
作者&投稿:林炕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

egularly [英][ˈregjələli][美][ˈrɛɡjəlɚlɪ]adv.有规律地,按时,照例,按部就班地; 整齐地,有条不紊地; 经常,不断地; 定期地;[例句]It breeds interruptions and imperfections regularly.这导致中断和缺陷定期出现。

CRISPR Cas9知识储备第一弹:简介
CRISPR Cas9 -- C lustered R egularly I nterspaced S hort P alindromic R epeats CRISPR- A ssociated P roteins 9 Crispr-CAS9系统最初在细菌和古生菌中观察到,作为一种适应性微生物免疫系统,提供对外来病毒和质粒的获得性免疫;已测序物种中,40%的细菌和90%的古生菌可观察到CRISPR基因座,且细菌...

She also writes articles r(egularly ) for the local newspaper I a(m sorry) for being late, but i've just had a car accident on the way

九年级 上册 单词表 全部
楼上的错,是这个 序号 单词 词性 汉语 页码 单元 1 helmet n. 头盔 p.6 1 2 robot n. 机器人 p.7 1 3 pill n. 片剂;药片 p.7 1 4 net n. 网;网络 p.7 1 5 guitar n. 吉他 p.7 1 6 sunglasses n. 太阳镜 p.7 1 7 tent n. 帐篷 p.7 1 8 imagine vi.&vt. 想...

rugularly有规律的 at the begining of在……的开始 sportman男运动员 knowledge知识 hurdle栏架 spread散播,传播 hurdling跨栏赛跑 introduction传入 sportswoman女运动员 rather than而不是……race比赛 CD-ROM只读光盘 diecussion讨论 one day...

stay healthy,you should not eat too much fried food.You should eat some vegetables instead.And you should go to bed early and get up early.The most important ting is to exercise rugularly.But I don't have enough exercise,so I should exercise every day.In this way,I can stay healthy....

A.accounts B.amounts C.members D.numbers ==>选D。A是帐目,C是成员,先排除。B是总计的数量,要用单数:in a large amount.2.The new machine is __the old one in many ways.A.near D.with ==>选C。A.near表示方位\/时间的接近,B.as表示一样,D.with根本不通。3...

rugularly有规律的 at the begining of在···的开始 sportman男运动员 knowledge知识 hurdle栏架 spread散播,传播 hurdling跨栏赛跑 introduction传入 sportswoman女运动员 rather than而不是···race比赛 CD-ROM只读光盘 diecussion讨论 one day某天 award授予 feather羽毛 fin...

in the year 397 the Olympics were prohibited by the Roman Emporor. It was not until 1896 that the first Olympics of modern times were held in Athens. From then on the games are held every four years rugularly. The Olympics have become the world's most important athletic even...

创立 yearbook年鉴 first of all首先 represent代表 advertisement广告 coach教练 rugularly有规律的 sportman男运动员 hurdle栏架 hurdling跨栏赛跑 sportswoman女运动员 race比赛 diecussion讨论 award授予 finishing line重点线 marathone马拉松 turn跑道 ...

衡姜18417744348问: “按时吃饭”英文怎么说 -
乃东县接骨回答: “按时吃饭”的英文:eat regularly regularly 读法 英 [ˈregjələli] 美 [ˈregjələrli] 作副词的意思是:定期地;有规律地,按时,照例,按部就班地;整齐地,有条不紊地;经常,不断地 词义辨7a64e4b893e5b19e31333431346363析: ...

衡姜18417744348问: 有规律的用英语怎么说处 -
乃东县接骨回答: 英文原文:形容词,有规律的:regular 副词,有规律地:regularly 英式音标:[ˈregjʊlə] [ˈreɡjələli] 美式音标:[ˈrɛgjəlɚ] [ˈreɡjələrli]

衡姜18417744348问: 总是英文是什么 -
乃东县接骨回答: 一、often 读音:英 [ˈɒfn] 美 [ˈɔ:fn] adv.经常;常常;时常;再三 比较级: more often 最高级: most often 例句: 1、They often spent Christmas at Prescott Hill 他们经常在普雷斯科特山过圣诞节.2、I have often thought about this problem ...

衡姜18417744348问: 有规律的用英语怎么说 -
乃东县接骨回答: regular 形容词 regularly 副词

衡姜18417744348问: champion ; superstitious; regularly 这英语用谐音怎么读? -
乃东县接骨回答: champion掺批音superstitions苏泼丝忒身丝,regularly日屋哎哥了嘞

衡姜18417744348问: "经常"用英语怎么说? -
乃东县接骨回答: 经常用英语是often.often 英[ˈɒfn] 美[ˈɔ:fn] adv. 经常; 常常; 时常; 再三; [例句]They often spent Christmas at Prescott Hill他们经常在普雷斯科特山过圣诞节.How often do you brush your teeth? 你多久刷一次牙?She's going to come ...

衡姜18417744348问: “通常”的英语怎么说? -
乃东县接骨回答: usually 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

衡姜18417744348问: 有次序地 用英文怎么说 -
乃东县接骨回答: regularly adv. 副词 有次序地 in order adv. 有次序地

衡姜18417744348问: 有规律地英语翻译 -
乃东县接骨回答: regularly有规律地(副词ADV) regular有规律的(形容词ADJ) regular做名词用有“规章制度”的意思

衡姜18417744348问: 有规律的用英文怎么说
乃东县接骨回答: regularadj.有规律的;规则,整齐的;不变的;合格的n.正规军;主力(或正式)队员;常客adv.定期地;经常地

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