
作者&投稿:羽侦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Protect sb.\/sth. from doing sth \/being done. 2
1)从一件事情保护一个人 2)阻止一个人去做一件事情 3)防止一个人去做一件事情 4)不让一个人去做一件事情

短语 1、protect amply充分保护 2、protect automatically自动地保护 3、protect dubiously警戒 4、protect effectively有效地保护 5、protect financially经济上保护 protect 读法 英 [prə'tekt]     美 [prə'tekt]v. 保护;投保 例句 1、He raised his arm to protect his child from...

Protect sb from sth, from sth 可以做定语,宾补或状语吗?

protect,prevent,preserve 的区别
protect 保护,比如protect the environment保护环境 prevent 阻止,比如government prevents smoking in public政府禁止在公共场所吸烟 preserve 保持,比如preserve the seat留座

protect from后面可以跟doing sth.的吗
可以的,protect sb from doing sth ,from后接能带来伤害或损害之物.看例句:1:You should protect the children from catching cold.你应该防备孩子们受凉.prevent sb.doing sth.\\stop sb.from doing sth\\keep sb from doing sth\\protect sb from doing sth的区别 1、prevent sb from doing sth...

protect...from...和stop sb from doing相等吗?
为您解答 不相等。一般protect sb from...后面接的事通常不是sb做的,是表达保护某人不被。。。stop sb from doing里的事通常是sb自己在做,别人阻止TA。阻止某人干某事

1.Prevent sb (from) doing 阻止(防御)...做...,这里的from,绝对不能用to do代替 2.Protect sb from sth. (保护)使……免于,这里的from不能省,绝对不能用to do代替 3.如果要用doing的话,与其搭配的应该是介词against:如 Protect sb against doing 防御……不做……此外,stop ...

stop\/ prevent\/ protect和stop\/ prevent… from…的区别
②被动用法相同.stop\/prevent…from…中使用主动语态时,可省略介词 from,而词组keep…from…中的from不可省略.但在被动语态中from均不可省略.例如:He tried his best to stop\/prevent her (from)going to the south ,but he failed.他尽力地去劝阻她去南方,但是他失败了.[stop\/prevent sb. (...

请列举protect sb from doing sth的具体例句
protect...from...表示“保护……不受……侵袭,挡住,防御”。 from后接能带来伤害或损害之物。e.g.1:You should protect the children from catching cold.你应该防备孩子们受凉。2.You had better wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun.你最好戴上太阳镜来保护眼睛免受太阳(...

prevent sb from doing的from可以省略吗
prevent sb from doing的from在主动语态中from可以省略,被动语态中不能省略。prevent sb from doing意思是:阻止某人做某事或阻止某事的发生。from后面的动词与from前面的词构成动宾关系时,后面用动名词的被动形式。1. Nothing could prevent him (from) doing that.什么也阻止不了他做那件事。2. ...

夫言19216908021问: protect sth. from sth.和protect sth. against sth.有什么区别? -
抚州市坤泰回答: protect sb against:protect sb from 这两个短语动词同义,都作“防御”讲,只是 protect sbagainst多半对付较大的事件,而 protect sb from则多半对付较小的事件. 例如:Our PLA men protect us against invasion.我们的解放军战士保卫我们,抵御侵略. Miss Nash has worn a fur coat to protect her from the cold.纳希小姐已穿上毛皮大衣来御寒.

夫言19216908021问: protect from,protect against有区别吗 -
抚州市坤泰回答: 区别及其微小,但如果你硬是要找区别的话那还是有的.在某些使用方面,protect against在趋向的程度上没有protect from这么的肯定. 比如说protect against rust,想保护但是实际上生锈是不能避免的.protect from harm的话就不一样了,虽然也是不能完全避免,但是主观上能进行极大程度上的控制.另外就是个例句,protect against invasion.这句话中,就一般不会用protect from来说了.

夫言19216908021问: protect sb from后面跟什么? -
抚州市坤泰回答: protect……from……表示“保护……不受……侵袭,挡住,防御”. from后接能带来伤害或损害之物.看例句:1:You should protect the children from catching cold.你应该防备孩子们受凉.顺便在这里讲一个英语常识:谈谈prevent sb. doing sth....

夫言19216908021问: protect sb against sth是什么意思 -
抚州市坤泰回答: 保护某人不受……

夫言19216908021问: protect against their losses英译中 也请讲解against在这句中的用法 -
抚州市坤泰回答: 保护他们不受损失,against表示抵制与意愿相反,像这句就是抵制损失,against原意是相依相抵:lean against the walk,想象一下,你能理解吧

夫言19216908021问: protect from 与protect against的区别 -
抚州市坤泰回答: 两者是一样的,后面既可以接名词又可以接动名词

夫言19216908021问: protect from/against用法及造句.谢谢! -
抚州市坤泰回答: protect from 保护...不受(使...免于) 如:The sheep jammed together to protect from the cold. 这些绵羊为了御寒紧紧地挤在了一起. protect against 反对...以保护 如:The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection. 这种疫苗用以为全体居民预防传染病.

夫言19216908021问: 请教protect against 的protect from区别 -
抚州市坤泰回答: 例句 1,He is always protecting against others.他总是防范着别人~ 2,He is always protecting him from danger.他总是保护着自己免受侵害~ 短语 protect against 直接加名词~意为“防范...” protect from 一般用作protect A from B~意为“使A免受B的侵害”

夫言19216908021问: protect against是什么意思 -
抚州市坤泰回答: protect against [英][prəˈtekt əˈɡenst][美][prəˈtɛkt əˈɡenst] 保护,保卫; 例句: 1. Eating a portion of watercress every day could help protect against cancer, accordingto new research. 一项最新研究显示,每天食用一部分豆瓣菜可以帮助预防癌症. 2. Vegetarianism does not protect against cancer. 素食主义不能防止癌症的发生.

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