
作者&投稿:潜侍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

recruit 意思
1、The army plans to begin recruiting troops by the end of this year.军队计划今年年底开始征兵。2、Recruiting employees is a top priority for this company.招聘员工是这家公司的当务之急。3、This job presents many difficulties to the new recruits.这份工作对新人来说困难重重。4、Raw ...

招聘兼职网 英文意思是:Recruiting part-time network 英也可以读作:Recruiting part-time network recruiting recruit的现在分词 );吸收某人为新成员;动员…(提供帮助);雇用 network 英 [ˈnetwɜ:k] 美 [ˈnetwɜ:rk]n.网;(电视与计算机)网络;网状物;广播...

recruit做名词时的意思是新兵,新手,新会员,补给品。拓展知识:recruit做动词:v.吸收(新成员);征兵;招聘。例子:1、We are having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff.我们难以招募到素质好的职员。2、His job was to recruit for the army.他的工作是为陆军募兵。词语用法:1、recruit...

hire recruitment 区别
hire:雇佣,也有租用的意思,雇佣的时期较短。英文解释: obtain the use of sth or the services of sb temporarily and esp for a short period of time, in return for payment recruitment:招收,使其加入,时间上一般较长

Recruiting Manager和HR manager的区别?
Recruiting Manager是招聘经理。招聘经理要求具有丰富的招聘经验,既要对人才的发现与引进、组织与人员调整、员工职业生涯设计等具有丰富的实践经验,又要对人力资源事务性工作有娴熟的处理技巧,还要熟悉招聘流程及各种招聘渠道。HR manager是人力资源经理。人事经理:计划、指导和协调机构的人事活动,确保人力...

Recruiting Specialist,Recruitment Specialist, recruiter

而不是去从事和既得学位有关的职业的人。While the recruiting process varies by industry, company and even department, the result is the same: One person out of many receives an offer. 尽管招聘程序会因行业、公司、甚至部门而异,结果却是一样的:众多应聘者中只有一拿到聘书。

hire, employ, recruit英文意思分别
do a job etc We're having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff. get people to join the army navy etc Most of the men in the village were recruited that day. persuade someone to do something for you I recruited three of my friends to help me move.试下用...

willing to supervise与actively recruiting什么区别?
区别是:willing to supervise指的是愿意监督。actively recruiting指的是积极招募。例句:willing to supervise Yet, while they can do much to address directors 'remuneration if they are empowered and willing to put in the effort, shareholders cannot supervise payacross whole banks.然而,虽然...

招聘员工 用英语怎么说
recruitment,Recruit Employee, recruiting staff, employment都可以表示招聘员工的意思

直适19194787817问: 单证中receiving unit和buying unit之间的区分与用法? -
宝山区四季回答: receiving unit 是接收单位 buying unit 是购买单位(采购单位)在交易往来之中,购买方并不一定是接收方.最典型的案例就是三方贸易.比如:一家美国公司,一家美国公司在中国的分公司和一家日本公司这家美国公司向日本公司购买一台设备,而这台设备最终要送到中国分公司使用.那么:buying unit就是这家美国公司, receiving unit就是美国公司在中国的分公司

直适19194787817问: recruiting是什么意思 -
宝山区四季回答: recruiting recruit的现在分词 ); 吸收某人为新成员; 动员…(提供帮助); 雇用; 例句:1.And we bought taleo, a recruiting app. 但我们收购了一款招聘应用Taleo.2.Recruiting and developing an army of top-quality advisers take time...

直适19194787817问: 编写程序,将一个两位数n次方后,取其十位数和个位数,构成一个新的数输出? -
宝山区四季回答: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() {double a,n,r;int result,ten,unit;scanf("%lf%lf",&a,&n);//输入数字a和n.r = pow(a,n);result= (int)r;unit=result%10;//对10取余,得到个位数.ten=result/10%10; printf("新数值为%d\n", ten*10+unit);return 0; }

直适19194787817问: unit是什么意思 -
宝山区四季回答: unit 英[ˈju:nɪt] 美[ˈjunɪt] n. 装置; 单位,单元; 个体; [数] 单位数; [例句]Agriculture was based in the past on the family as a unit. 过去的农业是以家庭为单位的. [其他] 复数:units

直适19194787817问: 工厂地址前加了unit是什么意思 -
宝山区四季回答: Business Unit 的意思是营业单位.营业单位是指企业法人设立的不能独立承担民事责任的分支机构,经工商登记机关核准登记,发给营业执照.营业单位有自己的名称、地址、固定的经营场所、组织机构和财务制度,以及与营业规模相适应的从业人员.在经营活动中,营业单位可以刻制公章、开立帐户,可以单独核算(非独立核算),依法纳税,开展核准范围内的生产经营活动.但营业单位不具备法人资格,没有独立支配和处分的财产,不能独立承担民事责任.它的一切经营活动的后果均由其所隶属的法人承担.

直适19194787817问: c语言 unit 的用法 -
宝山区四季回答: 是union吧,union中的成员使用同一段内存空间,一般情况下是用不到union的,不过有个很好的例子可以说明下.我们知道IP地址是由4个0-255的数组成,正好是4个字节,但是数组做参数时不太方便,也无法实现值传递,这时union就派上用场了,如下定义 union ipaddr { unsigned char ipb[4]; //字节数组 unsigned long ipdw; //一个32位整数表示 } 这个结构只占4字节,ipb和ipdw内是同样的内容,访问哪个都一样,写入时写到ipb,读取时读ipdw,比ipb这个数组方便多了.

直适19194787817问: 你的专业很好找工作,你可以到外贸公司去应聘? -
宝山区四季回答: Nowadays the foreign export of China develops fast,so there is a urgent demand of talents.More opportunies are waiting for you. Being young is our big treasure,so just face up to the challenges. Wish you to be successful!人才市场: the personnel market招聘会: a job fair招聘单位recruiting unit竞争激烈intense competition机会渺茫fat chance

直适19194787817问: 英语流利说招聘培训
宝山区四季回答: To assign ,to give someone a task to do. His boss assigned him to increase sales ... They are expanding their business and recruiting new employees. She joined the ...

直适19194787817问: research. unit前用什么介词 -
宝山区四季回答: research是动词,前面不用加介词的 research后面加on 或of on后面是加动词of后面是加名词unit是名词,它的前面用in

直适19194787817问: replace the drum unit是什么意思 -
宝山区四季回答: replace the drum unit 更换硒鼓单元 例句 1.Use this to replace the fuse or dismount the unit. 用来更换保险丝或拆卸本机. 2.The stick poked a hole in the drum. 棍儿把鼓戳了一个洞.

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