
作者&投稿:童朱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

结婚的人很难再聪明起来。 8. Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. 成功是一个相关名词, 他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚 。 9. Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop. 爱情就象照片, 需要大量的暗房时间来培养。 10. Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in...

进入80年代,朱莉·安德鲁斯的电影作品如《维克多·维克多利亚》(Victor Victoria) 和《如此生活》(That's Life),展现了她对角色深度挖掘的能力。她的演艺生涯并未因时间的流逝而减色,1991年的《Our Sons》和1992年的《A Fine Romance》继续证明她的艺术实力。1999年的《一夜情缘》(One special night...

《卡萨布兰卡》1,Here's looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子 2,Louis,I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.路易斯,我认为这是一段美好友谊的开始。3,Play it,Sam. Play'As Time Goes By'. 弹这首,山姆,就弹“时光流逝”.4,We'll always have Paris.我...



the film very few, and the Chinese people may be relevant state of mind, we are not a open country, relative to the United States and some European countries, China youth sex description and talk to outsiders, sometimes even more a shameful behavior. And in those relative to th...

如果你看过电影《国王的演讲》,就会记得乔治国王去那个医生家里面治疗口吃病,当国王取烟抽时那个医生一手就抢过国王的烟便说:“这里不许抽烟。”If you saw the movie "the king's speech", will remember king George go to the doctor's treatment of stuttering inside disease, when the ...

By watching some movies which is closely relative to our lives, we are able to get some lessons from the ways to solve problems in the movies. Finally, it is an effective way to develop our imagination. For example, through watching science fiction films, we have a chance to ...

一、如果你想让别人直接给你写代码,请把你的代码用截图上传格式化的代码,你现在这种 代码没人愿意看。二、我提供大概思路,也就是 ①在方法里加入获取到的电影名称,②获取要填充到的DOM,把innerHTML\/innerText设置为名称 ③ class样式根据需求设置 如果我的答案有帮助到你,请采纳!

犹豫 : hesitate Relative explainations:<oscillate> <hesitation> <hang back> <waver> <hang fire> <hesitance> <wabble> <stick at> <boggle> <daiker> <dacker> <vacillate> <indecision> <dilly dally> <dillydally> <hesitancy> Examples:1. 别再犹豫了,一有机会就抓住它!Don't hesitate...

堂清15546569524问: 电影的英语翻译是什么 -
饶阳县硫酸回答: 电影: 1. movie2. film Relative explainations:<cinema> <kinetogram> <kinema> <moving pictures> <moving picture> <movies> <motion picture> <musical> <PIC> <picture show> <pix> <cine> <picture> <movingpicture> <MOTPICT> <...

堂清15546569524问: 求尼古拉斯凯奇主演的全部电影、一定要全!! -
饶阳县硫酸回答:搜虫影视资讯: Time Share 电子上帝Electric God 闪亮的人生The Dance Amarillo Slim The Frozen Ground(2013) 影视剧照(11张)黑蝴蝶(Black B...

堂清15546569524问: 求20句英文电影的经典台词 -
饶阳县硫酸回答: 原发布者:283842292(一)《ThePursuitofHappiness》当幸福来敲门 1.Youhaveadream,yougottoprotectit.如果你有梦想,就要捍卫它.2.Peoplecan'tdosomethingbythemselves;theywannatellyouyoucannotdoit.当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他...

堂清15546569524问: 尼古拉凯奇拍过多少部电影? -
饶阳县硫酸回答: 作为演员尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage的电影作品(数量:108)Amarillo Slim ------- (2008) Time Share ------- (2008) Electric God ------- (2008) The Dance ------- (2008) Crazy Dog ------- (2008) Cómo conseguir un papel en Hollywood ------- (2007) ...

堂清15546569524问: 美国电影《弱点》的英文影评和梗概 -
饶阳县硫酸回答:Watching The Blind Side, you could be forgiven for thinking you'd fallen into an alternativeuniverse where the Republicans are still in charge in America. Sandra Bullock plays LeighAnne Touhy, a larger than life Momzilla, and blonde sub-...

堂清15546569524问: 尼古拉斯凯奇有哪些好看的电影啊,请各位高手帮个忙 -
饶阳县硫酸回答: 楼上的几位给的什么啊,连《恶灵骑士》都没有.看我的!Time Share ------- (2008) 刑房 Grindhouse ------- (2007) National Treasure: Book of Secrets ------- (2007) 鬼面骑士/恶灵战警/恶灵骑士/幽灵骑士 Ghost Rider ------- (2007) 惊魂下一秒/预见...

堂清15546569524问: ...尊敬老人的传统美德代代相传.(pass on)2.女孩在那一直等到那位老太太来.(until)3.昨天和我一起去博物馆的男孩是我的同学.(relative clause)4.电影最... -
饶阳县硫酸回答:[答案] 1. The virtuous tradition of respecting the old is passed on from generation to generation.2. The girl waited there until the old lady came.3. The boy who went to the museum with me yesterday was a cl...

堂清15546569524问: relation 和relationship 的区别 -
饶阳县硫酸回答: relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如: (一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系.例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成...

堂清15546569524问: boy hood 简单影评英语 -
饶阳县硫酸回答:[答案] 这部《boy hood》也的确有其独到之处.往常我很少看超过两个小时的电影,然而这部长达三个小时的成长记事薄看下来却觉得异常平静,没觉得特别好看,但也完全没有想过要快进.这大概跟我把“爱在”三部曲坚持看完了有关,对于大量的对白的...

堂清15546569524问: 有没有比较好的英文歌词或者好的英文电影台词,可以写在作文里的 -
饶阳县硫酸回答: 经典电影《阿甘正传》 Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get." Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事.《乱...

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