
作者&投稿:舟霄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

smoke sb.'s coat 欧打某人 in coat and skirt (妇女)穿着出门的服装 It's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.[谚]君子在德不在衣。Joseph's coat 彩衣, 荣誉的服装 lace sb.'s coat 鞭打某人 pick a hole in sb.'s coat 找人的短处[毛病]take off one's coat ...

liu ying told me to waut for her at home
1.tell sb to do sth 是固定搭配 2.一般现在时,表示经常发生或习惯 3.enjoy doing 也是固定搭配

耿屠13476474780问: put sb off 是什么意思呀 -
涟水县天龙回答: 暂时把(某人)打发掉;用托词等把(某人、要求)搪塞过去 get rid of (sb.) for the time being; evade (sb. a demand, etc.) with excuses, etc. · She went to him for help, but he put...

耿屠13476474780问: 英语put off,put away,put out,put on分别是什么意思 -
涟水县天龙回答: 为你解答. put off, 推迟.如Put off the meeting,把会议推迟.put away, 收好.如put them away, 把它们收起来.put out, 扑灭.如put out the fire, 把火扑灭.put on, 穿上.如put on your shoes, 穿上你的鞋子.

耿屠13476474780问: put off,put back,put over都有推迟的意思,这些有什么区别 -
涟水县天龙回答: 三个短语的最终结果都是“延迟”,但手段或过程是不同的: ① put off 这个是常用的延迟或推迟. 事情还是要进行的,只不过现在不行(出于某种原因),比如上面例句,是由于生病的人太多,因故顺延了.的确是延迟,但还是要按计划执行...

耿屠13476474780问: put out of 与 put out off 是什么意思? -
涟水县天龙回答: put out of意思是“退出”;而put out off意思是“熄灭”.1、put out of:退出 put out of还可以翻译为去掉、发(芽)、使失去,后面要加名词,固定搭配:put sb out of mind,忘记某人;put something out of action,使失去效用;使失掉战斗力....

耿屠13476474780问: take off与put off的区别他们都有“脱/摘下衣物等”的意思. 具体区别是什么? -
涟水县天龙回答:[答案] put off与take off 的区别 这是两个使用频率非常高且广泛的词组 put off 在不同的句子搭配中,表达不同的含义,如: 表 耽误;延期: put off paying the bills. 拖延付清帐单 表示 设法使…等待:劝说使…拖延下步行动: managed to put off the creditors ...

耿屠13476474780问: 急!!put off和put back都有“推迟”的意思,它们的用法有什么不同? -
涟水县天龙回答: 在拖延时间上用法相同.put off 延期 They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas. 他们决定把会议推迟到圣诞节以后. Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off. 由于场地状况不佳, 比赛推迟了. The appointment ...

耿屠13476474780问: put·away,put·out,putoff,putdown,分别是什么意思?
涟水县天龙回答: put out 1. 伸出 It's dangerous to put out your hand now. 现在你把手伸出去是危险的. 2. 熄灭 Put out the fire before going to bed. 睡觉之前先熄掉炉火. 3. 出版 4. 使不方便,打扰 Her parents felt put out when she brought some classmates to stay over. 她带一些同学回家过夜,她父母觉得不方便. We felt put out by the guest's incessant requests. 客人不断的要求令我们觉得受

耿屠13476474780问: put out,put up,put off,put down四个词分别是什么意思 -
涟水县天龙回答: put up:举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举 put off:推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻

耿屠13476474780问: put on/take off是什么意思
涟水县天龙回答: 第一个意思是“穿上”第二个意思是“脱下”一般指穿衣服,脱衣服,是表示一个动作,同意词wear,也是表示穿,但是指结果,是指你穿了什么,例:1 Put on you coat.2 it's too hot .take off the sweater.3 today.l wear a T-shirt.

耿屠13476474780问: put off,put up ,put out,put on 各是什么意思?请各举一个例子
涟水县天龙回答: 主要意思如下: put off 推迟 The meeting has been put off by an hour. put up 搭建 put up a building 抬高 put up the price of rice 提供食宿 put sb. up for the night 提出 put up a proposal put out 灭火 put out the fire 生产 put out a new kind of product 关掉 put out the lights put on 穿上 put on your socks 呈现 be put on with a new look

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