
作者&投稿:之静 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

filled后面加wⅰth: be fⅰlled wⅰth The hospitals are filled with kids who have been wounded .医院里已住满了被打伤的孩子。Thermometers are filled with fluids such as toluene or alcohol .温度计装有甲苯或酒精。They were filled with elation and amazement for the results .他们...

射度, Tt为目标绝对温度, Tb为环境绝对温度, ..为波长, c1为第一辐射常数( 3..741 8 .. 10- 16 W ..m2 ), c2为第二辐射常数( 1..438 8 .. 10- 2 m.. K )。将式( 2)、( 3)、(4)代入式( 1)得:Lm = ... ..14 8 c1 ..- 5 ec2 \/..Tt - 1 d..+ 1 - .....

A and Swaab D. F. Decreased melationin levels in postmortem cerebrospinal fluid in elation to aging, Alzheimer’s disease and ApoE-ε4\/4 genotype. J. Clin Endocr&Metab. 84,323-327(1999). Liu R-Y, Zhou J-N, Kamphorst W, Hofman M.A, Swaab D.F The first appearance of neurofib...

Though parents grudge, and you, w'are met,父母怨恨,你不情愿,我们还是相遇,And cloistered in these living walls of jet.并躲藏在黝黑的有生命的墙院里。Though use make you apt to kill me,尽管你会习惯地拍死跳蚤,Let not to that, self-murder added be,千万别,这会杀了我,也增...

其他女性主义小说家-从玛格丽特阿特伍德以珍妮w interson-稍后会跟进,而莱辛的转向寓言也表示,她沉浸在苏菲神秘主义。但在当时,她失去了部分读者之一,如果没有坚定地追寻另一张。以dunant : "有一个整体我们很多人,她是一个女神,而当她到课外陆地,我们不太知道怎样做" 。科学科幻小说观察人类的...

歌曲: In California 歌手: tha dogg poun.. 专辑: 《The N.W.A Le..》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词 Lyric By 顺.\/ Ice Cube \/ Sing Speak on it my nigga, speak on it (and my heat go)Only in California Yeah Yeah Where niggaz pull heat and run up on ya (get your grind on)Only...

急需 好听的英文歌和中文歌+歌词
Everytime you kissed me 每当你亲吻我的时候 I trembled like a child 我像一个孩子似地发抖 gathering the roses 收集一朵朵玫瑰 we sang for the hope 我们为希望而歌唱着 your very voice is in my heartbeat 你独特的声音铭刻在我的心跳里 sweeter than my dream 比我的梦还甜美 we were ...

找一首好听英文歌,开头是女声清唱 dear什么的
and he will not answer me nay,It is this that gives my soul all it's joyous elation,As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day.It is this that gives my soul all it's joyous elation,As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day....

威便13558107568问: relation和relationship的区别 -
梓潼县熊去回答: 1.作名词,relation between sth. and sth.relation to sth. (人或者事物与他者之间的)关联,联系,关系.例如:The relation between time and results. 时间和成绩的关系.It shows on relation to the rainfall. 它与降雨量没有任何关系 / with ...

威便13558107568问: relation 和relationship 的区别 -
梓潼县熊去回答: relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如: (一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系.例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成...

威便13558107568问: have+a+relationship+with+sb是什么意思 -
梓潼县熊去回答: have a relationship with sb 与某人有关系

威便13558107568问: relationship with与relationship to的区别 -
梓潼县熊去回答: relationship with:和……的关系 How is your relationship with her developing? 你与她的关系发展得怎样了? Relationship to the marine environment 与海洋环境的关系 基本上来说,relationship with 一般后面跟人,to 跟物 relation to关于;涉及;...

威便13558107568问: have relation to 与have relation with区别 -
梓潼县熊去回答: have relation to 有关 和...有关系 eg:His death has relation to heartache. have relations with 和...有(某种)关系 eg:I don't have lelations with you!

威便13558107568问: stand in 和 relation to在这里是什么成分? -
梓潼县熊去回答: 是谓语.合适.relation既可以和with、and、between搭配,也可以和to搭配. relation of a to b:a对于b的关系.relation of a and b:a和b的关系.between:a和b之间的关系.with彼此的关系.其实意思差不多上位关系是指两个词语外延之间的关系是类别和分类别之间的关系,不要和整体-部份关系弄混,后者是指词语所表达的事物之间的关系是全部和部分的关系.

威便13558107568问: get married to ,get married with的区别 -
梓潼县熊去回答: 我们来说下marry的用法: 1.当“嫁、娶”讲时,可用marry,marry为及物动词,后面直接加宾语(marry sb.).例如:Jane married Jone.珍妮嫁给了约翰.亦可用 to get married to (someone).例如: She got married to someone named Frank...

威便13558107568问: with+relation+to是什么意思 -
梓潼县熊去回答: with relation to 英 [wið riˈleiʃən tu:] 美 [wɪð rɪˈleʃən tu] 词典 关于, 涉及, 有关 网络 关于; 有关; 数据来源:金山词霸 双语例句1 We must plan with relation to the future. 我们订计划时要考虑到将来.

威便13558107568问: relationship与relation意思的区别 -
梓潼县熊去回答: relations和relationship在表示两者(人,国家,etc)关系这个意思上面,如果没有什么感情的意思是可以混用的.比如中美关系,两者都可以和friend,friendship;member,membership的关系类似,但要复杂一点,主要原因是在于relation本来就...

威便13558107568问: relation和connection的用法区别例句 -
梓潼县熊去回答: There's no relation between the two things. 这两件事没有联系. He is a distant relation of mine. 他是我的远房亲戚. The company has connections with a number of American firms. 这家公司与许多heard about it through one of my business connections. 我通过一个生意上的客户知道了这件事.美国公司有往来

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