
作者&投稿:谏健 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

political movement政治运动 ; 造整体水平的政策动议

adj.政治的; 政党的; 对政治有兴趣的;例句:The main risk for both italy and belgium is political.意大利和比利时的主要风险都在政治领域。

political 英[pəˈlitikəl] 美[pəˈlɪtɪkəl]adj.1.政治的; 政治上的 2.政党的, 党派的 3.对政治有兴趣的, 政治上活跃的 4.争权夺利的;人事纠纷的 形容词 adj.1.政治的; 政治上的 Henry was forced to leave his motherland for ...

“政治”英文:politics 读法:英 [ˈpɒlətɪks] 美 [ˈpɑ:lətɪks]n.政治;政治事务;政治观点;权术 词语搭配:动词+~discuss politics讨论政治 study politics学习政治学 名词+~party politics党派政治 power politics强权政治 例句:1、He beg...

political 英 [pəˈlɪtɪkl]美 [pəˈlɪtɪkəl]正在使用发音 政治的 词典释义 adj.政治的;政党的;对政治有兴趣的 双语例句 1.All other political parties there have been completely banned 那里其他所有政党已被彻底取缔。2.Oh I'm not...

综上所述可以看出,首先“politic ”和“political ”是形容词,而“politics”是名词;其次,politic主要指人的特性,political来形容客观事物的特性。例句:1、politic (1)However, many of the landlords thought it more politic to show allegiance to the monarch and hastily adopted titles like ...



politician的形容词:politicia;名词:political。politician 读音:英 [ˌpɒləˈtɪʃn];美 [ˌpɑːləˈtɪʃn]n. 政治家,政客 复数 politician 短语 The Politician 政客 A POLITICIAN 希望自己可以 real politician 八面...

政治英语单词politics 是politic的第三人称单数 politics的音标:英 [ˈpɒlətɪks]、美 [ˈpɑːlətɪks]politics的用法:一、n.政治;政治事务(或活动);权术;钩心斗角;(个人的)政治观点,政见,政治信仰 He quickly involved himself in local ...

用雍19154318192问: Political parties often differ in their views on various - ___ - concerning their own countries. -
田家庵区奎先回答:[选项] A. ways B. measures C. issues D. patterns

用雍19154318192问: 英语达人 请问下 党史地方志 的正确英文翻译是什么
田家庵区奎先回答: Political parties in local history

用雍19154318192问: 英文简历中的membership of political parties怎么写 -
田家庵区奎先回答: membership of political parties 你有没有加入哪个政党?有,就填政党名称,没有,就不填或划斜线.要么:none

用雍19154318192问: 介绍美国的政党以及他们的历史和影响用英语怎么说 -
田家庵区奎先回答: 这是一个标题吗?缺主语啊,谁【介绍】?如果是标题的话,请用:On the Political Parties in theUnited States and the History and Influences of These Parties (关键词要大写,无句号) 如果是有主语的话,比如【我】,请用:I willintroduce the political parties in the United States and the history andinfluences of these parties.(这是一个句子,可以直接放在文章中.)

用雍19154318192问: political party english defination -
田家庵区奎先回答: A political party is a group of people who have similar ideas about how government should respond to issues facing society. Political parties are formalyy recognized as organizations.

用雍19154318192问: 英美政治制度的比较要英文的谢谢大家了在线等急谢谢了谢谢
田家庵区奎先回答: Presidential cabinet system Britain and the United States are two-party system, which... The difference lies in: 1 / the United Kingdom's first two political parties in Parliament ...

用雍19154318192问: guild与alliance区别,用法与使用环境上 -
田家庵区奎先回答: 我觉得意思都不一样,没有区别的价值. 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 guild /ɡɪld/ CET6+ ( guilds )1. N-COUNT A guild is an organization of people who do the same job. 同业公会 例:...the Writers' Guild of America.…美国作家协会.同近义词 n. 协会...

用雍19154318192问: 英语翻译Swaraj is angry that the government did not take all political parties on board before announcing the landmark reform.这两句英语怎么翻译?特别的on ... -
田家庵区奎先回答:[答案] Swaraj is angry that the government did not take all political parties on board before announcing the landmark reformSwaraj对于政府在发表这个重要的改革之前没有召集所有的政党商讨感到愤怒....

用雍19154318192问: 英国的party politics and political party 的区别是什么? -
田家庵区奎先回答: party politics指党派的政治,只局限于一个党派.political party指政治党派,能参加不同的政治性竞选

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