
作者&投稿:邰诗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...he ___with her in a week. A.had quarreled B.quarreled C.has q...
C 试题分析:句意,在这个星期,这是他和她第三次吵架了。这是固定句型结构中的时态搭配——某人第几次做某事。 It \/That\/This is the...time that sb have done sth;It \/That\/This was the...time that sb had done sth。结合日常生活实际,能够计算到这是第几次做某事,表明该动作...

Last weekend I had a fierce quarrel with my parents.The reason why we quarreled was because I played computer games until midnight.They thought it would affect my study.上周我与爸妈吵了一架.原因是我玩电脑玩到了半夜.他们认为这会影响我的学习 From my perspective I have studied a ...

i am very sad now ,because i had a quallel with my dad today .i do wish he could understand me ,but he didn't.第二句用虚拟比较好,因为表示一种愿望,而这愿望又跟显示不一致。


有关狐狸的英语故事篇一 Three Foxes Once there were three foxes, they worked together. They lived a happy life. Little by little, the youngest fox became lazy, and often quarreled with the other foxes. The eldest had to leave, and the second fox was driven off, too. Looking ...

He accidentally ___ that he had quarreled with his wife and that...
A 本题考查动词短语辨义。句意:他无意中说出他与妻子吵了一架,他已经两周没有归家了。 let out放出;泄漏;take care当心,留神;make sure确定;确信,证实; make out书写,填写,开列;理解,懂得;辨认出。

A. Can you fill me in about your concerns?B. 好的,我最近和父母吵架了,我们总是因为一些小事意见不合。例如前几天,我在网上买了一些东西,但是他们认为没有必要,不是生活所需。对我而言,我确实要用到的。我们吵了好几天了,一直冷战。B. Okay, I quarreled with my parents recently, ...

they quarreled with each other the separation, the judge had on many things of them a lesson to punishment.债主和邻居重新翻案,一个说错判要重新起诉,另一个则由于前次诉讼不合手续又提出申诉。不团结的兄弟们内部分歧更大了,互相使坏,最后他们丢失了全部的家产。当想起捆在一起又被拆散的...

...and never once ( )with each other . A they had quarrel...

I hate to have quarreled with her. 我后悔和她吵架了(www.yygrammar.com)。They claimed to have shot down 22 planes. 他们声称打下了22架飞机。四、定语 There is no need to have bought a new pair of shoes for me. 没有必要给我买一双新鞋。She’s the only woman ever to have...

赏咳18458356989问: quarreled with是什么意思 -
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答: quarrel with意思是: 1. 和某人争吵、争论. 例句:It was very sad when husbands and wives quarreled with each other.夫妻间争吵是很不幸的事. 2. 不同意; 挑剔 例句:You can't quarrel with the decision of the court; it's very fair.你不能反对法院的判决, 它判得很公正. 3. 埋怨 例句: A bad workman quarrels with his tools.厨子笨, 怨刀钝.

赏咳18458356989问: 吵架的英文 -
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答: 有argue quarrel scrap等##argue##^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 不及物动词 vi. 1.争论,辩论;争吵[(+with/over/about)] I'm not going to argue with you tonight. 我今晚不想与你争辩. 2.提出理由[(+for/against)] He argued against the plan. ...

赏咳18458356989问: 就某事与某人争吵用英语怎样翻译 -
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答: argue用法如下: argue with sb. "和某人争吵/论" argue about/over sth.”就某事进行争论/吵“ argue with sb. about sth.”和某人就某事进行争论/吵“ argue sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 argue sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事We ...

赏咳18458356989问: 英语语法问题what is she_______her neighbour?sorry,I don't know.A quarreled with B quarreling with C quarreled about with D quarreling about with为什么要用... -
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答:[答案] 这个对话发生的时候,she正在吵架,所以用现在进行时 如果你想把is改成was表示刚刚在吵什么,应该是what was she quarreling with her neighbour? 还是要加ing

赏咳18458356989问: I hate to have quarreled with her. I hate having quarreled with her. 区别是什么? -
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答: hate to do译为“去做”,强调动作,而hate doing强调状态.不定式表示某一次具体的情况,而doing则表示习惯性动作.如: I hate having quarreled with her.(强调状态)I I hate to have quarreled with her.(强调动作) I don't hate answering ...

赏咳18458356989问: quarrel是什么意思 -
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答: 名词 n. [C]1.争吵;不和;吵闹[(+with/between/about)] He is good-natured and has never had a quarrel with anyone. 他脾气很好,从不和任何人争吵. 2.争吵的原因;怨言;责备[(+with/against)] I have no quarrel with what you say. 我对你的...

赏咳18458356989问: 我和我的朋友吵架了 用英语怎么说 -
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答: I quarreled with my friend.如果是鸡毛蒜皮的小事,还可以这样说:I squabbled with my friend (over something.) 因为一点小事,我和朋友吵架了.

赏咳18458356989问: 我和她吵了起来 用英语怎么说 -
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答: I quarreled with her

赏咳18458356989问: I had quarreled with my sister yesterday 划分句子成分 -
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答: 句子是有时态问题.因为是yesterday,应该用过去时. 可改为: I quarreled with my sister yesterday. I【主语】quarreled 【谓语】 with my sister【介词短语作状语,其中my又是sister的定语】 yesterday【状语】 这里quarrel是不及物动词. 或者改为: I had a quarrel with my sister yesterday. I 【主语】had 【谓语】a quarrel 【宾语】with my sister 【介词短语作状语,其中my又是sister的定语】yesterday【状语】 这里quarrel是名词.

赏咳18458356989问: therquarrelwithoneanother对吗
阿鲁科尔沁旗灵尔回答: 错误有两点: 1. one another 是三者以上的时候用,表示“相互,彼此”. each other 是二者之间用,同样表示“相互,彼此”. 他们吵架,显然应是二人之间的事,所以应该用each other. 2. 动词时态选用不合适.最好不用一般现在时态,这个时态表示经常性的动作.他们不可能天天吵吧? 可用过去时(昨天,过去等)或用现在进行时(正在吵架) 所以,应为: They quarreled with each other. or: They are quarreling with each other.

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