
作者&投稿:晏茅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

move等用作不及物动词且表 示主语的某种属性时,通常用 主动形式表示被动意义: The door won’t shut. 这门 关不上。 The supermarket doors sh ut automatically. 超市的门是自 动关的。 【注】该用法的不及物动 词通常与can’t, won’t 等连用, 注意它与用被动语态含义不同 The window ...

sh_cet46_index.html SOHU的求知频道四六级 http:\/\/learning.sohu.com\/lan\/cet\/ 英语俱乐部 四级宝殿 http:\/\/www.jzit.edu.cn\/English-club\/index.htm 21CN的CET频道 http:\/\/college.chinaschool.net\/21cn\/english\/index_cet.html 无忧考网大学英语四六级考试 http:\/\/www.51test.net\/indexmain.asp?classid...

首五笔怎么打字 首五笔:UTHF 首 [拼音]:[shǒu][释义]:1.头,脑袋:~饰。~级。~肯(点头表示同意)。 2.领导的人,带头的:~领。元~。~脑。~相(xi%26agrave;ng)。 3.第一,最高:~都(dū)。~府。

the shinee world中文歌词
We got the flow it's break your naughty [온유]지금 이 순간 모두 시작됐어[All]I wanna show it 다 보여줄게[Key]너의 머...

rammstein的《Moskau》 歌词
Pesni Leninu poyut [singing to Lenin a song](raz, dva, tri) [One, two, three]Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst (Kogda ti nochyu krepko spish)[when you sleep soundly at night]Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst (Kogda ti predo mnoi lezhish) [when you lay next ...

“首”本义指头,脑袋瓜。在句子中有可因词性变化而引申出其它意思,可以作思考,思维方式,想法或是方法来作为新解。相关字义:首:shǒu 1.头:昂~阔步。2.领袖;领导人:元~。~长。3.最先;开始:~创。4.第一;最高:~要。~席代表。5.告发:自~。出~。6.量词。用于诗歌、歌曲等...

首五笔:UTHF 首是汉语通用规范一级字(常用字),读作shǒu。此字最早见于商代甲骨文,其古字形是一个头的形状,有头颅、眼睛、嘴巴以及头颅上的毛发,本义即头。

UT斯达康 UT斯达康 G26、UT斯达康 T66、振华欧比 振华欧比 V88、振华欧比 V1、步步高 K058、步步高 K059、天语 天语 810、天语 A699、天语 808、天语 806、天语 Q768、天语 TY788、天语 T520、天语 B816、天语 B802、夏普 夏普 770SH、夏普 550SH、天时达 天时达 T017、科健 科健 K900、科健 K7、明基...

...G12手机,IMEI:358967045001904 SN:SH18UTJ00531.请帮忙看下是...
机型:HTC Desire S(即G12)销售地:土耳其 出厂日期:2011年8月30日 产地:上海

我想要SJ的SORRY SORRY的歌词和SH-HAPPY的睡衣派对的歌词(中+韩)_百度...
mo deun jun bi neun ggeut na sseo ja 全部准备好了 one two three let’s go 《성민》우리 오늘 밤 party해요 [Sung Min]uh ri oh neul bam party hae yo 【晟敏】我们今晚开party 그대 위해 멋진 밤을 만들게요 geu dae wi hae meo jin bam eul man ...

愈枝19319829965问: shopping的用法 -
永和县德纳回答: go shopping是用在准备要去逛街这样的话里 do the shopping是比如说家里缺什么知道要买什么了就让家里的谁谁去把东西给买了 doing shopping就是正在买东西

愈枝19319829965问: put等于set吗? -
永和县德纳回答: put不能等于set,但是他们有某些意思是相同的,但是在用法区别很大. 【区别】 1、put 【读音】:英[pʊt] 美[pʊt] 【释义】:放; 表达; 给予(重视、信任、价值等); 使处于(某种状态) 【固定搭配】:put away 抛弃;舍弃. put ...

愈枝19319829965问: shop.shopping的用法 -
永和县德纳回答: 区别就在于"shop"是动词而"shopping"是名字. 例句:A.Let's go shopping.(此句中shopping为shop的现在分词,用法同go skating/go golfing) B.Let's do some shopping.(此句中shopping为名字的shopping,意为购物). shop n. 商店;店...

愈枝19319829965问: i need to do some shopping是什么意思 -
永和县德纳回答: i need to do some shopping 我需要去买一些东西 双语例句1 I need to do some shopping on my way home from work.我必须在下班回家路上买点东西.2 I need to do some shopping.我需要去买一些东西.

愈枝19319829965问: My father put his bag beside the door and then went shopping的went为什么要用过去式 -
永和县德纳回答: My father put(过去式) his bag beside the door and then went shopping.my father(是第三人称单数,不可能用原形put,所以只可能是put的过去式) ,所以go shopping也要用过去式.在这里put 是过去式.

愈枝19319829965问: whyareyoushoppingtoday什么意思 -
永和县德纳回答: 正确的语句应该是: why are you shopping today? 意思是:今天,你为什么要去购物? 扩展资料: shopping (购物),指在零售商拣选或购买货品或服务的行为,可视为一种 经济和休闲活动.购即为买,物即为所出售之物品.无男女老幼之分,乃居家生活之必备!购物在不同的古代文明早已出现.在古罗马,图拉真市场(Trajan's Market)的taberna就是一种小零售商店,而在哈德良长城上发现罗马人为士兵而写的购物清单,历史可追溯至公元75至125年.

愈枝19319829965问: 80字英语作文《购物》 -
永和县德纳回答:[答案] With the help of the Internet,shopping is not a difficult job.Just click your mouse to choose the article you like,and the shopping is finished.You needn't step out of the room. It seems easy and quick.But there's always a trap(陷阱)online.If you are ...

愈枝19319829965问: 英语常用日常交际用语购物 (Shopping) -
永和县德纳回答: 1. - What can I do for you? - I'd like some apples. 2. - Where can I buy some stationery? - Let's look at the shopping guide. Oh, it's on the ground Floor. 3. - Could I buy half a kilo oranges? - Certainly. Here you are. 4. - Will you please show me that ...

愈枝19319829965问: 用“At the shopping mall”写一篇五六句话的英语作文!急用!!谢谢! -
永和县德纳回答: At the shopping mall Today I went to the shopping mall,there were crowded.At the shopping mall,I bought something cool,like a cool coat,a cool watch.I was happy although I felt tired.

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