 英语语法 -
离石区通便回答: result in 后面的确只能跟名词或动名词要完全不改变原意 建议改成这样The huge financial burder result in the young doing jobs which leave them having no extra money to supprt parents.

占贺13094269352问: result in 和 with the result that在用法上的区别 -
离石区通便回答: 1. 首先,result in是动词短语,意为 导致,引起,,以…为结局.前边是主语,后接事或物.例:Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.(紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中.) 2. with the result that 是with的复合结构,意为 结...

占贺13094269352问: result from与result in和lead to的用法 -
离石区通便回答: lead to 的用法比result in的要多,先来看result in result in=to make something happen 例句:An accident resulted in the death of two passengers. These policies resulted in many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship. 从较大部分的例句可...

占贺13094269352问: result in和result of的用法 -
离石区通便回答: result in ……导致……,前后都是名词,前面的名词导致后面的结果,例如: False statements could result in the invalidation of the contract.虚假资料会导致合同失效 result of ……的结果,后面是名词,后面的名词的结果是前面的主语,例如 this is result of the our conversation.这是我们谈话的结果. 一个是前因后果,一个是前果后因

占贺13094269352问: resut from 和result in的用法 -
离石区通便回答: result from: 由什么引起,后面接的是“因” result in:结果是...,导致了...,后面接的是“果”

占贺13094269352问: result in,result from的意思分别是什么,有什么用法
离石区通便回答: result in 引起 导致 产生,侧重于结果,即in后面接导致的结果.如:The accident resulted in three people being killed. result from 起因于 由……产生 是……的结果,更侧重于强调起因,即from后面接事情的起因.Nothing has resulted from his efforts.

占贺13094269352问: result in do sth还是doing啊? -
离石区通便回答:[答案] 没有result in do sth 这个形式 一般是A result in B 一般后面是名字 应该是doing 表动名词

占贺13094269352问: result in,result from的意思分别是什么,有什么用法如果意思相近又有什么区别 -
离石区通便回答:[答案] result in 引起 导致 产生,侧重于结果,即in后面接导致的结果.如:The accident resulted in three people being killed. result from 起因于 由……产生 是……的结果,更侧重于强调起因,即from后面接事情的起因.Nothing has resulted from his efforts.

占贺13094269352问: result in表示结果还是原因? -
离石区通便回答:你好, result in表示结果, result from表示原因

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