
作者&投稿:厉饺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Amvuttra(vutrisiran)和Onpattro是两种不同的药物,用于治疗遗传性淀粉样变性病(hATTR),下面我将详细说明它们之间的区别:1. 成分: Amvuttra(Vutrisiran)的活性成分是vutrisiran,而Onpattro的活性成分是patisiran。这两种成分都是RNA干扰剂,可以抑制其靶向基因的表达,并减少体内蛋白质的合成。2...

on a lighter note 什么意思
on a lighter note 值得一提的是 双语对照 例句:1.On a lighter note, he said the white house will be a quieter place this summer because his daughters, 11-year-old sasha and 14-year-old malia, will be in sleep-away camp for a month. The president, meanwhile, will be ...

法语翻译:statut juridique
statut juridique有法律地位的意思,但是这里讲的私企的划分问题,和地位无关,和身份有染,所以翻译成公司的法律身份比较妥当。私企可以依据3个条件划分,经营方式,规模和法律身份。

Unit Trust (UT)是什么意思?
unit trust [英][ˈju:nit trʌst][美][ˈjunɪt trʌst]n.联合托拉斯,信托公司,投资公司;复数:unit trusts 双语例句:1.The Establishment of Foreign Railway Unit Trust and Its Influence on Railway Development in China 设立境外铁路投资基金对我国铁路的影响 2...

he does not have a rest.he works on his computer是什么意思_百度知 ...
He does not have a rest. He works on his computer.意思是:他没有休息。他在他的电脑上工作。详细解释:rest 英[rest] 美[rest]n. 休息; 剩余部分; 支持物; 宁静,安宁;vt. (使) 休息; (使) 倚靠[支撑];vi. 休息; 静止; 停止; 安心;[例句]It was an experienc...

Students may not stay out after midnight.学生午夜后不得在外逗留。out用法例句 1、Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。2、He did not like to be caught out on details.他不喜欢在细节上被人抓住把柄。3、Don't ...

1、区别 StartActivityForResult:是说明调用这个activity,关闭后可以接收到返回值 OnActivityForResult:当activity关闭后,如果有返回值,则会在这个方法内接收 2、联系 这两者是配对使用的,一个是告诉对方有接收值,一个是接收对方的返回值 比如 1.跳转的时候不是采用startActivity(intent) 这个方法,...

my anut used to climb the moubtians on weekends.
My aunt didn't use to climb the mountains on weekends.

The scars on his body lent colour to his claim that he had been tortured.他说他受过折磨拷打, 从他身上的伤疤看来倒也可信.Don't let him have the car until you've seen the colour of his money.先弄清他确实有钱再把汽车给他.What colour did you paint the door?你把门漆成什么...

英语作文:请介绍一种cold. friut. juice的制作方法
Secondly, mash the chopped apples in a food processor before transferring everything to an apple press. Put a mesh attachment on the end of the press where the apple mash will be further processed into juice.Thirdly,place the large pot underneath the mesh where the apple juice ...

鄣绍18614966686问: put on后能接clothes吗? -
黎城县香连回答:[答案] put on是穿衣; take off 是脱下 put on 后面最好是有冠词或者代词 如:put on the clothes/ put on your clothes

鄣绍18614966686问: put on try on用法 -
黎城县香连回答: put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场穿上,戴上(衣、帽、眼镜等):She put on her coat and went out. 她穿上外套,出去了 He put on a pair of glasses. 他戴上了一副眼镜增添,增加(体重、肌肉、速度等);He didn't want to put ...

鄣绍18614966686问: put on后能接clothes吗 -
黎城县香连回答: 当然可以.put on 的意思是:穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场;put on clothes,表示穿上衣服(泛指意义上的衣服),后面还可以跟衣服的种类,如:She slipped her coat off and put on her blouse. 她一下子脱掉了外衣,然后穿上了罩衫.

鄣绍18614966686问: put on 和 dressde 的用法? -
黎城县香连回答: “穿戴”动作put ondress接人做宾语, in 后颜色或衣裳.1. put on (穿上;戴上)表示动作,是终止性动词,后面接穿戴的东西,不能与一段时间连用.例如:Grandma put on her glasses to read the newspaper.奶奶戴上眼镜看报纸.He ...

鄣绍18614966686问: put on 接代词 放中间还是放后面还有什么take off 我总分不清 请问如何分辨动介短语还是动副短语啊?不用长篇大论,让我看得明白就可以了. -
黎城县香连回答:[答案] put on 穿上 take off 脱下 ,it 都放中间,都是动副短语. 比如get over it ,it就放后面.像look after 还有几个it放后面的,都是固定搭配.

鄣绍18614966686问: put后面加什么 -
黎城县香连回答: Put on to do

鄣绍18614966686问: put on后面加人称的什么形式? -
黎城县香连回答: put on后面加人称的宾格形式 例句:put on him

鄣绍18614966686问: Put 是及物动词,,On是介词.可是及物动词后面要加的是副词+宾语或者直接加宾语,为什么会有Put on the coat 和 put the coat on 这样的情况.难道介词能当... -
黎城县香连回答:[答案] put on是一个短语动词,意思是“穿上(衣服)”,它是由动词put加上副词on构成的.这个短语中的on不是介词,而是副词. 在英语中,有些词既是介词,又是副词,像on这样的词还有一些,如down,在walk down the street(沿街走去)中down是介...

鄣绍18614966686问: put on和put.on的区别 -
黎城县香连回答: 1.意思区别. put on:穿上;上演;增加;假装. put...on:把......穿上;把什么放在什么的上面. 2.用法区别. put on后面可以接不同的词,表示不同意思.作为一个固定的动词短语存在. put...on是动词加介词构成的词组,并不是固定的,随着...

鄣绍18614966686问: put和put into的区别 -
黎城县香连回答: 1、具体含义不同 put的意思是放;安置等,强调的是动作本身.put into的意思是插入;注入;(船)入港,侧重于使某物处于某种状态,强调的是状态. 2、用法不同 put后后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,有时还可接以形容词、副词或...

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