
作者&投稿:市菁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

现代英汉综合大辞典resort vi.常去; 成群地去 求助; 依赖; 诉诸, 采取(某种手段等)resort to the seaside 常去海滨 resort to all kinds of methods 采取一切办法 I'm sorry you have resorted to deception.我很遗憾你竟用欺骗手段。习惯用语 have resort to force 诉诸武力 in the last resort...

owe …… to ……(欠……;对……负小?BR> apply to……(应用,运用;向……申请)react to……(对……做出反应)attach…… to ……(系上,附加于,使附属)refer to……(论及,参照;委托)attend to ……(倾听;照顾,料理)resort to ……(诉诸于……)att...

resort的中文含义及用法介绍 1、作为名词时,译为旅游胜地;度假胜地;诉诸;求助;采取;应急措施;可首先(或最后)采取的手段。例句:There are hopes that the conflict can be resolved without resort to violence.冲突有望不需要诉诸武力而得到解决。Strike action should be regarded as a last resort ,...

外刊精读笔记 | 求职简历上的年龄会让你不被录用吗
They felt obliged to resort to violence. 他们觉得有必要诉诸暴力。 [+ -ing] We may have to resort to using untrained staff. 我们也许只能使用未受过训练的员工了。 我们还可以用 have recourse to 替换: Your only recourse is legal action. 你的唯一依靠就是诉诸法律。 She made a complete recovery...

resort;英[rɪˈzɔːt];美[rɪˈzɔːrt]n、旅游胜地; 度假胜地; 诉诸; 求助; 采取; 应急措施; 可首先(或最后)采取的手段;v、求助,诉诸; 常去; 采取某手段或方法;[例句]His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs 异常紧张...

1、global lender of last resort:最后贷款者,紧急贷款者 (固定短语,resort 并不是作为动词分离出来)2、only 的词性是副词,修饰 are only a student ,having no right to criticize you teacher.如果表示唯一的,是形容词,修饰名词,一般在only 前面有个定冠词the 3、前者是名词作定语,...

resort \/rɪˈzɔːt\/ CET4 TEM4(resorting, resorted, resorts)1. V-IIf you resort to a course of action that you do not really approve of, you adopt it because you cannot see any other way of achieving what you want. 不得不求助 例:His punishing work...

十七:表示依靠或借助,如:resort to,turn to,appeal to,He usually appeals to arms to settle the territory dispute.十八:表示有关注,关于:as to,with regard to 十九:表示关注或重视,如:pay attention to,attach to,We should attach primary importance to job training.二十:表示依据或是根据,如...

Despite our frequent contacts, we don't have time to discover new value in each other. We have to abide by a set of rules, the so-called "etiquette" and "politeness", so that frequent contact will not become intolerable and resort to force. 24. The luxury of one class is maintained ...

求英语单词..形容词 名词 助词
55. resort to 求助于 56. strategies n.策略, 军略 57. interactivity 交互性 58. hospitality n.好客, 宜人, 盛情 59. security n.安全 60. set up v.设立, 竖立, 架起, 升起, 装配, 创(纪录), 提出, 开业 61. silicon n.[化]硅, 硅元素 62. plunge n.跳进, 投入vi.投入, 跳进...

诺保15236114908问: turn to和resort to的区别 -
农安县赛乐回答: turn sth/sb (from A) to/into B:意思为由一种状况变成另一种状况!Water turns into ice when it freezes. turn to :1.开始努力地或热情地工作 We turned to and got thr whole house cleaned in an afternoon 2.turn to sb/sth 向某人(事物)寻求帮助,指教等,The child turned to its mother for comfort

诺保15236114908问: 用eahcp组成的单词是什么意思 -
农安县赛乐回答:[答案] cheap英 [tʃi:p] 美 [tʃip] adj.便宜的,廉价的;劣质的,低劣的;小气的,可鄙的 adv.便宜地;卑鄙地 便宜; 廉价; 便宜的; 贱 比较级:cheaper 最高级:cheapest 【1】便宜的;不贵的 Goods or services that are cheap cost less money than usual...

诺保15236114908问: resort to与appeal to在诉诸于这个意思上的区别 -
农安县赛乐回答: resort to感觉更强硬一点,诉诸于武力. appeal to 呼吁,恳求

诺保15236114908问: 有没有resort to do,有的话是什么意思 -
农安县赛乐回答: resort to 名词 是有的诉诸于 xxxresort to violence

诺保15236114908问: turn to和resort to的区别 同是求助于,有什么区别? -
农安县赛乐回答: 这样记就可以 了turn to sb for help to后面跟向谁求助,for跟救助什么. 希望这一回答对你有所帮助,望点击”选为满意答案”采纳.

诺保15236114908问: The hotel room is - ______ - for us to live enough B.enough cheap C.more cheaper D.the cheapestDavid asks me - ____________ - I do the chores ... -
农安县赛乐回答:[答案] 1、A 搭配是这样的,形容词+enough表足够什么,例如big enough表足够大. 2、C 前面部分是一个间接引语,原型是这样... 是固定搭配,表在某方面努力 4、A Where is he going to move表他打算搬家到哪里去,其他的意思不符. 5、B with sth表用什...

诺保15236114908问: The pen is - ---- - than that one. A. more cheap B. cheap C. much cheaper D. quite cheaper -
农安县赛乐回答: 选 C 解析:有 than 要用比较级 cheap 的比较级是 cheaper much 可以用来修饰比较级,所以选C 请放心采纳 良师益友伴你行 团队为你解答~ 欢迎追问~

诺保15236114908问: 一句简单的英语翻译 -
农安县赛乐回答: 当许多无家可归的青少年的钱用光了时,他们只能去偷窃. resort to 有“采取,求助于,诉诸于”的意思.

诺保15236114908问: It is too cheap to be good这句怎么会是“便宜没好货”高手解答 -
农安县赛乐回答: 字面上生硬地翻译过来是:太便宜了而不能是好的,不就是“便宜没好货”吗?too+形容词/副词+to+动词原形 表示“太怎么样而不...”,如:That problem is too hard for the little boy to understand. 对这个小男孩来说,那个问题太难了而不能理解.The house is too small for them to live in.房子太小了,他们不能住进去.

诺保15236114908问: 英语1.Whichis()waytogothere,bybus,
农安县赛乐回答: 第一题,选C.由于cheap的最高级形式是cheapest.类似的单词还有rich--richest,deep--deepest等等. 形容词变比较级、最高级的情况有以下几种: 1.三个或三个以上音...

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