
作者&投稿:真华 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

造句:1、The lake district in England is famous for its countless loughs. (英格兰的湖区以它无数的湖泊而闻名。)2、Lough Erne in Northern Ireland is a popular destination for fishing.(北爱尔兰的厄恩湖是钓鱼的流行目的地。)3、The loughs on the island of Skye in Scotland are some...

His sister is a beautiful girl.他的姐姐是一位漂亮的女孩

(1)Don't laugh at others',shortcomings,it's impolite.(2)he laughs for a long time。

3、The opening of the G8 Summit at the Lough Erne Resort in Northern Ireland.G8峰会在北爱尔兰厄恩湖度假村开幕。4、a summer resort in the mountains山间避暑胜地 5、We have no choice but to resort to arbitration.我们另无选择,只能诉仲裁。6、A top-grade holiday resort will be bu...

造句如下:1.There is no doubt that Ms Forde, like Mr Loughner, represents an extreme and marginal view.毫无疑问,福德女士和拉夫特先生,都有非常极端的观点。2.The sentence for Ms Forde reflects the brutality of her crime.对福德女士的审判取决于她的残忍的罪行。3.That period should ...

65 就在他的 杀戮 盛宴之前,Loughner萌起了“我的最终想法”。 66 正是菲舍尔撤销了建议暂缓轰炸东部,当有人问及为什么他们爱护一个地区而同时在另外一个地区 杀戮 时,奥尔布莱特说。 67 情变从来不是真正的苦难,不过是离开一个不爱自己的人,应当是有意义的事。而不是饥饿、疾病和 杀戮 。爱情是上苍见众生...

opening造句 1、an opening that permits escape or release.能够逃跑或释放的口。2、He squeezed through a narrow opening in the fence.他从围栏的一个狭窄缺口挤了过去。3、The opening of the G8 Summit at the Lough Erne Resort in Northern Ireland.G8峰会在北爱尔兰厄恩湖度假村开幕。4、...

Bill and Tony are twin brothers.比尔和汤尼是双胞胎兄弟。2. It's nothing serious, just a cold.不太严重,就有一点感冒。3.He never take a note in class.他上课从不做笔记。4. What does this word mean? 这个单词什么意思?5. What is the meaning of this word? 这个单词什么意思?...

opening造句 1、An opening that permits escape or release.能够逃跑或释放的口。2、He squeezed through a narrow opening in the fence.他从围栏的一个狭窄缺口挤了过去。3、The opening of the G8 Summit at the Lough Erne Resort in Northern Ireland.G8峰会在北爱尔兰厄恩湖度假村开幕。4、...

訾选17512563651问: 表示耕田翻土的耕you 怎么写 -
永寿县苏适回答:[答案] plough耕: He is ploughing (the field).

訾选17512563651问: plough与plow有什么区别? -
永寿县苏适回答: 英式、美式写法不同意思一样

訾选17512563651问: be - stuck - behind - a - plough是什么意思 -
永寿县苏适回答: be stuck behind a plough 老不及格 plough [英][plaʊ][美][plaʊ] n.耕作,耕地; 犁; [天]北斗七星; 〈英俚〉(主考人评定)不及格; 例句:1.Just beware getting stuck behind one on a picturesque mountain road. 只用提防被房车堵在风景如画的山路之中就够了.2.Once, in jenin, his car was stuck behind an ambulance at a checkpoint for an hour. 有一次,在杰宁的一个检查站,他的车被卡在一辆救护车后面足足一个小时

訾选17512563651问: plough怎么读 -
永寿县苏适回答: 这个,其实真的的要靠经验了,你单词够多的时候就会脱口而出了

訾选17512563651问: 犁英语怎么读 -
永寿县苏适回答: plough 音标[plau] 中文谐单“普劳”名词 n. 1.犁 Ploughs are pulled by tractors, or in some countries by oxen. 犁由拖拉机牵引, 在一些国家则用牛来拉. 2.耕地 We possess ten acres of plough. 我们拥有十英亩耕地.及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 ...

訾选17512563651问: plough这个单词什么意思
永寿县苏适回答:plough :[plau]

訾选17512563651问: 做一半没完成成语
永寿县苏适回答: 【成语】: 半途而废【拼音】: bàn tú ér fèi【解释】: 废:停止.指做事不能坚持到... 《礼记·中庸》:“君子遵道而行,半途而废,吾弗难已矣.”【举例造句】: 如果...

訾选17512563651问: 半途而止是不是成语 -
永寿县苏适回答: 半途而止不是成语 半途而废是成语 【成语】: 半途而废 【拼音】: bàn tú ér fèi 【解释】: 废:停止.指做事不能坚持到底,中途停顿,有始无终.【出处】: 《礼记·中庸》:“君子遵道而行,半途而废,吾弗难已矣.” 【举例造句】: 如...

訾选17512563651问: 那工具是用来耕地的 -
永寿县苏适回答: That tools are used to plough.

訾选17512563651问: plough什么意思 -
永寿县苏适回答: n.耕作,耕地,(主考人评定)不及格 V.用犁耕田,投(资),开路,破浪前进

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