
作者&投稿:明忽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

presentation的意思:提交,演出,陈述,报告,颁奖仪式。presentation英 [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn] n.提交,演出,陈述,报告,颁奖仪式。presentation的用法示例如下:1.He received his award at a presentation in London ...

presentation 英[ˌpreznˈteɪʃn]美[ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn]n.提交; 演出; 陈述,报告; 颁奖仪式 1 A surprising amount of one ' s time as a student and professional is spent reporting the results of one ' s research projects for ...

presentation的意思是演示文稿或演讲表达。详细解释:1. 基本含义:在日常语境中,presentation通常指的是一种展示信息的方式,可以是口头的演讲,也可以是通过视觉辅助材料的展示。在商务会议、学术演讲或课堂教学中,经常需要进行信息的陈述和展示,这时就会用到presentation。2. 演讲表达方面:在演讲的语境下...

presentation的意思:提交,演出,陈述,报告,颁奖仪式。presentation英 [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn]n.提交;演出;陈述,报告;颁奖仪式。presentation的用法示例如下:1.Check the presentation. Get it properly laid out with a title...

Presentation 英音: ['prezen'teiʃən] 美音: ['prezen'teiʃən]名词形式有 1.提供,显示2.表现;外观,外貌,仪表3.授予(物),赠送(仪式)4.报告5.表演6.提交;授予;颁发;出示7.提出(或展示、解释等)的方式8.展示会;介绍会;...


什么是presentationpresentation是英文present的动词形式,意思是“提出,介绍,展示”,指的是对某事物的介绍,可以是文字,视频,图片,甚至是实物。presentation的应用 presentation在日常生活中的应用非常广泛,比如,学生们在课堂上用ppt展示自己的报告,企业员工在汇报会议上给客户展示产品,政府机构在新闻发布...

Presentation是什么意思?Presentation是指用某种方式展示知识、技能或想法,例如演讲、演示文稿或幻灯片。Presentation可以用于教育、商业或娱乐等场合。在商业领域,企业常常使用presentation来向客户、投资者或员工展示产品、服务或业务计划。Presentation的重要性 Presentation在现代社会中非常重要,它可以帮助人们向...

presentation演出;发布会;提交;颁发,网络呈现;展示;介绍 Presentation作为名词,指一堆给人看的PPT,在微软产品里面叫做“演示文稿”1。如果是给动词,指给人看一堆PPT,通常说“演示。Presentation是指配合使用演示文稿(通常是Keynote或PowerPoint制作的幻灯片)做的台上演讲。而所使用的演示文稿,英文...


谷鬼13963666330问: 大学英语presentation范文(大学英语presentat?
潞西市力杜回答: 1、呵呵~ 前两天刚做了 我背了首诗啊 嗯··还有同学讲了一些love story 效果不错 还有介绍harry potter 大家也都很喜欢 就是介绍一些你感兴趣的东西 息息相关的话 讲点学校的新闻趣事也好呃···这样啊 我想想啊你可以讲一个你喜欢的电影啊!先介绍一下你对它的感受啊 什么的 情节人物什么的主题什么的然后放段原英文的就可以了啊~~也可以自己给里面你喜欢的人物配音··.

谷鬼13963666330问: 求一篇英语presentation全文的,文章长一点 -
潞西市力杜回答:[答案] 题目为travel in london的presentation Route 1 Tower Bridge Tower Bridge was opened in 1894 after 8 years of construction .The bridge's designer is Horace Jones The bridge was designed to allow the river to flow across and also allows large ships ...

谷鬼13963666330问: 求关于东方神起的英文作文一篇.presentation啊. -
潞西市力杜回答:[答案] i love tvxq very much!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

谷鬼13963666330问: 求一篇做presentation的英语短文 -
潞西市力杜回答: Sima Qian (司马迁) The Han emperor, WuDi, re-established the importance of learning and encouraged the production of new works. As a result, ancient works which had arrived the book burning of the first emperor began to re-appear. Sima ...

谷鬼13963666330问: 求一篇英语presentation -
潞西市力杜回答: 题目为travel in london的presentation Route 1 Tower Bridge Tower Bridge was opened in 1894 after 8 years of construction .The bridge's designer is Horace Jones The bridge was designed to allow the river to flow across and also allows large ...

谷鬼13963666330问: presentation关于身份身份偷窃得方式大四英语作文 -
潞西市力杜回答: 例文How are you doing recently? Hope this finds you well. I am a student from Grade 3, and I am writing to reflect an issue regarding the library. As one...

谷鬼13963666330问: Internet shopping presentation英语作文 -
潞西市力杜回答: Many people believe that in the future computers will be used in lots of everyday activities . It is thought that we won't go shopping because many goods are available on the Internet . There will be no more books because all books will be available ...

谷鬼13963666330问: 麻烦帮我写一篇英文的presentation,随便什么话题都可以,大概三分钟的样子,谢谢 -
潞西市力杜回答: My Most Favorite ProgrammeThe News Report has always been my favorite TV program. Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m. and wait for the news program. This has become a part of my life.The News Report contains a large amount ...

谷鬼13963666330问: 以 My Exciting Experience 为题 写一篇英语作文根据提示信息 写一篇小短文1 交流英语学习经验2 参加英语晚会3 游览观光名胜 -
潞西市力杜回答:[答案] My presentation experience Obviously this is not my first time doing the presentation. But this is the first time I have a group discuss with so many different nationalities. This is quite challenge for me. Before did the first presentation, we separated our ...

谷鬼13963666330问: 一篇英语presentation 谢谢 -
潞西市力杜回答: 看到结尾了么,Don't forget to use the new vocabulary that you learned to describe the resource,让你用你们刚刚学过的新单词(vocabulary). 演讲挺容易的,反复练习,不一定要对着镜子,而且你的这篇是写你的周围的同学的,但是你有个词貌似写错了(dellow classmates?) 记的要用手卡.

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