
作者&投稿:艾爱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

区别在于,likely还可以用在不定式结构中,而probable则不行(题中is ___ to 就明确了不能用probable)。2.possible表示可能,但不确定。试比较:It’s possible that we may be late.也许我们会迟到。(也许不会)It’s likely that we will be late。我们可能会迟到。(题中给出的条件是The ...

A.likely B.capable C.possible D.probable
参加这样假话的旅行者很可能会选择提供合适的卫生设施的旅馆,选A,be likely to do意思是可能做某事

probable和possible的区别在于:1、词义的区别 possible意为“可能的,可能做到的”,表示可能性大于0,除了不可能发生的事情之外,任何事情都是possible,但发生的机率小于probable。用法举例:Mary told me that she would do everything possible to get married to Sam.玛丽告诉我,她将尽一切可能嫁给...

possible [5pCsEbl]adj.可能的, 可能存在或发生的 possible pos.si.ble AHD:[p¼s“…-b…l] 缩写 poss.D.J.[6p%s*b*l]K.K.[6p$s*b*l]adj.Abbr. poss.(形容词)缩写 poss.Capable of happening, existing, or being true without contradicting proven facts, laws, or ...

probable, possible, likely的区别

ordinary letters D. e-mails 17. The book must be given back to the school library.A. kept B. borrowed C. returned D. lent 18. Why don't you ask Jim? Perhaps he's seen your bike.A. May be B. Of course C. Possible D. Maybe 19. Which city do you like better, Beijing or ...

...future. a、certain b、likely c、possible d、maybe
选A.Car rental service is [certain(=sure )] to thrive in the near future 租赁车辆这项服务在不久的将来一定会兴盛起来.选B Car rental service is [likely] to thrive in the near future 租赁车辆这项服务在不久的将来可能会兴盛起来.C. D 不能用于这个句型 估计你这个不是单项选择题...

按照习惯,用副词修饰形容词的时候,副词放后面。例如:highly possible,一般不说成possible highly,所以选A,不选D。

一、impossible 1、音标:[ɪmˈpɒsəbl]2、解释:adj. 不可能的;不可能存在的;难以忍受的;不真实的 n. 不可能;不可能的事 3、短语:nothing is impossible 没有什么不可能 mission impossible 不可能的任务,棘手的任务 impossible dream 不可能实现的梦;不可能的梦想 ...

比如,"I'll do everything possible to help you" 表示会尽全力提供帮助。"Possible"既可以作为定语,前置或后置,也可以作为表语或先行主语的真义主语。值得注意的是,"possible"是绝对形容词,没有比较级或最高级,例如"You'd better rest as much as possible" 表示尽可能多休息。总的来说,"...

贝孟17733224753问: possible 的用法 -
藁城市复方回答: possible的解析及用法: adj. (形容词) 1、possible的基本意思是“可能的”“潜在的”,指某事可能做、可能存在或可能发生,也可指某事可能是真实的、正确的,引申可表示“可接受的”“合适的”. 2、possible还可作“也许的”解,指...

贝孟17733224753问: as…as possible后加to do还是doing -
藁城市复方回答: as ... as possible 后面一般加不定式 to do sth,表示目的.如: I'll work as hard as possible to go to college. 我将尽可能努力学习去上大学.

贝孟17733224753问: make possible do sth 还是make do sth possible(make为主动语态) -
藁城市复方回答: 正确表达是: 【make+sth/doing sth+形容词】 或者:【make+形式宾语it+形容词+to do sth】举例:I'll make you happy when you're sad. 在你伤心的时候我会使你高兴起来. 举例二:China makes going to the space possible. 中国使去太空成为...

贝孟17733224753问: 英语中possible有什么用法 -
藁城市复方回答: 比较了手头的好几本词典,觉得以下用法说明最好: possible 1.可能的 It is not possible. 那是不可能的. It is possible that he has left. 他可能已经走了. All possible means have been tried. 一切可能的办法都试过了. Is it possible for their hopes ...

贝孟17733224753问: surprise 后面是do还是doing,还是to do -
藁城市复方回答: doing & to do r both possible

贝孟17733224753问: 大神,有没有make possible sth 的用法? -
藁城市复方回答:[答案] sb.make it possible by doing sth1.某人通过做某事使得它成为可能make it possible by doing sth1.使做某事成为可能make sth possible1.做某事物make it possible for sb to do sth1.使得某人做某事成为可能...

贝孟17733224753问: possible只能做后置定语吗 -
藁城市复方回答: 除了做定语,后置定语, 还可以做表语; there is one possible answer. it is possible that he will not come .

贝孟17733224753问: 对···来说做···是可能的(用英文) -
藁城市复方回答:[答案] 很高兴为你解答. 保证正确率~! 正确答案是: Doing.is possible for sb = It is possible for sb to do sth 对···来说做···是可能的 祝开心~!

贝孟17733224753问: ...more important part on our daily life.77________On it,we can not only read news at home or abroad 78_________but also get much information as possible... -
藁城市复方回答:[答案] 76.删去that因为as is known all 直接加句子,这事固定用法 77.删去a,比较级前不加定冠词78.正确 79.possible改成possibly,副词修饰动词 80.删去are,主动语态81.however改成moreover,这里不是转折关系82.read 改成reading,这里是伴随状语...

贝孟17733224753问: describe sb. doing这样用可不可以 -
藁城市复方回答: 没有此用法.一般是:describe sb/sth to .....(向.....描述.....) Can you describe it to me?你能把它描述给我听吗?describe sb/sth to be...( 把....描述成....) They described me to be a mysterious person.他们把我描绘成一个神秘的人.

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