
作者&投稿:雕骂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

profound implication是什么意思
rofound implication 深奥的含义;奥旨;深刻含义 例句筛选 1.The most profound implication, however, is that it would abolish the ability tolie.然而,最深刻的意义是,它将消除说谎的能力。2.Huaer which produced in the unique natural and human environment ofNorthwest Plateau has a profound...



Nothing more than there were two types of design, when the works with the existing association, a modified design when and imagination, the future relevance, that is a creative design. Whether the former or the latter, the design is always inseparable from the accumulation of life,...

源远流长 long standing and well established 博大精深 broad and profound

求《书虫》under the moon的读后感,初一水平,150字左右
because the story occu rred in European and the American cultu re conflict and under the fusion new tim es background, in the novel the ghost ap peared and disappeared the scene actu ally no longer had the terror effect, beca me funny laughable, but contained the p rofound ...

HP Proliant110g6做raid0安装redhatAS5完成后启动提示找不到\/dev\/r...
惠普服务器只要是B110I阵列卡的服务器,安装linux操作系统后,都会在选择系统分区时,多出来一个空间,尤其是做RAID 1后,这样会出现问题的,建议在惠普官方网站上下载B110i阵列卡的驱动,用软驱来加载1、先到HP官方网站下载用软驱加载的阵列卡驱动,一般在Software---Driver Diskettes处 2,、2、下载解...

这是把系统启动的引导给破坏了,导致启动内核镜像无法找到。开机时遇到Error 15 file not found的错误。解决方法:1.按任意键回到启动菜单,如grub的菜单;2.在菜单界面按'c'进入grub命令行界面;3.在grub命令行下输入:grub> cat \/grub\/grub.conf_old (用tab键找到此文件,下面的kernel参考grub....


城顾17354438601问: 寻普希金的诗一首,用于朗诵,翻译成英文
桃城区硫酸回答: 假如生活欺骗了你 ———〔俄〕普希金假如生活欺骗了你,不要忧郁,不要愤慨!悲伤的日子须要沉静,坚信吧:愉快的日子即将来临.心中憧憬着美好的未来,眼前不过是暂时的悲哀;一切将会在瞬间消逝,而逝去的一切将会变得亲切. If by...

城顾17354438601问: sorrow grief 有什么区别? -
桃城区硫酸回答: 基本上没什么区别.The poor woman was buried in grief after her son died.这个可怜的妇人在儿子死后一直沉浸在悲痛之中.Life has many joys and sorrows.人生有许多欢乐和悲伤.

城顾17354438601问: 把这段话概括总结一下 Consider also the heroic example of Abraham Lincoln, who faced su -
桃城区硫酸回答: 大意是这样:亚伯拉罕·林肯是一个英雄般的人物,其一生曾面对过物质方面的困难,各种失败和无尽的不幸.他的出身很平庸,曾遭遇过两次事业上的失败,恋人的去世,八次落选和晚年失去三个孩子的沉重打击,但他强烈的信念是激励他走下去的唯一动力.正是这个品质让他穿过失败和痛苦的阴霾.百年之后,全世界的人们都认为他是最伟大的美国总统.

城顾17354438601问: 英语grief和sorrow区别? -
桃城区硫酸回答: 区别:程度不同.grief极度悲伤(=extreme sorrow/sadness);sorrow悲伤

城顾17354438601问: profound可以形容人吗 -
桃城区硫酸回答: profound可以形容人:通常指形容人的思想,话语,知识等意义深远的;渊博的,学识渊博的,造诣深的;深谋远虑的 例:This remark has profound implications.这句话含义深刻.Our professor is a man of profound learning 我们的教授是一个学识渊博的人 He is a poet of profound learning 他是一位才高八斗的诗人

城顾17354438601问: grief啥意思? -
桃城区硫酸回答: 名词 n. 1.悲痛,悲伤[U] Mother went mad with grief after the child died. 2悲痛的缘由[C] Her heroin-addicted husband is a grief to her. 3不幸;灾难;失败[U][C

城顾17354438601问: grief.的翻译是:什么意思 -
桃城区硫酸回答: grief 翻译成中文是:n. 悲伤; 悲痛; 悲伤的事; grief 英[gri:f] 美[ɡrif] n. 悲伤; 悲痛; 悲伤的事; [例句]Their grief soon gave way to anger.他们的悲痛迅速转化为愤怒.[其他] 复数:griefs

城顾17354438601问: profound什么意思 -
桃城区硫酸回答: profound [prə'faund] adj.深度的; 深切的; 深远的;知识渊博的, 见解深刻的, 深奥的望采纳!

城顾17354438601问: grief 和 sorrow 的区别? -
桃城区硫酸回答: grief grief n. 悲痛, 伤心事, 不幸, 忧伤习惯用语bring sb. to grief 使某人遭到不幸, 使失败; 使吃苦头come to grief 遭难, 受伤, 失败; sorrow sorrow n. 悲哀, 悲痛. 我觉得区别在于grief是由于事情而带来的悲痛,而sorrow是自发的,自哀的意思 不大熟悉这两个词,所以仅供参考

城顾17354438601问: grief的动词形式是什么 -
桃城区硫酸回答: grieve

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