
作者&投稿:父呼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

prosperity 英[prɒˈsperəti] 美[prɑ:ˈsperəti]n. 繁荣; 成功; 兴旺,昌盛;[例句]A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。[其他] 复数:prosperities ...

prosperity in the new year.1、prosperity的读音:英 [prɒˈsperəti],美 [prɑːˈsperəti]。2、释义:n.兴旺;繁荣;成功;昌盛。3、例句:A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。Peace brings prosperity.和...

年年有余,用英语翻译有三种:1、prosperity in the new year:其中prosperity意思为繁荣 。2、sufficient every year:其中sufficient意思为充足。3、surplus year after year:其中surplus译为盈余。plus本身就是更多,更好的意思,sur是前缀, 意思是: 超过。surplus: 盈余,比更多还要多,超过所想,所...

prosperity “繁荣”、“富裕”。为 prosper的名词形式。1) We do our utmost to promote and maintain the long-term stability and prosperity of the region.(我们会竭力推动和维持地区的长期稳定和繁荣。)

繁荣英语怎么说 1.prosperous 繁荣的 (a)There is a prosperous city .2.prosper 繁荣 (v)The country is prospering under a strong government.3.prosperity 兴旺,繁荣 (n)We wish you health, happiness, and prosperity 繁华的 用英语怎么说 繁华_百度翻译 [词典]bustling; prosperous; busy; ...

社会主义核心价值观英文翻译:富强(prosperity)、民主(democracy)、文明(civility)、和谐(harmony)自由(freedom)、平等(equality)、公正(justice)、法治(rule of law)爱国(patriotism)、敬业(dedication)、诚信(integrity)、友善(friendship)这就是社会主义核心价值观的英文翻译了。

社会主义核心价值观,直译为core socialist values。社会主义核心价值观基本内容:富强(prosperity)、民主(democracy)、文明(civility)、和谐(harmony)、自由(freedom)、平等(equality)、公正(justice)、法治(rule of law)、爱国(patriotism)、敬业(dedication)、诚信(integrity)、友善(friendship...

prosperity 形容词
prosperous adj. 成功的, 顺利的, 繁盛的 同义词: affluent comfortable flourishing fortunate opulent rich successful triumphant wealthy well-off 反义词: unprosperous 详解:prosperous adj.(形容词)1. Having success; flourishing:繁荣的:获得成功的;繁盛的:a prosperous new ...

prosperous 扑弱丝破弱丝 prosperity 扑弱丝破弱tei glare 格来尔 曾经学习英语就是这样读的,借助汉字和拼音 慢慢学会了音标后看见单词就能读出来了

wishing you prosperity 什么意思
wishing you prosperity 恭喜发财;例句:1.Wishing you peace, happiness and prosperity through christmasand the coming year.在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、事业兴旺!2.Wishing you joy, health, prosperity and love in the new year!愿新的一年中,快乐、健康、成功和爱常伴你左右!

策奖17753026720问: prosperity是什么意思 -
洪山区风痛回答: prosperity [英]prɒˈsperəti [美]prɑ2113:ˈsperəti n. 繁荣;兴旺5261,昌盛;成功4102 [例句]The industry was beginning its initial prosperity. 工业1653开始了它最初内的繁荣.容

策奖17753026720问: boom与prosperity的区别 -
洪山区风痛回答: 这两个单词的最大区别就是:prosperity,名词,是专门用来表示“人们丰衣足食”"生活富足"的词,就这一个意思,所以,我们说 Economic prosperity; prosperity of the country而 flourish,名词和动词,只有做动词的时候才和prosperity有联...

策奖17753026720问: flourish.thrive.prosperity.的区别? -
洪山区风痛回答: thriveflourishprosperbloom 这组词都含“繁荣”、“兴旺”的意思.动词 thrive 指生物(包括动物和植物)的繁殖兴盛.flourish 指植物生长茂盛. 1) The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two...

策奖17753026720问: 怎么记忆这些单词怎么记忆以下几个单词:prosperity 繁荣,兴旺;render使得,呈报;accuracy准确,准确度;acquisition获得,获得物.尽量别用词根词缀... -

策奖17753026720问: 预祝栏目成功用英语怎么表达,要用到prosperity. -
洪山区风痛回答:[答案] 预祝栏目成功用英语怎么表达,要用到prosperity. Wish the column prosperity and success May the column win great prosperity and success Wish the column prosperous

策奖17753026720问: prosperity是什么意思啊?如何背下来呢? -
洪山区风痛回答: n. 1. 幸运; 顺利2. 兴旺, 繁荣3. 成功名词 n. 1.幸运; 顺利 I wish you the life of happiness and prosperity. 我祝你生活幸福、万事如意. 2.兴旺, 繁荣 The new agreement raised hopes for conditions of prosperity and harmony. 新的协议唤起了人们对繁荣与和谐前景的期望. 3.成功

策奖17753026720问: prosperity英语怎么读 -
洪山区风痛回答: prosperity 英[prɒˈsperəti] 美[prɑ:ˈsperəti] n. 繁荣; 成功; 兴旺,昌盛; [例句]A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.农村出现了前所未有的繁荣.[其他] 复数:prosperities

策奖17753026720问: flourish与 prosperity有什么区别? -
洪山区风痛回答:[答案] 这两个单词的最大区别就是:\x0dprosperity,名词,是专门用来表示“人们丰衣足食”"生活富足"的词,就这一个意思,所以,我们说 Economic prosperity; prosperity of the country\x0d而flourish,名词和动词,只有做动词...

策奖17753026720问: prosperous 造句prosperous 造句prosperity 造句 -
洪山区风痛回答:[答案] I wish you a prosperous new year of horse. You look around and you will find the prosperity of the City.

策奖17753026720问: prosperity 形容词 -
洪山区风痛回答: prosperous adj. 成功的, 顺利的, 繁盛的 同义词: affluent comfortable flourishing fortunate opulent rich successful triumphant wealthy well-off 反义词: unprosperous 详解:prosperous adj.(形容词)1. Having success; flourishing:繁荣的:获得...

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