
作者&投稿:佐忠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

典贸14732132635问: regard as后接形容词的例句 -
绍兴市消炎回答: 如:regard sth. as difficult(easy) 认为某事是困难的(容易的) 应该是介词 as 后面一般接形容词或副词,如果有名词,名词前必须要有形容词或

典贸14732132635问: 当 字的读音 -
绍兴市消炎回答:[答案] 当 拼音:dàng,dāng, 笔划:6 部首:彐 五笔输入法:ivf 基本解释: 当 (⑩当) dāng 充任,担任:充当.担(d乶 )当.当... 算是〖regardas〗 安步以当车.——《战国策·齐策四》 又如:当三钱(一个钱当三个钱用.这是宋朝的一种制钱);当十钱...

典贸14732132635问: 关于regardas regards ; in regard to ; with regard to 是不是一个意思(可以互换)?请附例句 -
绍兴市消炎回答:[答案] as regards.至于.As regards John,I will write to him at once. in regard to 关于.In regard to your request for in formation,I regret to inform you that I am unable to help you. with regard to 对于.With regard to the competition,I think Mary deserves the prize. 没很...

典贸14732132635问: 仞怎么组词? -
绍兴市消炎回答: 盈仞、仞积、千仞

典贸14732132635问: 关于你的一切,我都视如珍宝翻译成英文怎么说 -
绍兴市消炎回答: 可以写成Everything about you, I'm regardas a jewel of the greatest value 希望可以帮到您 采纳是您的美德

典贸14732132635问: 英语中介宾结构例句 -
绍兴市消炎回答: 1. He had shouted down the phone at her, beside himself with anxiety 他焦急万分地对着电话那头的她大喊大叫. 2. I moved from behind my desk to sit beside her. 我从桌子后面走到她身边坐了下来. 3. Cathy was beside herself with excitement. ...

典贸14732132635问: 如何用regard造句? -
绍兴市消炎回答: regard He never regards me as a friend. 他从来不把我当朋友看待.

典贸14732132635问: 用造句 -
绍兴市消炎回答: : 视...为...I regard him as my brother. 我把他当作兄弟.Tom is generally regarded as one of the best students in the class. 大家都认为汤姆是班上最好的学生之一.

典贸14732132635问: 你越努力,就会越幸运用英语怎么翻译 -
绍兴市消炎回答: 翻译是:The harder you work, the luckier you will be.句子解释: harder 英[hɑ:də] 美[hɑ:də] adj. 更困难的; 更坚固的; 更硬的; adv. 更努力地; [例句]Good hunting grounds are becoming harder to find. 好的猎场变得越来e68a847a686964616f...

典贸14732132635问: consider .的例句 -
绍兴市消炎回答:[答案] be...=把什么看成什么或者认为什么怎么样 ex:I consider him as(to be) a handsome man .我认为他是个英俊的男人. or:I consider him to be + adj.(形容词)

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