
作者&投稿:陈没蝶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

OP:ORIGINAL PUBLISHER;SP:SUB-PUBLISHER。SP的所有人是签约公司,没有发行公司。ORIGINAL PUBLISHER 或 PUBLISHER 是音乐版权(词曲著作权)管理公司(或代理,或律师,或个人等),(和录音版权没关系)。主要与歌曲词曲创作人签约,或者为创作人本人拥有,代表“词曲创作人”(Songwriter,不要把艺人的...

OP.ED .OST都是什么意思?
ed:片尾曲\/结束曲 ost:原声配乐 pv是mv(music video)在日本的常见称呼promotion video的略称。两者完全是指的同一个事物。有时也被称为music clip或者video clip。日本wiki的翻译:ミュージック?ビデオ (music video)是主要指流行音乐的乐曲发表的时候制作的,包含乐曲的影像作品。因为是以促销cd...

莫谢莱斯音乐作品目录List of Music Works
莫谢莱斯的音乐作品目录涵盖了丰富多样的类型,其中最突出的是他的管弦乐作品。如1828年的Op.81C大调交响曲,以及后来的Overture "Jeanne d’Arc" (Op.91),这部作品以英雄主义为主题。钢琴协奏曲方面,他创作了多部经典,如Op.45第一号F大调协奏曲,展示了他的社会音乐会风格。Op.56的第二号E大...

1.OP:在音乐中,OP是指片头曲,全称为OpeningSong,一般在影视剧集的开头会播放相关歌曲,这成为片头曲 2.ED:ED指片尾曲, 全称Ending Song,有时片尾曲也可作为影视剧集的主题曲,一般出现在影视剧集的片尾。3.PV:PV是指音乐促销宣传影像,全称Promotion Video,其主要指流行音乐的乐曲发表的时...

BGM=Background Music,英文中意为背景音乐,指在电影、电视剧等影视作品中,作为背景衬托的音乐,通常是无人声的。真正意义上的BGM起源于欧洲的戏曲,自电影有声化之后BGM得以迅速发展。以BGM指代此义,多出现在动画行业。动画界普遍认为,BGM是动画中不可或缺的一个重要组成元素,它不仅需要配合画面的...


op就是片头曲,英文opening的缩写。主题曲(テーマ, Theme)或主题歌(Theme Song)是在电影、电视剧、动画、舞台戏剧等作品中,用来代表作品的主要乐曲或歌曲。相关信息:在不同国家上演、播放的作品,有时会由于不同的风俗民情等因素,会另请填词人以本土语言重新填写歌词,并会另请歌手、配音演员或...

この空の辉き ko no so ra no ka ga ya ki 君の胸に届いてる?ki mi no mu ne ni to to i te ru 梦见てた调べは静けさのように yu me mi te ta si ra be wa shi zu ke sa no yoo ni 君の手がまだ 梦に远くても ki mi no te ga ma da yu me ...

关于 动漫的歌曲的问题 OP ED EP BMG 都是什么意思
op:主题曲 即Opening song的缩写 ,动画所谓的OP,全写Opening Song,日文名为オープニング曲,另有一较少人使用的名称为开头主题曲或动画片头曲,指动画开头所播放的歌曲。ED:片尾曲 影视业术语,泛指在影视作品(如电视剧,动画片等)正片之后播出的带有人声的歌曲,但是以ED指代此义最初起源于...

作品:1.《夜曲》No.1 2.《夜曲》No.2 3.《夜曲》No.5 4.《升C小调夜曲》编号外 阿劳 5.《C小调夜曲》编号外 阿劳 6.《叙事曲》霍洛维兹 7.《降E大调回旋曲》 霍洛维兹 8.《第二钢琴鸣奏曲》鲁宾斯坦 9.《夜曲》OP.9-1 傅聪 10.《夜曲》OP.32-2 鲁宾斯坦 11.《夜曲》OP.72-1(...

巨罡18994299820问: 写一篇POP MUSIC的英语作文50到60字左右 -
硫酸回答: Many people like music. It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music GREat, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting. You can pick and choose whatever you like. Now popular songs are in fashion. If you like ...

巨罡18994299820问: 关于Pop music的英语作文 -
硫酸回答: music Human feelings rich and sensitive to life bit by bit of our hearts will be struck, causing human and touching original aspirations. So with music, music has become a way of venting our best, music in every note of the Beat, their inner world of our...

巨罡18994299820问: 关于流行音乐的英语作文 -
硫酸回答: Pop music is now most girls who pursues,pop music he can make people feel happy,also explain his influence,the students think listening to pop music,give the parents need money to buy an MP3 player,long time listening music,which affected ...

巨罡18994299820问: 以pop music为题目的英语作文结尾怎么写 -
硫酸回答: Nowadays,pop music is very popular with young people.Though it may be refused by some old people ,it does enrich people's daily life and become an important part of modern culture.

巨罡18994299820问: 英语作文:my favorite music要8年级水平,60词左右,谢谢. -
硫酸回答: My favorite music is pop music.I think pop music sounds wonderful. It can make me happy.I listening to pop music ,such as My Heart Will Go On and so on. I can sing some songs this is. I don't mind jazz music .But I hate folk music. I think it's sounds bad.How about you? Can you tell me?

巨罡18994299820问: i like pop music为题的作文20词 -
硫酸回答: I like music Music is a kind of joy,hobby and job.I liked music when I first heard a lovely song.It brougt me into a music world. i like music because when I feel sad,I can relax myself when i listen to some happy songs.I will forget all the trouble. I like ...

巨罡18994299820问: 英语作文 我最喜欢的音乐 -
硫酸回答: Pop music is my favorite. I also love music that I can dance with, which cheers me up and makes me relaxed whenever I feel down. I'm not really a fan of noisy music. It simply disturbs me. I like music that is soft and gentle, and I prefer singers who ...

巨罡18994299820问: 英语作文pop music in my eyes -
硫酸回答:[答案] music Human feelings rich and sensitive to life bit by bit of our hearts will be struck,causing human and touching original aspirations.So with music,music has become a way of venting our best,music i...

巨罡18994299820问: 高分求100字的英语作文求一篇标题为my opinion of pop music的英语作文,可分三段写,第一段介绍pop music第二段写一些内容,第三段写结论.此作文为大... -
硫酸回答:[答案] my opinion of pop musicPop music is belong to a wide audience with attractive music,compared with traditional music and art music.Pop music is a Shared with everyone regardless of age,"music" lowbrows...

巨罡18994299820问: I like pop music.作文怎么写 -
硫酸回答: 介绍一下POP MUSIC的特点,然后再说说为什么你会喜欢它,然后再举一首歌的例子,说说你的感受,然后结尾!

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