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look at the lease 是什么意思
意思是看租约。例句:Look at the lease, then you will find whether the house is suitable for you.看租约,然后你就知道这个房子是否适合你了。重点词汇和短语:look at 英[luk æt] 美[lʊk æt][词典] 看; 审视; 评判; 接受;[例句]Can I have a look at...

写字楼 office building 会议室 council chamber, council hall 经理室 manager room 计划部 planning departmen\/plan department 工程部 Engineering Department 生产部 production department\/production staff QC部 QC Department 验货房 examine goods room 统计部 Statistics Department 人事部 personnel ...

LOL狐狸台词 越多越好
LOL狐狸台词如下:我们心有灵犀,不是吗?真诱人 别压抑自己 该办正事了 请宠爱我吧 我们来吗?告诉我个秘密吧 你不相信我吗?你渴望什么呀?大发慈悲?太迟了 他们是我的了 我们去找点真正的乐子 没有人能够阻挡我的道路 他们的价值已经被榨干了 来试试运气吧~如果你认为还可以的话 想和我玩吗...

tenancy 与lease有什么区别
例如 a two-year tenancy 2. the right to use a house, land etc that is rented 例如 He held a sole tenancy of a flat.而lease 指契约本身 与时间和使用权无关 英文译为 a legal agreement which allows you to use a car, building etc for a period of time in return for ...

- [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃 - Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃 - Ailease! *喊声* - Hooah! *吼声* 先知- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The future is ours! 未来属于我们! =选定音效= - My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切 - Seeing is believing! 眼见为实 - Do ...

...希望大神些能帮我解答一下。For lessees, S
capital lease是资本租赁,资本租赁从定义上讲就是出租方给承租方提供融资,所以两者是相同的。

lease obligations是什么意思
not have sufficed to allow the United Nations to move forward on schedule with the critical lease obligations and commitments necessary for the pre-construction work.一个国家的代表团提议任意拨款2350万美元,不足以使联合国按计划履行重要的租赁合同,也无法为开工前阶段的工作承付必要的资金。

这是一间一居室。3. Are utilities included in the rent?房租包含水电杂费吗?4. Do you have any cheap studio apartments?你有那种卧室、起居室合二为一的单间小公寓出租吗?5. Can I have a month-to-month lease? I only want to rent the apartment for five months.我能按月租赁吗?我...

商务英语写作指导:“in case”与“if”的区别
Inthe case of the Property, the lease agreement has been executed for a period often years.至于所有权的问题,该借贷协议已经执行了10年。(Asregards the Property…)(至于所有权问题...)“Inthe case of…” can also mean “for”, as in this example...

n.租用; 雇用 租金; 酬金; 工钱 be in the hire of sb.受雇于某人 fight [work] for hire 当雇佣兵[雇工]This car is for hire.这辆车是出租的。习惯用语 hire out 租出去 (=hire oneself out)受雇 on hire 出租 for hire 出租 参考词汇 hire let rent lease 都含“租用”或“出租”的...

店纯19266362957问: please forgive me.是什么意思 -
新郑市库森回答: 就是请原谅我. forgive是原谅的意思

店纯19266362957问: 请你原谅我,用英语咋翻译 -
新郑市库森回答: please forgive me

店纯19266362957问: 谁知道一首英文歌,歌词有 Please forgive me,'请原谅我,你一直是我的爱' -
新郑市库森回答: Please forgive me (Bryan Adams) it still feels like our first night together feels like the first kiss it's getting better baby no one can better this still holding on you're still the one first time our eyes met same feeling i get only feels much stronger i wanna ...

店纯19266362957问: ”请原谅我”用英文怎么说 -
新郑市库森回答: 请原谅我 Please forgive me 英 [fəˈɡiv] 美 [fɚˈɡɪv, fɔr-] vt.& vi. 原谅; 饶恕; 对不起; 请原谅; vt. 免除;

店纯19266362957问: please forgive me中英歌词 -
新郑市库森回答: Bryan Adams - Please Forgive Me 演唱:Bryan Adams Still feels like our first night together, Feels like the first kiss, It's getting' better. Baby, no one can better this. Still holdin' on, you're still the one. First time our eyes met, Same feelin' I get, Only ...

店纯19266362957问: 请你原谅我,用英语咋说 -
新郑市库森回答: Please forgive me.************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************

店纯19266362957问: 刚才我犯了个不可饶恕的错误,怎么用英语说"刚才我犯了个不可饶恕的错误,请原谅"怎么用英文说?请原谅是不是please forgive me? -
新郑市库森回答:[答案] 刚才我犯了个不可饶恕的错误 I made an unforgivable mistake just now.

店纯19266362957问: 请原谅我不能用英语说更多 -
新郑市库森回答:[答案] please forgive me for I cannot express myself in english. please forgive me for my poor english. excuse me,but that's all I can say in English.

店纯19266362957问: 请原谅我,英语翻译 -
新郑市库森回答: 请原谅我Please forgive me

店纯19266362957问: 如果我有做的不对地方,请原谅.这句话的英文怎么说 -
新郑市库森回答: Please forgive me if i have done something wrong

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