
作者&投稿:暨真 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

arrived when he became a member of Nebraska's state board of agriculture. He proposed that a special day be set aside dedicated to tree planting and increasing awareness of the importance of trees. Nebraska's first Arbor Day was an amazing success. More than one million trees...

Rothko Roscoe 都是的洛克斯的翻译 不过都不是L开头的 你要用L开头的名字 可以叫 lance(老式德语)"大地",lance被形容为爱情小说中的英雄人物--英俊,有男子气慨,富有。larry, lawrence的简写。大部份人认为larry是随和友善的-所到之处无不充满笑声。lee(古英语)来自牧场之人。lee这个名字结合了...

英语作文my dream home怎么写
I can sit under the tree with my family. Behind the garden, there is a swimming pool. I can swim with my friends in summer. I think it is very comfortable to live in my dream home Tha

B them C for A trees

茶贺13871887197问: plant trees是什么意思 -
东莞市紫龙回答: plant trees栽树; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.They will plant trees next sunday. 下周六他们打算去种树.

茶贺13871887197问: plant trees是什么意思 -
东莞市紫龙回答: 栽树plant trees栽树 双语例句 1. It's our civic duty to plant trees. 植树是每个公民的义务. 来自辞典例句 2. Due to the extreme cold, we were unable to plant the trees. 由于天气很冷, 所以我们无法去植树.

茶贺13871887197问: 请问,英语'plant'是什么意思?plant trees的解释 -
东莞市紫龙回答:[答案] Plant: 1,植物 2工厂 3(工业用的)大型机器,设备 4 不合法的东西 5 指内线,卧底的人 动词: 1 种植,播种 plant trees 植树 你可以查字典的

茶贺13871887197问: planttrees是什么意?planttrees是什么意思
东莞市紫龙回答: 意思是:种树.

茶贺13871887197问: 请用plant trees造句加中文 -
东莞市紫龙回答:[答案] We should plant trees so that we can prevent the environment

茶贺13871887197问: plant trees什么意思 -
东莞市紫龙回答: plant many trees 植许多树双语例句 1 In this way they help plant many trees and bushes. 这样,它们便帮着种下许多的树木和灌木.2 To make Beijing cleaner and more beautiful, my classmates and I will plant many trees. 为了使北京更干净、更美丽,我和同学们要种很多树.

茶贺13871887197问: plant the trees对不对 与plant trees 有什么区别 -
东莞市紫龙回答:[答案] 对的.两者没有本质区别,前者一般指当前特定事情,是在特定情形下.而后者则指一种普遍的事情,或理解为概念.

茶贺13871887197问: 植树是 plant trees.翻译成plant the tree对吗? -
东莞市紫龙回答:[答案] plant trees 是统称植树 你如果要强调种某一棵树,也行的

茶贺13871887197问: plant trees的汉语意思是什么 -
东莞市紫龙回答: 种树,确定以及肯定

茶贺13871887197问: 请以 “Plant More Trees” 为题,根据下列提示用英语写一篇80个词以上的短文.提示:Plant More Trees 1.树是一种重要的自然资源.2.树有利于环境的改善.... -
东莞市紫龙回答:[答案] Plant More TreesTrees can make cities greenerTrees can make the air freshertrees can make streets greenerTrees Provide oxygenTrees are in forestsWe must plant more treeswe will have a green planet

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