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team, side 队 竞技性运动competitive sport 用粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到 chalk up 出名make one's mark 体育项目(尤指重要比赛) event 体育PE (Physical Education) 体格、体质 physique 培训groom 余的,带零头的 odd 年少者 junior 残疾人 the handicapped\/disabled 学龄前儿童 preschool 全体;普通;一般 at...

learn a lot of thing.For example ,you can make some friends when you play basketball, you can improve your idea ...In all ,through the basketball sport, you can learn a lot of thing.I'm good at shoting and layshoting,of course i'm good at defence too.I like fast bre...

a good sport [口]堂堂正正的好人(特指具有公正, 勇敢性格的人); 讨人喜欢的人 be a sport [口]够朋友一点, 讲点交情 be the sport of 被...所玩弄; 受...的摆布 for [in] sport 闹着玩地 have good sport (打猎)满载而归 make sport of 戏弄, 愚弄; 嘲笑, 讽笑 mitten sport [...

链接: https:\/\/\/s\/1lv3xorTdkbaEXb7dA269zw ?pwd=bg9i 提取码: bg9i 初中英语|林敦民暑假4【9789-9讲】九次课攻破国际音标【任厚权】|林敦民暑假3【12699-60讲】初二新生英语年卡目标满分班(人教版)【刘飞飞】|林敦民暑假2【12575-60讲】2014学年初一英语年卡目标满分班(外研...

i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super weekend.they transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with it.secondly ,playing ...

ay way bay hay say hay lay May ai 一般在单词的中间,ay一般在单词的结尾。 B b bag crab bug bed B b thumb b numb crumb bomb C c cap camp cot can C c circle city cereal cinder circus cent center 前面我们在字母发音中介绍的是hard c的发音,c与元音字母e、i、半元音y相拼时,则发soft ...

He's a good sport.在乎:要拿得起放得下!Caring about: Must be able to take up can lay down!看得透、看得开、拿得起、放得下,当然是最高境界。It is certainly the highest state to be able to see through everything, take everything easy, and advance or retreat freely.我想...

Telefonica,Stockman鞋业,Repsol YPF,Sportman,La Serenissima,PES2009等 梅西基金会2007年,在巴塞罗那,梅西基金会在公证人的监督下正式成立了,基金会的主席是梅西,下属委员是梅西的爸爸(Jorge)和哥哥(Rodrigo),此外基金会还聘请了一位秘书。 此基金的宗旨是帮助那些来自阿根廷的病患儿童,疾病范围不限,基金会会为病患儿...

求一篇英语作文 100-150题目 my extracurricular activity字
In my university, there are many extra curriculum activities that can both entertain and benefit the students while they are not in class. I, for example, have entered the school’s basketball team and the band. In the basketball team, we mainly train for strength and skills. ...

my hobby play basketball英语作文80字
i think the first reason must be the media,there are many TV programmes about basketball,such as the basketball park,the super weekend.they transported the value and the sport spirit of bake tall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with it.secondly ,playing ...

隗梁13110425107问: play sports的音标是什么 -
邯山区艾诺回答: [ plei ] [ spɔ:ts ]

隗梁13110425107问: 进行体育运动用英语怎么说,读一遍给我听 -
邯山区艾诺回答: 英文原文知: play sports; playsports; sports; have sports; do sports; 英式音道标回:答 [pleɪ] [spɔːts] ; playsports ; [spɔːts] ; [hæv] [spɔːts] ; [duː] [spɔːts] ; 美式音标: [ple] [spɔrts] ; playsports ; [spɔrts] ; [hæv] [spɔrts] ; [du] [spɔrts] ;

隗梁13110425107问: play sports怎么读 -
邯山区艾诺回答: 普类 丝bou此

隗梁13110425107问: 常见的体育运动项目用英语怎么说啊 -
邯山区艾诺回答: 1、跳高:the high jump 音标:[ði haɪ dʒʌmp] 2、跳远:the long jump 音标: [ði lɔŋ dʒʌmp] 3、赛跑:the race 音标:[ði res] 4、游泳:swimming 音标: [ˈswɪmɪŋ] 5、曲棍球:hocky 音标: ['hɒkɪ] 6、足球:soccer 音标: [ˈsɑ:kə(r)] 扩展资料: 其他运动的英语1、篮球:basketball 2、排球:volleyball 3、乒乓球:table tennis 4、网球:tennis 5、橄榄球:football 6、、举重:lifting 7、、拳击:boxing 8、冰球:ice hocky

隗梁13110425107问: 运动sport怎么读,给英标,给斜音 -
邯山区艾诺回答: 英文原文: sport 谐音:食播特 英式音标: [spɔːt] 美式音标: [spɔrt]

隗梁13110425107问: sport是什么意思 音标 -
邯山区艾诺回答: 语法标注解释 sport英音:[spɔ:t]美音:[sport]以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 名词,娱乐,消遣[U][C] He spends all his time in sport and play. 他把全部时间化在消遣和游玩上. 2.运动,体育竞技活动[C][U] I think football is an exciting...

隗梁13110425107问: play games 怎么发音 -
邯山区艾诺回答: p(p音轻)泪给唔(唔音轻)死(死音轻)

隗梁13110425107问: 单词体育的英文怎么读 -
邯山区艾诺回答: 体育的英文:sports 词汇解析 sports 英 [spɔːts] 美 [spɔrts]n. 运动;运动会;突变;娱乐 adj. 运动的;适用于运动的 v. 娱乐;戏弄 例:You like sports while I like reading. 你喜欢运动而我喜欢读书. 例:We get along well because we both ...

隗梁13110425107问: 踢足球的音标怎么写 -
邯山区艾诺回答: 英文原文:play football 英式音标:[pleɪ] [ˈfʊtbɔːl] 美式音标:[ple] [ˈfʊtbɔl]

隗梁13110425107问: 体育类运动英文音标 -
邯山区艾诺回答:[答案] 英文原文: sports 1.体操 gymnastics 2.游泳 swimming 3.击剑 fencing 4.举重 weight lifting 5.棒球 baseball 6.篮球 basketball 7.排球 volleyball 8.乒乓球 table tennis 9.足球 soccer 10.跳水 diving 11.马球 polo 12.水球 water polo 13.垒球 softball 14.网球 ...

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