
作者&投稿:乾定 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1。众所周知,非洲和印度有过接触和红减缩剂从早期的times.2文明。中国的丝绸在陆地上找到了沿丝绸之路到印度、中东和罗马交换香料和glass.3。嘟桓逃脱了,经过一段漫长的旅程徘徊阿拉伯国家回到祖国乘船在762.4。它是一个主要的发展达到了China.5非洲人穿。最早的亚洲文物发现在非洲也从这个perio日期 ...

Sure!You re good rider surprised I’m very surprised He is very cool.I’m surprised sweater I like this sweater.This swerter is very nice.swim I like swim I can swim.But I can’t swim well.swam I swam yesterday

If there were only water amongst the rock Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit 340 There is not even silence in the mountains But dry sterile thunder without rain There is not even solitude in the mountains But red sullen faces s...

求《荒原》全诗 txt格式的
The time is now propitious, as he guesses, 235 The meal is ended, she is bored and tired, Endeavours to engage her in caresses Which still are unreproved, if undesired. Flushed and decided, he assaults at once; Exploring hands encounter no defence; 240 His vanity requires no response, ...

"You're not afraid of me. Who are you?\/ Or are you?"这里后面半句我不确定:"你不怕我。你是谁?\/ 还是?”"These men are prepared for battle."“这些士兵准备好了开战。”"You got to get in line behind me."“你必须要排在我后面。”"She'll turn one man against another."...

Super Tight 歌词
)> My strings are super tight turn my pegs and make it right ah loosen me up, till it feels alright It's gonna get precarious,this song's gonna get serious run your focus my carious yeah~~oh~~~Ride Me Inside Me Super tight Boom Boom Shake A Room Like It's Dynamite ...

Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit 340 There is not even silence in the mountains But dry sterile thunder without rain There is not even solitude in the mountains But red sullen faces sneer and snarl From doors of mudcracked hou...

茅湛13056579805问: precarious是什么意思 -
洞头县胃苏回答: precarious [英][prɪˈkeəriəs][美][prɪˈkeriəs] adj.危险的; 不确定的; 不安全的; 可疑的; 比较级:more precarious 最高级:most precarious 双语例句 Our financial situation had become precarious.我们的财务状况已变得不稳定了.2 This leaves Groupon in a fairly precarious financial position.这让Groupon处于一种颇为危险的境地.

茅湛13056579805问: 英语单词关于危险 -
洞头县胃苏回答: hazard n. 危险 hazardous adj. 危险的 imperil v. 使陷于危险中,危及 jeopardize v. 危及,危害 jeopardy n. 危险 juncture n. 危机关头;结合处 menace v./n. 危险,威胁 parlous adj. 危险的,靠不住的 peril n. 危险 perilous adj. 危险的,冒险的 pitfall n....

茅湛13056579805问: 朝不保夕的意思? -
洞头县胃苏回答:[答案] 朝不保夕 词 目 朝不保夕 使用频率 常用 发 音 zhāo bù bǎo xī 释 义 早晨不能知道晚上会变成什么样子或发生什么情况.形容... 危在旦夕、岌岌可危 反义词 安然无恙、高枕无忧 英 文 precarious 灯谜面 日内瓦 用 法 主谓式;作谓语、定语;形容形势危急...

茅湛13056579805问: 危险用英语怎么说?
洞头县胃苏回答: 危险 wei xian 1.danger; hazard; risk; peril 2.dangerous; hazardous; jeopardous; perilous; precarious; risky 危险 wei xian 1.danger; hazard; risk; peril 2.dangerous; hazardous; jeopardous; perilous; precarious; risky

茅湛13056579805问: precarious,diaspora是什么读音和意思?
洞头县胃苏回答: precarious - 飘摇 diaspora - 散居地(就是一个民族在另一个国家的集中居住地). 根据国际音标读.

茅湛13056579805问: 以p开头s结尾一共7个字母组成的单词 -
洞头县胃苏回答:[答案] press压 Paris法国 physics物理 preparedness准备状态 powerless无力量的 precarious不稳定的 precious宝贵的 process列队进行

茅湛13056579805问: 朝不保夕的意思? -
洞头县胃苏回答: 朝不保夕的意思是:保得住早上,不一定保得住晚上.形容情况危急. 1、拼音:zhāo bù bǎo xī 2、近义词:气息奄奄、朝不虑夕、岌岌可危、朝不及夕、危在旦夕 3、反义词:安然无恙、高枕无忧、无忧无虑、万事大吉 4、出处:先秦·左丘...

茅湛13056579805问: 英语单词的
洞头县胃苏回答: danger (n) 祝你学习进步

茅湛13056579805问: 危险的英语单词拼写是什么 -
洞头县胃苏回答: 1.danger; hazard; risk; peril 2.dangerous; hazardous; jeopardous; perilous; precarious; risky

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