
作者&投稿:童富 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My eating habits 的英语作文
My eating habits Actually,I usually eat something is very fast.Firstly,I can have a talk my meal eating habit.I like eating vegetables very much.I like eat fishes,chickens,crabs,shrimps and so on.I can't eat seafood,I am allergy at that.Secondly,what kind of fruit I like?

Eating habits?还是 eating habit
答案是:eating habit,因为eating habit是不可数的不能加s。eating habit 读音:英 [ˈiːtɪŋ ˈhæbɪt] 美 [ˈiːtɪŋ ˈhæbɪt]释义:饮食习惯,养成一个…的饮食习惯,食习惯,饥食习惯。用法:eating...

My eating habits Actually,I usually eat something is very fast.Firstly,I can have a talk my meal eating habit.I like eating vegetables very much.I like eat fishes,chickens,crabs,shrimps and so on.I can't eat seafood,I am allergy at that.Secondly,what kind of fruit I like?

用eating habits 造句
1.a mussy fussy bedroom; a child's messy eating habits 一间脏乱的卧房;孩子乱吃东西的习惯 来源: 2.Good eating habits help to fortify the body against disease.良好的饮食习惯有助于强身防痛。来源: 3.The eating habits of a lifetime are not easily ...

Eating habits 两个词的词性分别是什么?
一.)Eating:1、名词。吃;食物 2、形容词。可生吃的;腐蚀的 3、泛指饮食 二.)Habitat:名词。习惯

healthy eating habits.eat为什么要eating??
这里句子的主语部分有空白,需要填一个词来修饰habits,表示饮食习惯可以用eating habits。这里的eating是一个现在分词,做habits的定语,而不是现在进行时。

their eating habits are not the same 为什么要加the
因为the same是固定搭配, 表示一样,相同, 所以必须要用the, 像固定搭配这类表达需记住用法。Their eating habits are not the same.这句话等于 Their eating habits are different.意思是, 他们的饮食习惯不同。 请采纳

___ your eating habits is the best way to lose weight.
【答案】:C 本题考查动词的用法。句意:改变你的饮食习惯是最好的减肥方法。动词作主语放在句首,应用动名词形式,并且与逻辑主语之间是主动关系,所以用changing。故本题选C。

每个人都有他或她的习惯,如学习习惯,睡眠习惯和饮食习惯。Now let me tell you about my eating habits 。my favourite food is chinese food include rice ,noodles,and many flavor dishes form many different cities。现在让我告诉你关于我的'饮食习惯,我最喜欢的食物是中国食物包括米饭、面条...

her eating habits is so good对不对?
这句话有点错误, habits是名词复数, 后面的(be动词)is用得不对, 句子应改为 Her eating habits are so good.或 Her eating habit is so good.意思是, 她的饮食习惯太好了。请采纳 一个例句

贡荷17723454374问: reading has helped me to learn a lot 英语作文 -
同德县生脉回答: As a student, I have to read a lot. If I want to know something about my study, I will get some books to read. I can find much helpful knowledge about my study. I also like reading some interesting books, such as stories, music, history, and other books ...

贡荷17723454374问: 昆虫记第一章第七节大孔雀蝶读书报告 格式:(主要内容200字+读后感受200字+好句50字) -
同德县生脉回答:[答案] 主要内容:法布尔是第一位在自然界中研究昆虫的科学家,他穷其毕生精力深入昆虫世界,在自然环境中对昆虫进行观察与实验,真实地记录下昆虫的本能与习性,写成了《昆虫记》 感受:1(二选一,我认为两个都可以) 他前半生一贫如洗,后半...

贡荷17723454374问: 简单英语 -
同德县生脉回答: 宾语从句【复习目标】掌握宾语从句的语序.掌握引导宾语从句的各种连词.掌握宾语从句中,主句与从句在时态上的相互呼应.【课前准备】要求学生回顾宾语从句的概念及其用法,并用各种引导词各造一个句...

贡荷17723454374问: 关于读书的英语作文?
同德县生脉回答: I like to read books when I am free. I like to read all kinds of books. I think reading is a good habit as well as a nice hobby . I understand a lot of things which I can't learn in class. Reading opens my mind and heart, reading gives me wisdom and ...

贡荷17723454374问: 如图所示,两个电阻阻值分别为R1和R2,开关S闭合时,电流表的读书为I,则通过R1的电流为 -
同德县生脉回答: R1和R2并联,由于并联电路,R1和R2两端电压相等,所以,流过它们的电流与电阻值成反比;所以流过R1的电流I1=I*R2/(R1+R2);流...

贡荷17723454374问: she+is+reading+abo+ok+is+the+moment怎样改成 -
同德县生脉回答: 应该是:She is reading a book at the moment.她正在看书.She is reading a book at the moment.

贡荷17723454374问: Reading a good habit 英语作文 -
同德县生脉回答: Reading is a good habit because we can benefit a lot from it. First of all,it provides us with the information of what is happening around the world. As we are living in the information age, it is very important to have information close at hand,.By ...

贡荷17723454374问: he is reading a magazine,but i - -----. “am not”,“don't”,选哪个,为什么? -
同德县生脉回答: 选择am not 因为前面是is reading,后面也要使用be动词的结构.~一刻永远523为你解答,祝你学习进步~~~ 希望可以及时“选为满意答案”,你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~

贡荷17723454374问: reading a n - - - 横线上应该填什么 -
同德县生脉回答: 答案是: newspaper或者是 novelreading a newspaper 读报纸或者是 reading a novel 读小说☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

贡荷17723454374问: enjoy的用法 -
同德县生脉回答: 1. 表示“喜欢”“享受”等,其后可接动名词作宾语,但不能是不定式.如:小孩子喜欢读故事.误:Children enjoy to read stories.正:Children enjoy reading stories.2. 其后接反身代词,表示“过得快...

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