
作者&投稿:皮蕊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered. Hold fast to life but not so fast that you cannot let go. This is the second side of life’s coin, the opposite pole of its paradox:...

★清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第四十二回 拼音代码: y q b y 近义词: 来者不拒、有求斯应 反义词: 拒之门外 歇后语: 大庙里娘娘;土地横匾;观音菩萨 灯谜: 拜观音菩萨得子 用法: 作谓语、定语;指人或神 英文: respond to every plea 2、有求斯应 拼音: yǒu qiú sī yìng 解释: 斯:尽。只要有... you and ninety percent how you respond t
晕死,这里没有先行词呀,就是正常的陈述句。只能说明你的概念混乱。【分析】1、定义:所谓先行词,是指没有实际意义与翻译内容的,领导整句话开头的词。2、例句:It is really difficult for me to do the job like this.这里的先行词就是it is 3、在常规的句子中,先行词一般形式就一种:it ...

六、人们会对激励做出反映(People respond to incentives) 激励的体例多种多样,有些是经由过程口头表达的体例,有些则是经由过程无言的步履体例,那么针对于这个经计揭捉 理论,我们则可以把激励理解为美国大学的奖学金政策,经由过程给学生公布奖学金,作为一种激励的政策,从而绕揭捉 生能够加倍积极地面临美国大学的进...

[immediately respond to a call;act without delay upon hearing sth.;go into action without delay] 听到一点消息就立即行动。形容十分积极 3. 闻风丧胆 wénfēng-sàngdǎn [become terror-stricken of the news;become panicstricken at the news] 刚听到一点风声就惧怕不已。形容极端虚弱、惶恐 ...


We need every possible way to discover and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason: No one way can get it all. The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scientific symbols. They are ways we human beings “talk” to each ...

Then I remembered how often I,too,had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day,too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all. 4、“so much that…”句型 But he developed gradually a very musical English. He learnt to write sentences th...

请问英语高手might as well的用法
might as well用法:1、用作助动词可与实义动词搭配,以用来表示可能性很小、许可、愿望、祝愿、请求,还可用于表示希望或目的的从句中。might也是may的过去式,用于问句中代替may,以表示礼貌。2、用于肯定句, might可以用来表达一种像是认真、客气的抱怨或指责。3用于让步状语从句中,表示“不管,无...

(3) 附和;响应 [follow;echo;respond to]。如:和从(附和顺从);一倡百和;一唱百和 (4) 以诗歌酬答;依照别人诗词的题材作诗词 [compose a poem in reply to one by another poet using the same rhyme words]。如:和章(酬和他人的诗章);和答(酬答别人的诗);和酬(以诗酬答他人)(5) ...

天悦18867684297问: respond的名词形式 -
广灵县钆贝回答:[答案] Response

天悦18867684297问: respond是什么意思 -
广灵县钆贝回答: respond的意思是:回答,回应;作出反应;响应;反应灵敏;作出正确反应. 一、读音:英 [rɪˈspɒnd] 美 [rɪˈspɑːnd] 二、例句: Even very young premature babies respond to their mother's presence 即使是很小的早产儿也会对母亲的...

天悦18867684297问: respond的用法
广灵县钆贝回答: respond to对……做出回应 Respond (1) respond v. 回答,对……回应,比answer 更正式.如:① She didn't respond to my question. 她没有回答我的问题.② I offered to help him, but he didn't respond. 我表示愿意帮他,但他没有回应. (2) ...

天悦18867684297问: respond response的区别 -
广灵县钆贝回答: 第一个是动词第二个是他的名词形式

天悦18867684297问: responding中文什么意思? -
广灵县钆贝回答: v. 反应;作答(respond的ing形式)n. 反应adj. 响应的

天悦18867684297问: responsible的动词形式 -
广灵县钆贝回答: respond

天悦18867684297问: reply,answer,respond的区别 -
广灵县钆贝回答: answer 作“回答”讲时,是一方提出问题另一方回答常用词,较常用. reply 较正式,指较为正式或经过考虑的答复,除了后面接直接宾语或以that开始的句子外,一般只用作不及物动词,后面连用to,表示回答旁人的问题(话语,信件,祝贺...

天悦18867684297问: responsible的动词形式? -
广灵县钆贝回答:[答案] respond 反应 有反应==>负责任

天悦18867684297问: respond;response -
广灵县钆贝回答: 第一个空填responding 第二个空填response 第一个空不能填responded.注意看my parents后面有一个逗号,说明这不是主谓结构,不是一个完整的句子,所以不能填谓语动词,而要填非谓语动词responding,“responding to my resquest of buying a MP3 player with a smile”这一部分在句中作状语,而不是作谓语 第二个空应该填“回应”的名词形式,也就是response

天悦18867684297问: responded是什么意思
广灵县钆贝回答: respond: [ ris'pɔnd ] v. 回答,回报,反应 responded是respond的过去分词

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