
作者&投稿:皇矿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Defined by lace tops, skirts over capri pants, fishnet stockings, jewelry bearing the Christian cross, and bleached hair, it became a female fashion trend in the 1980s.[24] Her follow up album, Like a Virgin, became her first number one album on the U.S. albums chart,[25] buoyed by...

I was thrilled to rediscover lace w:st="on">Chinalace>. 再次发现中国是已经发生的,因此才会感到兴奋(thrilled),还是跟to表示到了什么地方,结果有关了。还有不定式不管做什么成分,它的一般式(to be doing 是它的进行式,to have done它的完成式)都有个“将来”的味道, 这也与它做介词时的方向性有关吧...

我的鞋带松了,我得赶紧系一下。要不我很可能被绊倒。① I need to re-tie my shoelace as it's lose and I might trip on it.② My shoelace is loose, so I need to retie it, or else I might trip.③ My shoelace came loose, so I need to hurry and tie it. Otherwise I...

Cifon Lace 是什么意思 求高手翻译 急

My dress. (中翻英!!)
I have a beautiful dress. It is pink with a lace made flower. The rim is also made of lace with ribbon on the back of the dress. It is quite pretty. I love my dress.

我想要贾斯汀比伯的love me one time kiss and tell baby up pray 中文...
It's a big big world 这是个大世界 And I'm gonna show you all of it 我要给你看它的全部 I'm gonna lace you with pearls (oh) 我要给你带上珍珠 From every ocean that we're swimming in 从每个我们游过的海洋 宝贝我们在地面下 But we're on the surface now 其实我们已经在月球表面了 ...

The pad on which bobbin lace is made.花边垫子:在其上编织花边的垫子 v.(动词)pil.lowed,, pil.lows及物动词)To rest (one's head) on or as if on a pillow.搁于枕上:把头枕在或象是枕在枕头上 To serve as a pillow for:当作枕头用:Grass pillowed...

lz贴出的歌词乱码现象真是太多了,我先把它调整一下 Your mouth, so hot Your web, I'm caught Your skin, so wet Black lace, on sweat I hear you calling and it's needles and pins I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name Don't wanna touch you but you're under...

我了解LZ想要什么。Whiskies are very special and characteristic, with the eye-catching golden yellow color, the ‘woody ’ or ‘smoky’ hint in it’s aroma, and the fruity sweetness and pleasant bitterness of its taste.(30 words)耀眼的金黄色,略带木质或烟熏的迷人香气,以及那果甜味...

求翻译高手。这是一段关于Nina Ricci这个时装品牌在2011巴黎秋冬时装周...
如果你的思绪回到一个半月前,就会想起Nicole Kidman 出席荧屏奖颁奖的服饰非常出众。其海军肩章及低黑色蕾丝露背设计出自Nina Ricci的设计师Peter Copping之手。Copping两年前就称自己的设计精髓是完美的女人味和不可救药的浪漫并带有一丝时尚的气息,这件就是其代表作。秋季的设计他没有按常理出牌,但是...

薄到13743688487问: 有没有sth take place on sb这一结构 -
鄞州区银杏回答:[答案] 没有,只有sth happen to sb

薄到13743688487问: place - a - high - value - on - sb是什么意思 -
鄞州区银杏回答: place a high value on sb 高度重视某人; 非常器重某人 . ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

薄到13743688487问: place on 是什么意思? -
鄞州区银杏回答: 是place sth on 吧,这样place是动词,就是把什么东西放置在什么地方上 例如:He placed the money on the table. 他把钱放在桌子上. 另外也有强加的意思 place money on deposit 有存钱的意思

薄到13743688487问: place. on造句 -
鄞州区银杏回答: One of the men with him gave up his place on the bench.他的一个同伴将长椅上的位子让了出来.he interview took place on a Friday afternoon 采访是在一个星期五的下午进行的.

薄到13743688487问: take the place of sb.和take place of sb.的区别 -
鄞州区银杏回答: take place of sb 和take the place of sb. 在意思上没有区别,都表示“取代,代替”,如需表达在哪方面取代,则需要在后面加in sth.; 而in place of虽然也是表达了“取代、代替”的意思,但需要在前面加一个动词,这个动词就可以表达出更具体的内容,如工作、职位、名次等等.

薄到13743688487问: sb be to someplace什么意思? -
鄞州区银杏回答: 某人要去某个地方

薄到13743688487问: take the place of sb.是什么意思 -
鄞州区银杏回答: 1. 翻译:take the place of sb:代替某人.2. 例句:1.It was the place of all the demons. 也就是所有恶魔的聚集之所.2.It hangs in pride of place in a room of watercolours. 现在这幅作品正悬挂在一间水彩画的屋里.

薄到13743688487问: take one's place和take place of sb的区别 -
鄞州区银杏回答: take one's place和take the place of sb的意思是一样的,做一如果把D的take place of me改成take the place of me就也对了.

薄到13743688487问: sb plan sth in someplace是什么意思? -
鄞州区银杏回答: 这个结构可能有两种含义. 直译:某人计划某事(物)在某地 这里的两种含义是: 1,某人在某地计划 2 ,把某物计划到某地去

薄到13743688487问: 地方的英文是什么? -
鄞州区银杏回答: 地方的英文:place place 读法 英 [pleɪs] 美 [pleɪs] n. 地方;地位;职位;获奖的名次 v. 将(某物)放置;安排;订货;寄托;辨认;获得名次 例句 1、After you finished, put everything back in its place again. 用毕请将每一件东西放回原处...

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