
作者&投稿:月树 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

http:\/\/www.clore.net\/cgi-bin\/ut\/topic_show.cgi?id=3025&h=1&bpg=1&age=0 [MTV]韩国感人MTV《All your dream》 http:\/\/www.clore.net\/cgi-bin\/ut\/topic_show.cgi?id=3024&h=1&bpg=1&age=0 [MTV]韩国感人MTV《成人仪式》 http:\/\/www.clore.net\/cgi-bin\/ut\/topic_show.cgi?id=3023&h=1...


Hadriel: 409Hephasto The Armorer: 410Wake of Fire: 411Charged Bolt Sentry: 412Lightning Sentry: 413Blade Sentinel: 414Invis Pet: 415Inferno Sentry: 416Death Sentry: 417Shadow Warrior: 418Shadow Master: 419Raven: 420Spirit Wolf: 421Dire Wolf: 422Spirit of Barbs: 423Heart of Wolverine: 424...

看音标写单词 tauə nəu gəut həum
tauə towernəu nogəut goathəum homenəut noteəuld oldkəut coatrəu rowbəut boatfiə fearkliə cleartiə tearpiə‘niə 这个音标是不是打错了,如果是pai&#...

What ab0ut与H0w ab0ut分别是啥意思?后面一般接动词原形还是动名词...
2. What about another cake?再吃块蛋糕好吗?二、征询对方的看法或意见.例如:1、 What about the playing the violin?(你认为)她的小提琴拉的怎么样?2、 What about the TV play?那个电视剧怎么样?三、询问天气或身体等情况.例如:1、 What about the weather in your home town?你们家乡...

how about 是英语中比较重要的词组。意为…怎么样,…怎么办;跟what about 用法基本相同。满意请采纳答案!!

Hadriel: 409 Hephasto The Armorer: 410 Wake of Fire: 411 Charged Bolt Sentry: 412 Lightning Sentry: 413 Blade Sentinel: 414 Invis Pet: 415 Inferno Sentry: 416 Death Sentry: 417 Shadow Warrior: 418 Shadow Master: 419 Raven: 420 Spirit Wolf: 421 Dire Wolf: 422 Spirit of Barbs: 423 ...

WM27 UT不是已经在WM X-Seven 打败过Triple H了吗,现在等于是WM X-S...

your \/j:(r)\/ pron.你的;你们的 name \/neIm\/ n.名字 right \/raIt\/ adj.正确的 yes \/jes\/ adv.(表示肯定)是;对 hello \/h«5l«U\/ int.(表示问候或唤起注意)喂 no \/n«U\/ adv.不;不是 Mrs \/5mIsIz\/ n.(对已婚妇女的称呼)夫人 Unit 2 this \/DIs\/ ...


丙剂19672446353问: 无限挑战20140830喊的put+your+hands+up是什么歌
陕西省西黄回答:2PM的《hand up》

丙剂19672446353问: 在QQ里 put your hands up 是什么意思啊 -
陕西省西黄回答: 字面意思是 举起手来 他的意思:我在线上,你在不在线,或者是出来跟我聊天

丙剂19672446353问: 无穷挑战20140830喊的put+your+hands+up是甚么歌
陕西省西黄回答: 2PMHANDSUP

丙剂19672446353问: put,hands,please,up,your,class(连词成句),怎么连词成句?英语难度等级是小学的.聪明的你们,一定可以. -
陕西省西黄回答:[答案] Please put up your hands ,class .同学们,请举起你们的手.

丙剂19672446353问: 1,先化简4 - a²÷(a²+6a+9)÷(a - 2)÷(2a+6)任选一个数带入求值2,如果不等式组{x+1<3x-1,x>n 的解集是x>4.则n的取值范围是A,n≥4 B,n≤4 C,n=4 D,n<43,已... -
陕西省西黄回答:[答案] 1.=(4-a²)/a-2÷ (a²+6a+9)÷2(a+3)=-2(a+2)(a+3)/(a²+6a+9)=-2(a+2)/(a+3)当a=-2时 原式=02.c3.x1²+2x1x2+x2²=24+2x1x2(x1+x2)²=24+k+16²-25=kk=114.kx-1=2xkx-2x=1(k-2)x=...

丙剂19672446353问: 用come to with;put off;put up;hand out;call up 各造1句话 -
陕西省西黄回答: Foreign and domestic firms have come up with clever ways to dealwith local peculiarities. 国外和本土公司都想出了聪明的方法来克服当地的一些特殊情况.1. But the senate has put off action until spring.但参议院将表决推迟到了明年春季. Cic...

丙剂19672446353问: 已知集合A={X/X²+(P - 1)X+Q=0},B={X/(X - 1)²+P(X - 1)+Q=X+1},当A={2已知集合A={X/X²+(P - 1)X+Q=0},B={X/(X - 1)²+P(X - 1)+Q=X+1},当A={2}时,求集合B -
陕西省西黄回答:[答案] 因为A={x|x²+(P-1)x+Q=0},且A={2}, 所以x=2是一元二次方程x²+(P-1)x+Q=0的唯一实根. 因此,2²+2(P-1)+Q=0 ①,且Δ=(p-1)^2-4Q=0 ② 联立①、②解方程组得:p=-3,Q=4 于是B={x|(x-1)²-3(x-1)+4=x+1}, 由(x-1)²-3(x-1)+4=x+1,整理得...

丙剂19672446353问: I (c )my knee.It hurts.Please put up your (r )hand,not left handHe is 1.98 metres tall.(对划线部分提问)She has blond hair.(改为同义句)I feel sad.(对划线部... -
陕西省西黄回答:[答案] I cut my knee.It hurts. Please put up your (right )hand,not left hand He is 1.98 metres tall.(对划线部分提问)How tall is he? She has blond hair.(改为同义句)Her hair is blond. I feel sad.(对划线部分提问) How do you feel? This is a blue chair.(改为...

丙剂19672446353问: 高数 - 利用极限存在准则证明lim {n[1/(n²+π)+1/(n²+2π)+...+1/(n²+nπ)]}=1x→∞ -
陕西省西黄回答:[答案] 我是来补充的 原式= n[1/(n²+π)+1/(n²+2π)+...+1/(n²+nπ)] 小于 n[1/(n²+π)+1/(n²+π)+...+1/(n²+π)] =n[n/(n²+π)] =n²/(n²+π) =1 原式= n[1/(n²+π)+1/(n²+2π)+...+1/(n²+nπ)] 大于 n[1/(n²+nπ)+1/(n²+nπ)+...+1/(n²+nπ)] =n[n/(n²+nπ)] =n²/(n²+...

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