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英语缩写“FOQUA”常被用作"Flight Operations QUality Assurance"的简称,中文含义为“飞行运行质量保证”。本文将深入剖析这个缩写词的内涵,包括其英文全称、中文读音、详细释义,以及它在航空领域的流行度、分类和应用实例。让我们一起来了解这个缩略词背后的含义和实际运用情况。FOQUA<\/的全称是Flight ...

质量证明信样本cert of quality 及 产地证明信样本 cert of original...
Certificate of Quality is issued by the L\/C Beneficiary(you) to certificate the goods are in good quality). For example, if in LC it state " Certificate of Quality is required". Then YOU just use your letter form and type this setance + chop and sigined by authorized person...

be important后面用 to 和 for 的区别是什么?
be important to和be important for的区别为:一、指代不同 1、be important to:对…很重要 2、be important for:对…重要的...二、侧重点不同 1、be important to:to后面侧重于表示所对应的人。2、be important for:for后面侧重于表示这件重要的事。三、引证用法不同 1、be important to:...

1.给我一些形容人的品质的英语单词 industrious勤奋的 enterprising有事业心有进取心的 lazy懒惰的 brave勇敢的 kind-hearted心地善良的 narrow-minded心胸狭窄的 broad-minded心胸宽广的 stingy吝啬的 humorous幽默的 ambitious有抱负的 considerate体贴的 generous慷慨的 rude粗鲁的 responsible有责任心的 indep...

be of high quality是什么意思
中文释义:高质量的 语法:“be of +抽象名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征,相当于 "be+形容词"例如: be of value=be valuablebe of interest=be interestingbe of importance= be important “be of+物质名词”表示主语是“用某种材料构成或制作的”,相当于be made of或be built of.如:...

be famous with`、be famous for和be famous...分别有什么区别_百度知 ...
例子:- He is famous with his talent.(他以才华著名。)- She is famous for her acting skills.(她因为演技而著名。)- This company is famous for its high-quality products.(这家公司以高品质产品著称。)2.意义:be famous with强调因某种特定的品质、特点或特色而著名;be famous for强调...

4 per cubic meter of air space with 10,000 bacteria, only three forest. four hundred. Afforestation is the obligation of every citizen, the state will also set a March 12 special day for the past 21 years. Afforestation of our study, work, life, and so have a great ...

Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program. I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office...

excellent quality是什么意思
excellent quality 的意思:优良品质 例句:1),Its excellent quality, good reputation, well received by customers of all ages.其过硬的品质、良好的信誉深受客商的青睐。2),We have plenty of choices for work leisure, with exquisite craftsmanship excellent quality.无论上班或休闲逛街的款式都...

翻译: One possible version: There are three fast fo

赏钟13898385336问: quality前加什么介词 -
桓台县丹仑回答: 填介词for , be well known for =be famous for...因...而闻名;以...著名

赏钟13898385336问: quality 英语怎么读 -
桓台县丹仑回答: quality 英['kwɒlətɪ] 美[ˈkwɑlɪti] n. 质量,品质;美质,优点;才能,能力,技能,素养;品种 adj. 优质的,高质量的;上流社会的 名词复数:qualities [例句]I apologize for the quality. 我为照片质量道歉.

赏钟13898385336问: 求quality的用法,到底什么时候用单数什么时候用复数! -
桓台县丹仑回答: 名词 n. 1.质,质量[U] Quality often matters more than quantity. 质量往往比数量更重要. He examined the quality of the furniture carefully. 他仔细检查家具的品质. 2.特性[C] merchandise of quality 优质商品 3.品质 One quality of wood is that it can ...

赏钟13898385336问: what++is+the++important++quality+for+a+successful++manager+用英语怎样回答
桓台县丹仑回答: 翻译:对1个成功的经理来讲怎样的才能是重要的.回答:Strain capacity is an important quality.翻译:应变能力是1个重要的才能(仅供参考)

赏钟13898385336问: 成语“以好充次” 英语怎么说? 谢谢 -
桓台县丹仑回答: substiute poor quality for good quality

赏钟13898385336问: Will send appd quality for your ref by tmr 请问高手这是什么意思啊?? -
桓台县丹仑回答: Will send approved quality for your reference by tomorrow 明天会发给你认可的质量供参考

赏钟13898385336问: 麻烦高手翻译一小段关于质量方针的英文,谢谢 -
桓台县丹仑回答: 亚太努力开展业务的坚定承诺,客户及他们的要求,通过不断改进.质量是不是另一个目标,这是我们的基本战略,未来的增长. 我们的质量承诺; 我们关心公司的质量文化. 我们的质量标准内嵌入公司. 我们创造条件,以实现一流的业绩 ...

赏钟13898385336问: This coat is of high quality. of是什么用法 -
桓台县丹仑回答: be of high quality 是用了 be+of+抽象名词的用法. 本句中“be of high quality”= "be highly qualified",可以翻译成“质量很好” 这件外套的质量很好. 该用法的具体解释如下:be+of+抽象名词相当于其中名词所对应的形容词的意思,说明...

赏钟13898385336问: 按时按质按量如何翻译 -
桓台县丹仑回答: 翻译:Punctuality, quality and quantity 按时on time;on schedule.按质Pressing quality.按量According to quantity 详细解释:负责生产活动的策划及实施,确保产品按时按质按量交货,满足各个业务单位的需要.Responsible for production ...

赏钟13898385336问: 哪个英文语句表达“为您提供优质内容”更准确 -
桓台县丹仑回答: 第二个 quality contents provider for you 用provider显得提供者更专业

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