
作者&投稿:纵肥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

utnr能组成什么单词:turn “turn”的过去式:turned turn,音标:英[tɜ:n] 美[tɜ:rn]翻译:vt. 使转动; 旋转; 使改变方向; 使不适;vt. 使变酸; 使变换; 使变为;n. 翻转; (路线或方向的) 改变; 机会;例句:用作动词(v.)The turbulence caused the plane to...

后打电话 )作形容词还是形容词 所有的动词的过去分词都可以当形容词用吗? of course not!一时我也举不出例子来,等我想到了一定来告诉你 法语中falloir的过去分词 过去式也分很多种的,亲。 复合过去时 fallu 未完成过去时 fallait 简单过去时 fallut等等。 一般用的最多的过去式,是...

v.轮流;(使)旋转 adj.车轮状的 一、读音:英[rəʊ'teɪt],美['roʊteɪt]二、例句:Interns have to rotate for a few months.实习医生轮流工作了几个月。三、词汇用法:1、rotate的基本意思是“(使)旋转或转动”,多指物体以一点为圆心或以一直线为轴做...

Direct anagrams of student:stunted adj.发育不良的;矮小的 动词stunt的过去式和过去分词形式 student n.学生;学者

典范英语6 第一册海象的表演 所有课后单词 急求!
spout a big jet of water [spaut] [dʒet] 喷出一大柱水whoosh [wu:ʃ] (鲸喷气发出的声音)噗嗤spout Walrus high into the air 把海象高高地喷到了空中Page 23 splosh 扑通一声landed back in the sea with a SPLOSH [lænd](land的过去式) 扑通一声落回到了海里Page 24 furious ['fjuəri...

分钟英语是minute。短语:last minute 最后一刻最后一分钟紧急关头最后时刻minute hand 分针钟表的分针长针例句:It's four minutes to six. 差四分六点。I'll be back in a few minutes.我一会儿就回来。 Boil the rice for 20 minutes. 将米煮20分钟。 I enjoyed every minute of the party....

activity n 活动 said v say的过去式shop v 买东西;购物 article n 文章put(put;put)摆;装mall n 商业街;购物商场 idea n 主意;想法pool n 水池;水塘 colorful a 色彩鲜艳的camera n 照相机 William 姓名 威廉(男名)bird n 鸟 Jones 姓名 琼斯(姓)Steve 姓名 史蒂夫(男名) Taylor 姓名 泰勒(姓)Unit...

以《 A nice trip 》为题 ,用过去式写一篇不少于100个单词的英语...
Late in the afternoon. the bOys put up their tent in the middle of a field As soon as this was done,they cooked a meal over an open fire. they were all hungry and the food were good. after a wonderful meal. they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.B Ut some...


My birthday文章 10句短的 一般式的 不要过去式 简单一点
Today is my birthday,I am very happy.Because my mather give me a mobile phone for a present.The phone is beautiful .To my surprise , the function of it is more ,and it works quickly. I can use it to call my friend when we plan go out at weekend ,I can also use...

许裴13471351236问: put up的过去式 -
壶关县全达回答: put up没有过去式,因为这是个词组.但put 有过去式,它的过去式还是put. 记得采纳哟~!~~谢谢了

许裴13471351236问: puts up的过去式是什么 -
壶关县全达回答: put up. Put 不像其他字,他的过去式是一样的

许裴13471351236问: up的过去式 -
壶关县全达回答: up [ʌp] adv. 起来;上涨;向上 prep. 在…之上;向…的较高处 adj. 涨的;起床的;向上的 n. 上升;繁荣 [ 过去式upped 过去分词upped 现在分词upping ]

许裴13471351236问: 我一直有一个疑问 ,就是过去式和现在式都一样的单词怎么表达过去式啊? 例如put -
壶关县全达回答: 当主语是第三人称单数时,加s就是现在时,不加s过去式. 如:He puts up his hand. He put up his hand just now.

许裴13471351236问: 用put up一般将来时,put off和put out的过去式,即put up with的现在完成时造句 -
壶关县全达回答: I will put up my hand if I can in your class tommorrow.如果我会,我明天将在你的课堂上举手.The meeting was put off.会议取消了.They put out the big fire last night.昨晚他们熄灭了大火.I have put up with some hardship so far.到目前为止,我已经忍受了一些困难.

许裴13471351236问: put的过去式是不是有两种形式? 一是原形put 二是putted? -
壶关县全达回答: put的过去式是原型put,putted不存在. 过去式: put 过去分词: put 现在分词: putting 第三人称单数: puts 释义:vt.放; 表达; 给予(重视、信任、价值等); 使处于(某种状态) vt.& vi.使感觉到; 使受到…的影响; vi.说; 猛推; 将…送...

许裴13471351236问: 所有动词的过去式 -
壶关县全达回答: be,am ,is -was are-were begin-began break-kroke bring-brought build-built buy-bought can-could catch-caught come-came do-did draw-drew drink-drank drive-drove eat-ate fall-fell feed-fed feel-felt find-found fly-flew forght-forgot get-got go-went ...

许裴13471351236问: put的过去式 -
壶关县全达回答: put的过去式 和过去分词一样的,都是put put put.

许裴13471351236问: up的反义词 walk的过去式 put的过去式 -
壶关县全达回答: up的反义词 down walk的过去式 walked put的过去式 put 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

许裴13471351236问: put的过去式
壶关县全达回答: put-put(过去式)-put(过去分词)

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