
作者&投稿:丑晓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

不守时会被视为不礼貌,要受到惩罚。Unpuntuality may be deemed\/regarded as impoliteness and subject to corresponding penalty.

But there is no literary public in England for anything except newspapers, primers, and encyclopaedias. (Cha.3 P50)He was always late on priciple, his priciple being that puntuality is the thief of time. (Cha.3 P52)Men marry because they are tired; women, because they are c...

求5篇高中英语作文啊 100到120字
Unpanetuality is very harmful. Friends sometimes grow cold to wards each other, or even become enemies, because one of them has been remiss in keeping appointmems. Imagine how it would be if those who are entrusted with important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the ...

双图18566021610问: 英语中的四个花费 -
夏邑县艾诺回答: spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱).例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时.(2) spend time / money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事...

双图18566021610问: 几个关于花费的英语单词
夏邑县艾诺回答: cost是it等表示事物的词做主语,表示花费时间金钱. pay人,物都可做主语,后面加money,表示付出金钱. spend花费时间金钱,人做主语. take It takes sb. sometime to do sth.

双图18566021610问: 四个花费的用法
夏邑县艾诺回答: It takes sb some time to do sth 人+spend+时间/金钱+(in)doing sth +on+名词 物+cost 人+pay+钱+for+人

双图18566021610问: 关于pay的短语 -
夏邑县艾诺回答: 1.hell to pay 严厉惩罚2.pay back 偿还(借款) 报答,报复3.pay dirt 有价值的矿藏,丰富的矿藏,有利可图的发现4.pay envelope 工资袋,工资5.pay for 支付…的费用,负担…的款项,为…付出代价6.pay off 还清(债务等)...

双图18566021610问: 花钱做某事的英语结构是什么 -
夏邑县艾诺回答: 人+ spend +金钱+ON STH / IN DOING STH 人+pay+金钱+ FOR STH 物+ cost SB +金钱. 如 I spent ten yuan on the book . I paied ten yuan for the book. The book cost me ten yuan.加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

双图18566021610问: cost 和 pay 的用法有什么不同? -
夏邑县艾诺回答: cost的主语是物; 即某物+COST +SB +金钱. pay 的主语是人,常与FOR 连用 即' 某人+PAY + 金钱+ FOR +某物.

双图18566021610问: 几个关于花费的英语单词 -
夏邑县艾诺回答: cost的主语一般是物:The watch costs me 100 yuan. pay的主语是人:I pay 100 yuan for a watch. spend可以表示花了多少时间去做什么事:I spent 1 hour doing my homework. take有一个固定的用法:It takes sb. sometime to do sth.

双图18566021610问: spend、cost、take、pay的区别? -
夏邑县艾诺回答: 1、主语 take形式主语为it,spend主语为人,pay主语为人,cost主语为物. 2、宾语 take宾语为人/时间,spend宾语为时间/金钱,pay宾语为金钱,cost宾语为人/金钱. 3、结构take:It takes (sb.)some time to do sth. spend:spend time/money on sth. spend time/money (in) doing sth. pay:pay some money for sth. cost:sth. cost(sb). money

双图18566021610问: 花钱在英语的三种表达方式 有关于spend cost 和pay的短语 -
夏邑县艾诺回答: spend:(花钱+on、花时间+in)1、sb. spend some money on sth. eg.I spend 1 yuan on the pen.2、sb. spend some time in doing sth. eg. He spends two hours in finishing his homework.3、sb. spend some time in (doing) sth.(重点) eg....

双图18566021610问: pay用法? -
夏邑县艾诺回答: pay的基本用法是: (1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买…….例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租. (2)pay for sth. 付……的钱.例:I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失...

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