
作者&投稿:崇德 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

presentation的意思:提交,演出,陈述,报告,颁奖仪式。presentation英 [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn] n.提交,演出,陈述,报告,颁奖仪式。presentation的用法示例如下:1.He received his award at a presentation in London ...

名词 n.1.提供, 显示 On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property.你只要出示有关的身份证件就可以领取你的财产。2.表现;外观,外貌,仪表 The presentation of food can be as important as the taste.食物的外观和味道同样重要。3.授予(物), 赠送(仪式)Th...

presentation的意思:提交,演出,陈述,报告,颁奖仪式。presentation英 [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn]n.提交;演出;陈述,报告;颁奖仪式。presentation的用法示例如下:1.Check the presentation. Get it properly laid out with a title...

presentation 英[ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] 美[ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn]n. 提交; 演出; 陈述,报告; 颁奖仪式;[网络] 新知; 表示; 培训;[例句]We serve traditional French food cooked in a lighter way, keeping thepresentation simple.我们供应...

presentation 英[ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] 美[ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn]n. 提交; 演出; 陈述,报告; 颁奖仪式;[网络] 新知; 表示; 培训;[例句]We serve traditional French food cooked in a lighter way, keeping thepresentation simple.我们供应...

presentation的意思:提交,演出,陈述,报告,颁奖仪式。presentation英 [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn] n.提交,演出,陈述,报告,颁奖仪式。presentation的用法示例如下:1.He received his award at a presentation in London ...

presentation英 [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn]n.提交; 演出; 陈述,报告; 颁奖仪式;[例句]If you're making a business presentation to people you haven't met,find out something about their backgrounds.如果你要向未见过面的人...

Presentation 英音: ['prezen'teiʃən] 美音: ['prezen'teiʃən]名词形式有 1.提供,显示2.表现;外观,外貌,仪表3.授予(物),赠送(仪式)4.报告5.表演6.提交;授予;颁发;出示7.提出(或展示、解释等)的方式8.展示会;介绍会;...

做presentation一般是指做演示、做展示的意思。presentation是一个英语单词,可作名词,中文意思是“提交;授予;颁发;出示;提出(或展示、解释等)的方式;展示会;介绍会;发布会”。presentation 一、读音 英 [?prezn?te??n] 美 [?pri?zen?te??n]二、释义 n. 提交;授予;颁发;出示;...

presentation KK: []DJ: []n.1. 赠送;授予[U][C][(+of)]The presentation of prizes will begin at three o'clock.颁奖仪式将在三点开始。2. 赠送或授予的东西;礼物[C]3. 提出;提供;递交[U][(+of)]the presentation of evidence 提供证据 4. 显示,呈现;表现;描述[U][(+of)]5. ...

贝利17622782092问: manifestations and presentation的区别 -
望花区乙酰回答: 只有当这两个单词都做“外观、表现”讲的时候,才会产生区别. 1、A manifestation of something is one of the different ways in which it can appear. 表现 例:Different animals in the colony had different manifestations of the disease. 同一群体...

贝利17622782092问: presentation 后面介词加什么 -
望花区乙酰回答: on for to about at 都可以,那是介词的不同性质 I am going to give a presentation on social security. on 后面接主题 I am going to give a presentation to student. to 后面接对象 I am going to give a presentation about love. about后面接主题 I am ...

贝利17622782092问: 随着..的提出和发展 用英语? -
望花区乙酰回答: along with the presentation and development of..............

贝利17622782092问: presentation什么意思 -
望花区乙酰回答: 您好, presentation 英 [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn]; 美 [ˌprɛzənˈteʃən, ˌprizən-] 陈述; 报告; 介绍; 赠送;表现;情况介绍;简报等等的意思. 例句: His presentation was clear and incisive. 他的报告清晰而犀利. Such a presentation greatly facilitated examination. 这样的介绍带来极大方便的检视. The Queen will make the presentation herself. 女王将亲手赠送礼品.

贝利17622782092问: 怎样做好 Presentation -
望花区乙酰回答: 1.要有一个结构清晰内容准确的PPT (1)PPT应该包含的内容: ① Outline(概括Presentation的主要内容) ② Main Body(Presentation的主体部分,根据Outline分点阐述) ③ Conclusion(针对整个Presentation做一个summary) ④ Q & A ...

贝利17622782092问: presentation是不可数名词吗 -
望花区乙酰回答: 是可数名词 presentations n. 报告; 介绍( presentation的名词复数 ); 提供; 展示会; Academics, journalists, and many organisations have produced numerous books, training courses and presentations on the issue.学者、记者和许多组织就这个问题出版了无数的图书、培训课程和说明.

贝利17622782092问: Representation and Warranty是什么意思 -
望花区乙酰回答: Representation and Warranty 声明和保证;陈述和保证;陈述及保证 双语例句1 Representation and Warranty, included in account document package.包括在帐户文件包中的陈述和担保.2 For the assured, it embody in Disclosure and representation, Warrantyetc; 对被保险人主要体现在告知义务、保证义务以及危险增加的通知义务等;

贝利17622782092问: presentation是什么意思 -
望花区乙酰回答: presentation 词典结果:presentation[英][ˌpreznˈteɪʃn][美][ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn] n.提交; 演出; 陈述,报告; 颁奖仪式; 复数:presentations 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Make sure the interpreters have a copy of your text or presentation. 要确保你们的文件或报告让译员有份副本.2.I hope your presentation goes well. 我希望你的介绍顺利.

贝利17622782092问: presentation 接什么动词 -
望花区乙酰回答: 一般是 make a presentation or give a presentation 做一个简报

贝利17622782092问: presentation 后面介词加什么for?to?about?of -
望花区乙酰回答: That may be too schematized a presentation to most readers.(接介词to) 对大多数读者来说,这样的描述可能太程式化了.The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.(接介词on) 营销经理将举行一次新产品推介会. He received his award at apresentation in London yesterday.(接介词in) 昨天,他在伦敦的颁奖典礼上领了奖.

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