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豆汤15324272802问: pollute - 搜狗百科
蓝山县步迈回答: pollute英-[pə'luːt]美-[pə'lut]释义 vt. 污染;玷污;败坏

豆汤15324272802问: pollute是什么词 -
蓝山县步迈回答: pollute 英 [pəˈlu:t] 美 [pəˈlut] vt. 污染; 玷污,亵渎; 破坏(品性),使堕落; 变形 过去式: polluted 过去分词: polluted 现在分词: polluting 第三人称单数: pollutes

豆汤15324272802问: pollute的名词是什么? -
蓝山县步迈回答:[答案] pollution 英[pə'lu:ʃən] 美[pə'luʃən] n.[U] 1.污染 2.污染物;污染地区 同反义词 同:[n.] befoulment,contamination,defilement 反:[n.] decontamination 参考例句 Space technology helps fight pollution. 太空技术有助于抵抗污染. We have to arrest ...

豆汤15324272802问: 求翻译……pollute是什么意思?
蓝山县步迈回答: pollute及物动词 vt. 1.污染 Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams. 垃圾使大小河流遭受污染. 2.腐蚀 She thinks these books pollute the minds of children. 她认为这些书腐蚀儿童的心灵.

豆汤15324272802问: pollute什么意思 -
蓝山县步迈回答: 污染

豆汤15324272802问: 英语:pollute 和 polluted 分别在什么情况下使用,举几个例子来看看 -
蓝山县步迈回答:[答案] pollute为动词,在句中作谓语,用法和其它及物动词一样.如: Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals... 重工业产生的有毒化学品会污染我们的河流. Factories are no longer allowed to pollute the air with black smoke. 不再允许工厂的黑...

豆汤15324272802问: pollute的名词是什么? -
蓝山县步迈回答: pollute的名词:pollution 读法:英 [pə'luːʃ(ə)n] 美 [pə'luʃən] 释义:n. 污染,污染物 noise pollution噪音污染 Marine pollution海洋污染 soil pollution土壤污染 例句: 1、No, say the scientists, but we should put all pollution into perspective. 科...

豆汤15324272802问: 动词pollute,意思是污染,分别用八种时态造句 -
蓝山县步迈回答:[答案] 1. Mining would pollute the lake and denude the forest. 采矿会污染湖水,毁掉森林. 2. Factories are no longer allowed to pollute the air with black smoke. 不再允许工厂的黑烟污染空气了. 3. She thinks these books pollute the minds of children. 她认为...

豆汤15324272802问: pollute用于什么,pollution呢? -
蓝山县步迈回答: pollute用于污染、弄脏;pollution用于污染物;秽物;垃圾. 1、读音: pollute:英[pəˈluːt]、美[pəˈluːt]; pollution:英[pəˈluːʃn]、美[pəˈluːʃn]. 2、词性: pollute:动词; pollution:名词. 3、造句: pollute:Heavy industry ...

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