
作者&投稿:迟彦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

由于生产性毒物的毒性、接触时间和接触浓度、个体差异等因素的不同,职业中毒可分为三种类型。1.急性中毒(acute poisoning):指毒物一次或短时间内(几分钟或数小时)大量进入人体后所引起的中毒。如急性苯中毒等。2.慢性中毒(chronic poisoning):指毒物少量长期进入人体后所引起的中毒。如慢性铅中毒等...

食物中毒(food poisoning),泛指所有因为进食了受污染食物、致病细菌、病毒,又或被寄生虫、化学品或天然毒素(例如:有毒蘑菇)感染了的食物。根据如上各种致病源,食物中毒可以分为以下四类,即:化学性食物中毒、细菌性食物中毒、霉菌毒素与霉变食品中毒、有毒动植物中毒。食物中毒发病为非传染性的急性、亚急性疾病,可区...

PSS,即"Poisoning Severity Score"的缩写,中文直译为“中毒严重程度评分”。这个术语在医学领域特别重要,主要用于衡量中毒患者的病情严重程度。在医学英语中,PSS的流行度达到了2699,表明它在中毒评估和治疗中被广泛应用。缩写词PSS主要应用于英国医学,特别是在急性中毒的诊断和预后评估中。具体来说,PSS...

食物中毒的英语翻译 食物中毒用英语怎么说
食物中毒_百度翻译 食物中毒 [词典] [医] alimentary toxicosis; bromatotoxismus; food-poisoning; sitotoxism; food poisoning;[例句]在圣诞假期里,他经历了一次严重的食物中毒。He had suffered a serious case of food poisoning over the Christmas holidays.双语例句 中中释义 ...

A:How to prevent food poisoning (如何预防食物中毒)B:Prevention: "If you do not clean daily food, pay attention to preservation, if possible deterioration of food by these bacteria pollution." Expert advice: First, note that after you bought the food clean; Second, meat must be cut carefully...

毒物用英语怎么说 毒物的英语翻译?
8. i believe i’ve located the origin of the poisoning.9. – Do you need a list of poisons?10. Run a tox screen. i’m guessing her severe pain is another case of oxy withdrawal.11. The venom puts the subject in a dissociative state.12. Just how the toxin works and ...

低毒 中毒 高毒 重毒 剧毒 英语怎么说
Low toxic poisoning high toxic heavy poison poisonous

(英文翻译) 我已经中了音乐的毒
poison无论用作名词还是动词,都有贬义的含义。用作动词时主要有以下几个用法:1.毒死, 毒杀 The explosion of the chemical plant has poisoned many local residents.那座化工厂的爆炸毒死了许多当地居民。2.放毒于 3.污染 Exhaust fumes from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.汽车排出的...

英语作文:first aid for poisoning
Poisoning is caused by exposure to a harmful substance. This can be due to swallowing, injecting, breathing in, or other means. Most poisonings occur by accident.Immediate first aid is very important in a poisoning emergency. The first aid you give before getting medical help can ...

poisoning the well中文释义是什么?谢谢了。
向井里投毒 ~~~原创回答,简明扼要,欢迎追问。(*^__^*) ~~~

段类15320674036问: Poisoning - 搜狗百科
曲沃县复方回答:[答案] 一般情况下,poisoning 不用作形容词,而是动词的ing形式,或者是名词,大多数是名词的意义,意思是中毒,比如 food poisoning, lead poisoning,食物中毒,铅中毒等等.poison 有形容词的性质,是有毒的,比如 pois...

段类15320674036问: Poison是什么意思 -
曲沃县复方回答: poison 英[ˈpɔɪzn] 美[ˈpɔɪzn] n. 毒药; 毒物; 毒素; 极有害的思想(或心情等); 精神毒药; v. 毒死; 毒害; 下毒; 在…中放毒; 毒化; 败坏; 使恶化; [例句]Poison from the weaver fish causes paralysis, swelling, and nausea 龙的...

段类15320674036问: 中毒英语怎拼? -
曲沃县复方回答: poisoning 英 ['pɒɪzənɪŋ] 美 ['pɔɪznɪŋ] n. 中毒 v. 毒害(poison的ing形式) [网络短语] poisoning 中毒,施毒术,施毒法 nitrite poisoning 亚硝酸盐中毒,亚硝镪水盐中毒,燕麦干草中毒 benzene poisoning 苯中毒,慢性苯中毒,慢性苯中毒

段类15320674036问: 中毒英语是甚么
曲沃县复方回答: Poisoning 中毒[zhòng dú]poisoning; methysis; be poisoned; intoxication; toxicosis; 小马过河网翻译

段类15320674036问: poinoning什么意思
曲沃县复方回答: poisoning: [ pɔizniŋ ] n. 中毒 例句与用法 1. Food poisoning can cause death. 食物中毒可导致死亡. 2. A toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning. 肠毒素由...

段类15320674036问: 巴比妥类中毒和戒断的临床特征及其治疗是怎样的?
曲沃县复方回答: 巴比妥类临床常用苯巴比妥、异戊巴比妥、司可巴比妥等,用于失眠、焦虑和惊厥的治疗.巴比妥类中毒(poisoning)表现明显的中枢神经系统抑制性反应.(1) 中毒临床...

段类15320674036问: 为什么He killed several people by poisoning their tea.中的poisoning用ing形式?如题.by后面不应该是加ed吗? -
曲沃县复方回答:[答案] 没有 by是介词, 后面用动名词形式

段类15320674036问: “某某中毒了”英文怎么说 -
曲沃县复方回答: The Snow White princess poisoned!(白雪公主中毒了) He poisoning(他中毒) poisoning 是中毒的意思!

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